Why I Left Greenpeace | 5 Minute Video
Patrick Moore explains why he helped to create Greenpeace, and why he decided to leave it. What began as a mission to improve the environment for the sake of humanity became a political movement in which humanity became the villain and hard science a non-issue.
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In 1971 I helped found an environmental group in the basement of a Unitarian church in Vancouver, Canada. Fifteen years later, it had grown into an international powerhouse. We were making headlines every month. I was famous. And then I walked out the door.
The mission, once noble, had become corrupted — political agendas and fear mongering trumped science and truth. Here’s how it happened.
When I was studying for my PhD in ecology at the University of British Columbia, I joined a small activist group called the Don’t Make a Wave Committee. It was the height of the Cold War; the Vietnam War was raging. I became radicalized by these realities and by the emerging consciousness of the environment.
The mission of the Don’t Make a Wave Committee was to launch an ocean-going campaign against US hydrogen bomb testing in Alaska, a symbol of our opposition to nuclear war. As one of our early meetings was breaking up, someone said, “Peace,” A reply came, “Why don’t we make it a green peace,” and a new movement was born.
Green was for the environment and peace was for the people. We named our boat “The Greenpeace” and I joined the 12-person crew for a voyage of protest.
We didn’t stop that H-bomb test but it was the last hydrogen bomb the United States ever detonated. We had won a major victory.
In 1975, Greenpeace took a sharp turn away from our anti-nuclear efforts and set out to Save the Whales, sailing the high seas to confront Russian and Japanese whalers. The footage we shot — young protesters positioned between harpoons and fleeing whales — was shown on TV around the world. Public donations poured in. By the early 1980s we were campaigning against toxic waste, air pollution, trophy hunting, and the live capture of orca whales.
But I began to feel uncomfortable with the course my fellow directors were taking. I found myself the only one of six international directors with a formal science background. We were now tackling subjects that involved complex issues of toxicology, chemistry, and human health. You don’t need a PhD in marine biology to know it’s a good thing to save whales from extinction. But when you’re analyzing which chemicals to ban, you need to know some science. And the first lesson of ecology is that we are all interconnected. Humans are part of nature, not separate from it. Many other species, disease agents and their carriers, for example, are our enemies and we have the moral obligation to protect human beings from these enemies. Biodiversity is not always our friend.
I had noticed something else. As we grew into an international organization with over $100 million a year coming in, a big change in attitude had occurred. The “peace” in Greenpeace had faded away. Only the “green” part seemed to matter now. Humans, to use Greenpeace language, had become “the enemies of the Earth.” Putting an end to industrial growth and banning many useful technologies and chemicals became common themes of the movement. Science and logic no longer held sway. Sensationalism, misinformation, and fear were what we used to promote our campaigns.
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/videos/why-i-left-greenpeace
The book: the Wizard and the Prophet is a good deep dive into the entire argument he's making here. Definitely worth a read
He says it like if he was an AI
От противопехотных мин которые передает Пентагон на Украину в первую очередь будут подрываться дети старики животные
My parents work in development aid and my father has a phd in agroecology, which he made during his time in Fidji, so one can't argue that he'a not scientifically informed. Both of my parents disguise golden rice. It was invented by western corporates to make developing countries reliant on them for their own economical benefit, while threatening local biodiversitiy and local varieties, which are healthier and more resistant to the local environment, thus don't need the use of pesticides and less chemical fertilizers. I think the guy in this video didn't opt out of greenpeace because of logic reasons, but because he's a capitalist at heart, who doesn't want the financial benefits of using harmful chemicals in everything being taken away fom him. The USA use more chemicals in a loaf a bread, than Germany uses in some of its cleaning agents… Chlorine is not totally bad, but tbh it tastes terrible and is only necessary, because overpopulation made cities like LA reliant on external water supplies from Mountains far away, and strong purification processes, involving high amounts of chlorine again. It's not that all chemical are bad, whe just wouldn't need as much, if our population would degreace substantially as well as our economies.
Hello, I have recently met an add on YouTube that's pushing donations to greenpeace in Israel, the claims are against the plastic companies and the fact that plastic recycling is useless. Any thoughts? Is this a new greenpeace? What's it all about? Again taking our money?
I mean their claiming that 170 countries are combating against loose laws regarding plastic industry, then why is greanpeace needed in this equation?
