Why Cain Builds a City • The City Ep. 2
In the story of the Bible, cities are a bad thing. They’re a symptom of humanity’s violence and attempts to protect themselves instead of trusting God. In fact, in the second chapter of Genesis, God “builds” something for humanity’s protection. And it’s not a city—it’s a woman. In this episode, Tim and Jon explore the theme of the city and the first thing God builds.
Show Music
“Defender (Instrumental)” by TENTS
“Portland Synth Cruise” by Sam Stewart
“Hello from Portland” by Beautiful Eulogy
“Start Me Up” by Tyler Bailey
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Jesus was a builder, not a carpenter, so that fits whith God building a woman from the human
I once read someone (I think it was either Martin Luther or one of the Church Fathers) make the connection between God "building" Eve from Adam and the words from Matthew 16 "on this rock I will build my church." The same connection also would then apply to how Eve was taken from Adam's side, and the Church was, in a sense, taken from the side of the second Adam, when His side was pierced on the cross.
This would then also tie into your argument about the eschatological city. I was actually expecting you to bring it up when you mentioned Eve being "built."
help us Lord to trust You and Your ways!
Great podcast, ty😊
I love this channel
Is the Church ally to Yeshua & for the Earth (the adamah)
So good! 🥰
In Biblical literature, the chronological series of an event is just as important as the event itself. The the fact that Cain has a son before he builds a city leads me to believe that the city was to protect his son as much as it was to protect him. Almost defiant in that Cain doesn’t pray for God to protect the son, but he will take on that role himself
I would like to point out that walls are also spiritual, where they represent law. Literal walls were useful in ancient times, before cannon was invented. You could keep out barbarian raiders and bandits with literal walls. In modern times of artillery, literal city walls have disappeared, but not the law. The law is the spiritual representation of the city wall.
Please help
Why would an abused child grow up and marry an abusive spouse? What happens to affect their decision making? Is it because they suffered traumas?
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Claire Jordan
Worked at National Health Service (NHS)Author has 50.7K answers and 405.1M answer views3y
Do you think people who suffered child abuse look for abusive partners?
Not usually intentionally, but it often pans out that way. Some are imprinted on the way their parents behaved and feel that as normal. Some feel abuse is all they deserve, or are weirdly comfortable with it, because it’s what they’re used to and know how to cope with.
Others need the love they were denied, but don’t have enough experience to tell healthy love from pathological, so they fall in with narcissists or outright predators who shower them with attention at the beginning of the relationship and then turn nasty later, when they are trapped by conditioning, or by economic control or threats of violence.
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People who were abused as children may believe, on some deep level, that they are not good enough to deserve a genuinely caring relationship. They may feel in a submissive position to others, making it hard to accept real love. They may have even been convinced by their abuser that they deserved the abuse.
How do people end up marrying abusive/terrible people?
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Kerri Nichols
Former CounsellorAuthor has 1.1K answers and 1.7M answer views2y
Abusive people pick their victims very carefully. They lull them into a full sense of security, then marry them. Now they feel safe so the abuse starts. Victims are groomed like kids are, and the abuser has done it before so they have a lot of experience.
Abusive spoilt brat Kathi Zadai with a Jezebel spirit is limelight-craving, shameless and is a direct opposite of a virtuous woman. She stole a marriage by fraud – lying that she's a missionary.
She is not only a constant menace to fraud victim Kevin Zadai but is also a torture to YouTube viewers.
God saves the innocent viewers and fraud and abuse x2 victim Kevin Zadai.
God's covering, vs. ours, always make me think of Jeremiah 17:5 & 7
Thanks for the clarification.
Excellent premier of the City video! Thanks to Bot as well and his tea..
Oh, ok, u just mentioned it 😊
Wait…what other people? Weren't Adam and Ev the first people and his kids?
Cain settled in the land of nod and cain meet his wife and build the first city sodom and build other a few other city afterwards with where burned with fire and sulfur.
