Why Is Hollywood So Woke?
Entertainment journalist Christian Toto explores why almost everyone in Tinsel Town—from the top star to the lowest crew member—seems to fall on one side of the political spectrum. There is no shortage of reasons. But that doesn’t mean those reasons are commendable.
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Why does Hollywood lean so far to the Left?
I’m an entertainment journalist and movie critic, so I get asked this question a lot.
`If Hollywood reflected America, then half of Tinsel Town should be as red as it is blue. But that’s not remotely the case.
Here are five reasons.
One. Guilt.
A-list actors are paid incredible amounts of money to play dress-up. They’re ridiculously fortunate. And they know it. And they feel guilty about it.
That guilt must be assuaged.
And what better way to assuage it than to speak up for the “less fortunate”: the undocumented immigrant, the misunderstood criminal, women, blacks, gays, and the transgendered. And, by God, there’s an entire planet to be saved!
You can’t feel guilty if you’re saving humanity, can you? Especially if it means no actual sacrifice on your part.
Two. The Need for Meaning
Somewhere along the line — probably in the ‘60s when so many wholesome ideas went south — the notion that providing entertainment was, in and of itself, valuable, lost currency — not with the public, but with the glitterati.
Sure, acting brings money and fame, but not “meaning.” And meaning is more important than both, especially if you can purchase it so inexpensively: all you have to do is say the right things about the right causes. That those causes always happen to be leftist ones is merely a coincidence.
Three. The Need to Be Loved.
Everyone wants to be loved and admired. But most actors live to be loved and admired. Success for an actor is being adored by strangers. When stars rail against border enforcement, pro-lifers, or a certain real estate mogul, and get fawning press coverage, that’s even more love and admiration.
And there’s a bonus. You get to be told how courageous you are “for speaking out.” A rant about “gun violence” on Oscar night becomes a “powerful statement.” It doesn’t get better than that.
Speaking of Oscars, if you have any hope of winning an award — (and who doesn’t want awards?), that ambition goes out the window if you’re suspected of being on the wrong side of the political aisle.
Four. Career Preservation
Job security doesn’t exist in Hollywood. And this makes everyone, from the top stars to the lowest crew members, very nervous.
So, in order not to give anyone the slightest excuse not to hire them, Hollywood types double down on woke posts to Twitter or Instagram praising the latest leftist fad.
These messages send a clear signal to their colleagues, and especially to their employers: “I’m a forward-thinking progressive, just like you.”
Push against this orthodoxy and you’ll pay a stiff price. Ask Gina Carano how that works. When the star of the popular Disney series, The Mandalorian, suggested that conservatives were being persecuted for their political beliefs, she was light-sabered from both the show and Hollywood, Inc.
Or consider how singer Macy Gray changed her tune after she said trans women aren’t the same as women-women. Mercilessly pounded for this apostasy, it only took a few days for her to fully recant.
Five. If It’s Right, It Must Be Wrong
There is a pervasive belief in Hollywood that conservative ideas are grounded in “hate” or “denial”. Conservatives hate gays and minorities, deny science and even deny that America is systemically racist … and on and on.
Imagine, they wail, if these haters ever gained power. We’d descend into fascism, or worse.
This explains why celebrities get hysterical whenever the political winds shift. Hollywood activists never say, “oh, we lost that one,” they say it’s the “end of the world.” And to them, it is.
Okay, I can hear you asking, why should we care what Hollywood actors think? I agree we shouldn’t care so much, but — let’s face it — a lot of people do. Stars are American royalty.
And, like it or not, they have a big platform. When they take strident political positions, it further divides us.
For the full script, visit: https://www.prageru.com/video/why-is-hollywood-so-woke

To me, "Hollywood" is no longer an actual place (which it is) or a symbol for the film industry (which it serves) but a cultural point of view that hates America. I gravitate towards anything that is "independent" or made outside the Hollywood film industry like "Sound of Freedom".
Hollywood is gay as aids.
Hollywood does alot more harm than good when they use their platform for politics. Please, Hollywood, don't quit your day job.
The current actor/writers strike dragging on for months warms my heart! They can all go straight to hell!
Why make a video dumping on people in Hollywood for their views, if your message is "it's OK to have and share PoVs, you disagree with."