I didn't ask for why you left green piece you retart what you think I'm going to put up with this
The fact that Greenpeace got the same treatment as peta, feminism and left is just crazy 💀
Hey look, it’s the drink, weed killer guy
Detrimental thought processes and thought patterns are down to our linear dominant perspective we focus our attention in one area and in doing so loose sight of others…. Did your education at all address the precision of your mentality of which knowledge was graphed onto? If the answer is no how do you suppose the motivation to constrain detrimental practices would arise? by any means possible is more so the example being set and there aren't any constrains in place to hinder that example from leaching into all areas of society……!
Behind every activist movement there is a hidden agenda
There commies now
I think Greenpeace should form a political party and influence legally.
Why does this look ai generated
These days, Green Peace talks about household emissions, while the world talks about nuclear war emissions and the fear of it.
go away
jt peder;mj chiefy jack dave/// Greenpeace Santa Cruz
peder is the beluga
chiefy is the rainbow warrior
Greenpeace, or how capitalism always removes the substance of every activism, making an hollow organization complacent with the elite, working at changing nothing.
I see a lot of Crap on Facebook about Greenpeace. Facebook likes backing all kinds of fake news and false science. Like building nuclear reactors on the Moon. What a bunch of idiots. It wasn't Greenpeace but another "So-called Science organization on Facebook." So sick of the mis-information on Instagram, facebook, and youtube.
Greenpeace is a propaganda tool. They tell lies and mistruths and often break the law. They are just as bad as Peta. They are stupid about the Science. They think Chlorine is evil. Ok do you think countries like Africa do well with No sanitation systems? Has Greenpeace heard of e-coli and other pathogens. Fear idiots.
It’s so sad.
Lol banning clorine is like setting the medics back to stone age medicine
Do the research – Patrick Moore left Greenpeace because he followed the money – a different kind of green alliance!
Uczestniczę w działalności Greenpeace Polska 8 rok.
Nie ma w nim aniołów ani anielic ale zadziwia mnie niesprawdopodobnie to co czytam w waszych komentarzach…
Mam wrażenie że nic nigdy nie zrobiliście dla klimatu czy Planety ale jesteście pierwsi do krytyki i niestety ale ta krytyka jest śmieciowa..
Chcesz się wypowiedzieć to nie oglądaj głupich filmików z których cieszy się Putin tylko przyjdź do biura Greenpeace w swoim kraju i zrob coś. Zostaw swe serce. Postaw na pasje. Wychowałem się w komunizmie i mam pewność że więcej jest we mnie wartości tak zwanych zachodnich niż w was ludzi teoretycznie z zachodu którzy się tu uzalacie. Plus masz problem? Życie jest nie do zniesienia ?
To zamiast się tu użalać idź na swoją psychoterapię.
Krzysztof z Warszawy w Polsce.
P.s. wczoraj znalazłem:
2425 Darczyńcę na ulicy. Po zmroku. Ostatnią Darczynkę – Gosię około 22.00.
I get that Greenpeace trying to save the planet is good, but they use the stupidest and most impractical ways to do so.
the long march through the institutions
So sad to hear this. Its the human factor here at play, we just cant help ourselfs. We must feel the facts first before we opt to change for survival.
Dr. Patrick Moore has written half a dozen books, most about the environment. His latest entitled "Fake Invisible Catastrophes and Threats of Doom" exposes the ignorance of the modern day environmental climate change kooks.
Y should he just stay and complete his dream with the organization raider then live the organization
So you are against the death of 2 million poorest kids, then what? They grow and die at sea or at some territorial boundary trying to reach a first-world country….
That the green in green peace is more in keeping with the money they extort from doners then the green earth these days is no surprise, nore that they are more interested in dogma than human lives.
The LGBTQ movement is similar in this way
What happened to Greenpeace is like what happened to the LGBT movement
People could use this now
Green peace is based in emotion, not in fact
how much does this old fart get payed by oil companies and other special interest?
Greenpeace are the greatest contributers to climate change, because they managed to make the world more reliant on fossil fuels by demonizing nuclear energy. And their recommendations always have a disproportional impact on the poorest in my country, who are literally starving
So what do you think of "Forever Chemicals" a/k/a PFAS ?
you know what else has the potential to end world hunger putting people before profit
This right wing propaganda is something you people should be ashamed of. Shame on you!
Real Heroes yet when they stopped Anti Nuke the evil 1s their Puppets had got to GP they knew they had many clean energy tech that lasted for ever
Claiming you had a "victory" in so much as no more US hydrogen bomb testing because you sailed a ship, is rather disingenuous and frankly ridiculous.
I noticed that this guys video became more an issue between boy and girl meaning neither have grown up yet. The issue was why the guy
In video left green peace because they removed peace and we're left
Just green like marsians radio active
Chlorine causes brittle bone alzimers and much much more