God wanted mankind to spread out across the world, not like adam would do and just say in one place at a time. That why god marked cain
Guys at 57 min your ignoring that they Died adama died in the moment they ate they Died spiritually the Image and Likness of God " nishmat chayiim" the spirit of lives has left Adam and in genesis 5:3 adam gives birth to kids in His own Image and likeness reflecting what it is not to have the spirit of God indwelling the Clay Pot,
That was the problem
The sin and spiritual death, the law of sin and death
Jesus was the solution to that, He delt with the Sin issue forever for all humanity and when you believe the Gospel which is the Life restoring promise the Holly Spirit the Breath of Life is restored to you and because there is no more sin which could be held against you the life you have is Eternal life
It’s been a while since I’ve had my mind blown this much. This is going to take my biblical study to the next level. Thanks for all the work you guys do!
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Are there downloadable transcripts for this series?
After listening to the cities series, I had the revelation that the reason some cults seem so appealing for some families, is that they are searching for safe shelter to keep kids and themselves away from dangers, even though they literally walk themselves into harms way.
My parents did extreme parenting. Was in a Mormon WWASP facility from the age 16-18. Not by choice. But my parents did it to protect me.
Even if it did do some harm. We live in a world that’s hard to know who to trust or where to turn. Even if we think we are abiding, there are so many bad things disguised as good in the name of faith or religion.
After a bit of study, everyone had to know Cain killed their brother. This must be why he was scared. In Genesis 4:25 Adam's "wife" proclaims Cain killed Abel.
fascinating … absolutely fascinating! … I will never see a city in the Bible (or any other city for that matter) in the same way … looking forward to working my way through all of the videos! … many, many thanks for this series!
I can appreciate the concept of God taking from Adam part of his 'side' to construct/build a woman because in reproduction it is only the male who has X Y spermatozoa. Why would bother God start with dust of the ground as he initially did when he had the basics for human (male and female) already there. Just a thought.
Where do the other people come from? The ones that Cain fears and his own wife? Could you please cover that in a video?
0:45 I like the comparison of the Jerusalem walls to a scar in Revalatiins. So many people i see online talk about loving their scars as a part of their beautiful bodies; a God who does the same for humanity sounds warm 🤗
Heavy on the ads
Ow this was really good!
God gave Adam eve who was like water to a field (natural Allie’s) the Allie is corrupted and so good gives them skin to clothe their embarrassment God doesn’t make them clothe themselves they’re free to be unclothed but their guilt burdens them so Clothes give them a sense of peace….. time passes and Adam and his family are near Eden but aren’t in Eden Cain kills able and God tells him to leave his family, Cain is alone in the wilderness (essentially naked in the world with no skin to protect him) God tells him he’ll keep him safe the sign will naturally keep him alive perhaps even from wild beasts….. but Cain feels unsafe so he builds walls around himself and his family and new people join him and protect him (Cain provides his own protection making him like God) but unlike Gods sigh that will naturally keep him safe the city only protects him and his tribe other city’s (tribes nations etc) will see him as a stranger (what he feared from wandering) and he will be unsafe ultimately the sigh (in which required nothing like Adam and Eve when they were naked and exposed to the world) is inadequate protection and causes further problems (the same for humanity clothing ourself’s as it doesn’t prevent lust and unlike Eden were our skin was never in danger clothing/armor is ineffective protection compared to what we had in Eden) ultimately genesis starting from Adam to Cain is a story of how Gods natural way leads to inherent success with no complications but how human desire to make the world more complex with our own solutions ultimately leads to small problems that grow in scale until God himself corrects the mistake. In this case God will take Eve and the City (the source of all life and the ability to protect and sustain that life) humanity’s first mistakes and turn them into New Jerusalem! He will have walls for that city but unlike Caine walls which he hid behind to feel safe God will decorate the wall as a beautiful sigh to make people come to the city!
Love this series. Love this channel.
