Why Do People Deny a Truth Claim?
For more information, read Cold-Case Christianity: A Homicide Detective Investigates the Claims of the Gospels (http://amzn.to/2AW8bc5)
Why Some People Simply Will Not Be Convinced
In this episode of the Cold-Case Christianity Broadcast, J. Warner talks about the importance of presuppositions when considering a truth claim. Using analogies from cold-case trials, J. Warner compares the lives of two well-known Biblical scholars as he describes the power of presuppositional bias. (For more information, visit www.ColdCaseChristianity.com)
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Thank you so much, Jim! You're doing God's work! Also, I am very impressed by how non toxic this comment section is! God bless!
What makes the difference is greed (grants). Taxpayer funded grants promoting atheism are huge. Some people don't need the money, or they may be willing to live with less. Most people can't turn down the money. Some people might not be successful in getting grant awards, so they don't have the same strong temptation to abandon their faith.
The Bible gives 2 reasons people deny Truth. Pride or peoples love for sin. I dont believe there is an athiest on the planet. I think if you hooked these people up to lie detectors they would all fail
Perhaps 'pride' is a separate extra category? I mean, sometimes, it's not about what people want or feel, it's that they believe they couldn't possibly be wrong. But that's not a reasonable position, especially given the extent of the ignorance most people have about the epistemological and apologetics issues involved. I think it's quite common, too, isn't it? Sorry it doesn't fit the 'shun' mnemonic.
If God exists, then miracles are possible. For me, being able to conclude that God exists (by engaging in various philosophical lines of reasoning) made me much more open to the possibility of miracles.
I love that you take your work skills and experience and use them for building the Kingdom. Bless you 😃
Just a mustard seed is all our Lord wants us to plant, I think 🤔
Your book is fascinating, bringing our Bible studies to new levels of interesting. I wish there were page numbers by the study guide as sometimes we get a little lost trying to find the answers. God bless you and thank you for taking the time to write it.
Well, it seems that Satan has been successful, to push G P F M, off the "back burner", of our minds, & onto the Floor !
Satan and Demons , have obviously declared , that the book GOD'S PLAN FOR MAN – is " too HOT to handle " ! How does one go about rebuking a book, that quotes 33 Thousand Scriptures, to back up it's Teachings ? ? ? O NE – C A N ' T ! So, the best the Nay Sayers can do , is to Mis – Quote , Mis – Understand , and make " MythStakes " , and Outright Lies , about Finis Dake , and his Ministry ! Or, they have never even heard of the man ! P.S . By the way , Finis Dake is not the only one , in the Word of Faith Bible Teachers , tht is Mis – Understood , by many , Kenneth Hagin & others , are also . Concerning " Prosperity " , please check out the word " Prosper " in the C O N C O R D A N C E . It's mentioned N I N E T Y – O N E Times , in the KJV ! ( Bible Gateway , Free Online Concordance . ) The Bible , definately , teaches Prosperity ! ( Written by God's Bible Myth Buster , Bro Jim . Saved in 1967 , a former Catholic, former " Traditional " Pentecostal , and now , ( since 1985 ) a Word Of Faith , Born Again , Pentecostal Christian , who received God's Promised ( In Ephesians 1 verses 13 to 20 ) " S P I R I T – O F – W I S D O M – A N D – R E V E L A T I O N " , in order to Truly Rightly Divide God's Word . Amen .
Excellent Jim
Paul says I planted, Appolos watered, but God gets the harvest.
Jesus also said in john 6:44 said "No one comes to the Father unless the Spirit draws them".
So our job is to plant the seeds.
I have to hand it to the past believers because they were steadfast with out science. They didn't understand the fallacy of beneficial genetic mutation, the big bang, and things are now as they've always been. Don't know if I would be a believer with out science to convince me. Blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth.
lots of assumptions…
…if God the Holy Spirit isn't drawing them, nothing will work, but who says He's not using you to plant a seed for the next guy or gal? Therefore, always leave them with a scripture, because it IS living and active, and can build faith. Also remember that someone's conversion is not our problem, but God's problem, so don't worry!
Excellent! Thank you!