Why I Love America At the end of every journey, he returns h…
Why I Love America
At the end of every journey, he returns home with a brand-new appreciation for America. Since no nation is more open, more generous, and has done more for the cause of flexibility than America has.
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I am a third-generation American– my moms and dads and my maternal granny were born in Brooklyn, New York. I didn’t know I liked America till my early twenties.
That was when I began to understand how important America was to the world– and still is. That was when I began to comprehend how unique America was– and still is.
Being far from America for a year, spending the Christmas season in Morocco, where there was no Christmas season, and ending the year with a month in the Soviet Union, where there was no flexibility– this all had a life-altering impact on me. I understood how fortunate I was to be an American. I even recognized just how much I merely delighted in being an American.
I’ll discuss:.
1. How important America is to the world.
Without in any method diminishing the massive sacrifices made by England and France, it was America’s entry into World War I that made the defeat of Imperial Germany possible and ended that dreadful war. It was America that made the Allied success possible in World War II and kept Western Europe totally free during the Cold War. Thirty-seven thousand Americans died fighting the North Korean and Chinese communist programs. Were it not for America, all of Korea would have no human rights and would endure the mass abuse, starvation, and murder that have actually been routine in North Korea up until today.
The next time you hear the lie that America battled in Vietnam for colonialist reasons, ask that person: Why did America battle in Korea? I’ll inform you why: to stop the spread of communism, the best totalitarian and genocidal ideology in history, and thus enable more than half of Korea to reside in flexibility. Another fifty-eight thousand Americans passed away in Vietnam to make it possible for the South Vietnamese to live in the same flexibility America made possible for South Koreans. Neither Vietnam nor Korea had any natural deposits that America desired. Americans passed away in those two nations entirely so that their individuals could be totally free.
And, without decreasing the function of the great British prime minister, Margaret Thatcher, and the great pope, John Paul II, it was America that ended communism in the Soviet Union, Poland, East Germany, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Romania, and Bulgaria, and liberated, to name a few countries, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia.
2. America is unique.
America is the only nation that was established not on a ethnicity, citizenship, or race , but on a concept: limited federal government– because the founders of America believed, most importantly, in liberty. America became the freest nation in world history, which is why France offered the Statue of Liberty to one nation: America.
And America has actually provided more liberty and chance to more people from more countries than any country in world history.
What rendered America unique is that Americans eliminated one another in its bloodiest war to eliminate slavery and that it ultimately became the least racist multiracial nation in history. And Africans know how excellent America is, which is why, by the 1980s, more black Africans had actually come to America willingly as immigrants seeking flexibility and chance than ever came as servants.
For the total script, visit https://www.prageru.com/video/why-i-love-america.
That was when I started to understand how crucial America was to the world– and still is. Without in any way diminishing the massive sacrifices made by England and France, it was America’s entry into World War I that made the defeat of Imperial Germany possible and ended that awful war. It was America that made the Allied triumph possible in World War II and kept Western Europe complimentary during the Cold War. The next time you hear the lie that America combated in Vietnam for colonialist reasons, ask that individual: Why did America fight in Korea? And Africans know how good America is, which is why, by the 1980s, more black Africans had actually come to America willingly as immigrants seeking flexibility and opportunity than ever came as servants.