As far as I can tell it got really bad in 2015 when the #oscars so white movement happened. I don’t have a problem with diversity in movies, but Hollywood is terrible at it, they have to put an actor of every ethnicity, gender, and sexual orientation in almost every scene. And every scene has to have a certain social message. So they are bound to these strict rules now, and it comes out so unnaturally on screen. I think about the Lord of the Rings movies, some of the best movies of all time. If they came out today it would look like the Amazon Rings of Power show, and it would be a total disaster. They’d have to change all the actors and all the scenes to meet this strict woke criteria, and it would have completely ruined it
There's enough movies already. We don't need anymore.
I have stopped going to their movies and have turned off their TV shows… I’ve discovered something better, independent films and audio books. Good riddance!
I shall answer this question of yours one word: pandering
Can someone here really be sure there ARE NOT gay executives, producers, directors, actors and shareholders in the high ends of the industry, entertainment and politics? COME ON!!, this whole "coming out of the closet" is part or maybe the main reason we are seeing this poor quality and shithole productions. There are exceptions of course, but we all work here, we all meet people every day, and I am sure we all work or have met gay people. Some are extremely nice, however, some can be extremely resentful, give them money and power and place them in Hollywood, well, fill in the blanks…
Just a bunch of out of touch rich people with no education and wisdom, who think they're better than everyone else
I do think love and understanding are good things though. I think that’s what makes America great.
I don't think you guys know what "woke" means. It means to be active in the fight against bigotry, hate, and racism. I don't know why you despise fighting bigotry.
This isn't really true though because there are many right leaning people in Hollywood this is kind of just a video of a guy making shit up lol
Thank you. I must admit that one confounded me.
I think it's more like why youtube promote memes than actual content. Because actual content will rival them.
Sounds similar to Bollywood .
Modern Hollywood is atrocious. I barely watch anything new. Good thing asian movies and anime are there.
I'm very confused by this video. Why is "they want to be loved" a reason to lean left? Why is "they want to be praised" also a reason to lean left? Are you secretly in love with leftists or something?
Them villanising right is only giving the opposite effect
thank you for inadvertently admitting that conservatives live empty meaningless lives
"Why aren't actors as demonic as prageru viewers"
An interesting question 🤔
No, They have a god complex and want to stand with the elitist. We want they them broke. Stop paying for their woke content.
They are woke partly because the little guy facing the large powerful thing and then winning eventually makes a good story that leftists coopted long enough ago that it both – lined up with reality and established a visible, compelling cause to rally behind. Now, leftists are the big powerful thing that is doing wrong which is a genuinely threatening thing to their past narrative so they have to distract from that by playing the only cards they have in their deck: Victim & Race. As long as they can continue to portray themselves as victims and use the divide and conquer strategy of Race, they can maintain their power for decades before the duped finally see through it. It helps leftists that their dogma is reinforced by the Education system maintaining the narrative during enough peoples formative years to dupe enough followers for the initial momentum to get carried by hollywood. A twisted and evil combination if there ever was one.
This is all wrong…they want people to go along with decisions that entrap them to be poor so all you can do is sit at home and pay for their tv
People just pirate the woke movies and pay for actual good movies instead of hate watching because that gives them profits regardless
It’s so WOKe because 90% of these freaks heard that Hollywood LOVES little gay boys and figured let’s go into acting.
Oh, why do people in Hollywood have brains!? THE DISASTER!
Ask yourself why you are stupid instead.
Omg this is so true! You’re spot on!
Goofy ass Hollywood
No the reason "stars" are so woke is that they get paid too much, they don't waste time thinking about how t hey are going to manage to pay the electricity bill, or can I afford to fill my has tank, and the kids need new shoes😐. Other than a few most are so blinkered in their own self righteousness that they latch onto the latest woke fad so they don't get cancelled! They all need a good dose of British military discipline
This is the number one reason I am watching more anime, foreign films and series because I am tired of Hollyweird being stupid.
They’re the next generation of McCarthyists
Wishful thinking… these reason are extremely minor… it’s the secular mentality of the Hollywood masters, the same as those that run Facebook, Google, and the Dem party….Prager himself calls them out.
If the majority of leftwing actors were so hungry for affection and admiration, why do they take liberties to offend us?
This video perpetuates stupidity and nonsense by burying the truth.
"They're all Democrats!," I tell people when they ask if I have seen this or that movie or TV series. "I'm not supporting them!"