You guys should the Greek Septuagint which is the oldest text of the Old Testament. The Hebrew language Old Testament wasn’t put into text till many hundreds of years after Jesus. God created Man first then a helper (woman).
I love that new understanding you’ve given. Simply from understanding the original language! “Selah” of Adam and “Banaa” his “azer”, which becomes Eve which means life. Wow.❤ you guys are great I hope this never ends! (: thank you!
LOL Hebrew seems to rival the Mayan language families in terms of puns and homophones.
In the Old Testament there are lots of “reminder stones/anointed pillars”,could the wals of the city be something like that? 8:50
Oh Wow! So many pieces falling together and making sense! I can't wait to hear the next episode. Thank you for doing all that you do.
Could you please write down all the names of the authors mentioned in your talk?
After killing Abel, a curse was placed upon Cain, and he responded to the Lord “…whoever finds me will kill me” (Gen. 4:14). “Then the Lord put a mark on Cain so that no one who found him would kill him” (Gen. 4:15). As Adam and Eve were shown mercy and covered with the skins of animals, so Cain was given a mark. Cain's mark would calm his two primary fears: the fear of wandering and the fear of being killed. The mark was placed upon him for protection and would bring seven-fold vengeance upon anyone who murdered him.
Most scholars agree that there is not a clear understanding of Cain’s mark. The word in Hebrew for mark, 'ot, first occurs in Gen. 1:14 in regard to the luminaries marking the times and seasons. The same word is used to describe a “sign” or “marking” of covenant, i.e., the rainbow (Gen. 9:12-13,17) and circumcision (Gen. 17:11). The Sabbath is also described as a sign (Ex. 31:13, 17) or mark. Most of the occurrences of the word 'ot refer to miraculous signs such as the plagues inflicted upon the Egyptians, the igniting of the food before Gideon (Judg. 6:17) and the shadow advancing upon the steps of the palace steps (2 Kings 20:9). According to the TWOT, page 18, it:
…either signifies the unusual event itself or in someway points to that unusual event. Or it may point backward to a historical event such as the stones in the Jordan (Josh. 4:6), or even forward to such a promise as a thornless future world (Isa. 55:13).
The 'ot placed upon Cain implies a special sign and marking that will make a difference in the history of mankind. In my opinion, it was the gifting to build a city, a place of protection, and it was a sign of God's mercy to Cain. Hence, he would be able to shelter other evildoers as himself. The mark was a sign of deliverance from death, fear and wandering—a walled city (which was the fruit of the mark) would act as an 'ot to its citizens. The chronology of events adds credence to this conclusion.
Thank you Dr. Carmen Imes. Not Helper. Not Helpmeet. Ally!
I don’t know Hebrew but you guys mentioned the symbolism of the Church being the bride, would that form of “build” be the same in Matthew 16:18 in regards to Jesus building the church ?
The woman was created for Adam deliverer ? MORE INFO PLEASE!
Cain killed his brother as an elevated form of blood sacrifice
God built the world. And she built all the people , bleed so much . Fought wars , but we prostitute the animal and the woman and our brother .
I wana work together . I want to teach children how to build and re build together, a big mansion , live with our tribe , build houses for the animals too , not sell them , build green houses , sauanas ,spas. Gyms, resorts , game areas , musical insutuments , gardens endless gardens, we wont cut flowers we will grow endless gardens, foods, medicines , well celebrate more , feast huge events , living life happy, not waiting 50 year's to finally sit down to be too old and our kids will be busy. We need to not rob the kingdom, we eat eat eaden eaden eaden .
We should all be married together, we are beautifully diffrent arts , well create more beautiful works of ppeople, they will all be our children . We will rasie them to trust eachother , love eachother, its okay to be be rejected, we dont need to lie , you can find someone else well be a community. Whoever starts doing sex and being part of it , will get honored, be kept safe. She will and he will and every cat dog and animal wont ever feel used for thier sacred duty . Our body will be honored we wont be sick anymore. Love you all