Why Did God Create Morally Free Creatures?
Greg Koukl of Stand to Reason answers the question, “Why did God create morally free creatures?”
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@Aphex217Twin: God is 'super' natural, outside of nature. So by definition we cannot know what is outside of nature except if it is revealed to us by the One who made it. Which is what God has done of His own prerogative, He didn’t have to. If we could understand God as we understand other things within all of nature, He wouldn't be 'God' nor worthy of worship.
The word 'uni – verse' literally means one spoken sentence, exactly as God in Genesis records for us. It is the only philosophically logical conclusion, someone made everything, certainly not what evolution teaches, that nothing made everything. All that we know of as reality, the whole shooting gallery, was created by God's spoken word. Everything from Divine, personal purpose. Christians know that God's Word is not nothing. Jesus in Matt 4:4 quotes Deut. 8:3, Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. A God with that kind of power is more than worthy of our worship.
@Aphex217Twin If the universe contimues to ex[and and get bigger and bigger and bigger, trace it all back and it becomes smaller and smaller and smaller until eventually you come to the smallest point and then therefore need the beginning which could not have happened by chance for that would violate the natural laws of physics.
@Aphex217Twin I will start with defuting the vaccuum theory. The vaccuum is a physical structure described by physical laws. It is not nothing that these particles are coming from but rather a large physical vaccuum that on the inside has a vast sea of energy that is generatingthe particles into being. It goes back to how the vaccuum came into existence.
The oscillating universe thoery is out because studies show that the universe isn't dense enough to oscillate but will keep expanding.
if you can't rap your mind around it, then what are you believing in exactly? If all God is is an abstract concept that we can't understand, then why try and believe it?
But then that means God can't know the future