Why Do People “Shun” the Truth?
For more information, read Cold-Case Christianity: A Homicide Detective Investigates the Claims of the Gospels (http://amzn.to/2AW8bc5)
Why Some People Simply Will Not Be Convinced
J. Warner Wallace answers questions about Christianity in his “Think Like a Detective” series on RightNow Media, the “Netflix of Christian Bible Studies”. In this video, J. Warner addresses three reasons why people reject a truth claim. You might think people reject truth claims for purely rational reasons. Is this true?
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I always find Jim, when I'm in a discussion against shunners they are quick to prove a point but lack a logical rebuke to what I tell them. Shunners also love to have other people join on their side. Not shocking starving wolves tend to flock together for strength and dominance. I have personally finished these shunners of with most non believers dont want to be held accountable for the sins that they know is wrong. Child defiance to the parent thus being God to us.