Why Is Team Biden Talking About Cash Payments to Central Americans? | Chad Wolf on Fox Business
Heritage Visiting Fellow Chad Wolf joined Fox Business, Friday, April 9, to talk about the border crisis, the Biden administration’s plan to send cash payments to Central Americans, and why we need to secure our borders.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlBE36x38Vc
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I would ask one thing of all the people coming to the border I am not trying to start something so please don't get me wrong just how many of these people are white we get lots of numbers every day but none of what I ask
Conspiracy Theorists, Are No Longer Considered Conspiracy Theorists .. It's Happening Now!
I don't think they will help them. Why would you give them money and they are not trying to help the people. That's why they are trying to leave. If they wanted to help the people they would have reached out to the US government for help so the people would not have to leave.
I see a lot of bitchen about this, but what are we gonna do about it? nothing, only complain.
What makes them think the cartels won’t get their hands on that money? Lol
communist democraps like chaos an riots an killing people and tell US to shut up…
Taxpayer money to central Americans, so they can afford to pay the coyotes. Pretty obviously that's what the money is for 🧐
Biden regime =🐍& 🤡
We could take all that federal assistance money being given to California and the other liberal run states and send it down there… I might be okay with that. I'd actually love to see that.
Expecting the tax payers to flip the bill for this is extortion. I'm all for helping Central America… in their own country… but… this just isn't a very good idea at all… this is a EXTORTION of the people of the United States… everyone. We have seniors struggling to survive eating cat food.
Giving money is not going to do anything but encourage them to ask for and expect money. A much better idea would be to give more power to the people in those countries regarding their own government. Do you really think the governments of those countries would allow the U.S. to pay the people there? They won't. They will take that from those people too. Here, we teach our children that they must be self sufficient… and why do we teach our kids that? Think about it. It's going down a really bad road in which there will be no way out of.
Cant we impeach this pos yet?
I'm getting tired of hearing about all these handouts. No one want to work anymore. And now I'm hearing come June, people w kids are getting 300 per month per kid. WTF! I've worked my hole life and now semi-retired. I dont get any of these benefits. Oh I got my Biden bucks but so did everyone. Taxes will be raised because of this and those who dont work will get a free ride once again and us paying our way will get stuck with the bill. One day it will come to a stop and all you non working non contributors will be crying like a bunch of little bitches!
he takes cares about people who cross the border undocumented, yet he ignores citizen who lives in the streets because they have been displaced by lack of work, who does he really care about?
Biden’s tax fraud. Unbelievable! People should be raising hell about open borders. We can’t afford this fraudulent administration.
Democrats? Keep voting The way you have voted in the past so that the stupidity continues and your children understand how stupid you were voting for the people you put in office.
“Mom how come you voted Democrat”
“Well honey they understand how to screw people a little bit better. Our gas prices went up…More people are out of work or employed by the government which basically means they are out of work….. our taxes are higher……The press is not really free anymore……We made cash payments to other countries but can’t afford to pay for the people who live in our country…….People were allowed into our country and they only raped may be a few of your friends and maybe will kill only a few of your friends or family members later on in life…….. thinking I voted pretty well. I don’t really see the problem.”
Team Biden never met a stupid idea they didn't like
Instead of sending our $ to house these people why not tell those countries to get the $ from the cartels & smugglers?
Finish parts of the wall where materials we paid for are just laying there! Biden doesn't care! He will give them better assistance than our americans! I'm disabled, can't get housing help! But illegals get better benefits than me. He will give them voting rights. So eventually every seat is blue. Bye bye America then
This is going on since Jan 20.
It's now mid April. There is no will nor plans to put an end to this.
60 million a week being spent in the Illegal immigrants!!
All at the taxpayers expense. America last.
It's pretty obvious they're lining up for the free dinero$.
The Biden/Harris is evil and really hates the sovereign USA. Open borders, no sovereignty, no United States. I believe them to be treasonous!
Sending American taxpayer cash to payout illegal immigrants is unconstitutional. Furthermore, ‘ WANTING’ immigrants to break our federal immigration laws is unconstitutional. Pelosi needs to be impeached.
Pelosi said, "We are on a good path at the Border" completely incompetent and administratively negligent. How can the Speaker of House of the United States of American call defacto open poorly managed U.S. borders a good path🤔 ……all of the voters that brought this crisis and tragedy upon the U.S. citizens should be held accountable in the future once these policies are reversed and government stabilize. You dumb azz mother uckers that voted of woke virus filled virtue signaling in place of America First policies 🇺🇸……….time to fight back or lose everything for the rest of your nature life. Your kids will inherent the debt. and problems this administration has created for decades. Trump was cemented for residing over approx. 500 illegal child immigrants, Biden/Kamala are standing over nearly 20, 000 illegal child immigrant crossings. Put that into to perspective to dumb mother uckers that voted this in🤔
At what point does the action of the Biden administration become treasonous and the administration members become subject to criminal charges as traitors? Asking for a friend.
Setting aside the horror show of the abuse of women and children, the drug cartels and the Middle Eastern Terrorists flooding into the US of A, there will be able bodied people taking up all the jobs of unskilled laborers, that is, construction and house painting, factory worker, etc. In other words, jobs that don't require any schooling and thanks to that 💩 installed in the WH, there are precious few of those jobs left in America, anyway.
Still, that means a lot of bought votes for the Dems. They won't have to worry about State's election reforms. Certainly not when they can arbitrarily give citizenship to anyone who wants it.
The list of everything that's wrong with the Dems "open border" policies goes on and on and on. It is no wonder they have fenced off the Capitol building and are kicking the Americans loyal to the Constitution out of our military. They are really pissing Americans. They are pushing America into an unprecedented Civil War.
I can remember President Trump speeches, he knew the Democrats plan. And he told the American people. I wonder when will the Democrats voters start paying attention and turn away from these people
If we send cash payments to Central America all we will be doing is giveing MORE illegals the cash to PAY CARTELS. Biden is thebest thing that ever happened to violent gangs
harder to trace back to "distribution centers" more commonly known as a cartel, demoriacy is destroying the world – some things like it have been ended – namely slavery, however, demoriacy can't exist without slavery – from here the math of democratic history proves the point — do the math…..
Financially, Morally, legislatively and strengthening, this Administration has failed and is clearly a danger to the United States Nation and it's people. If they are not stopped, there will be other nations invading this nation without resistance.
Joe don't like the US anymore.
Why are Democrats trying to destroy their own home? Why destroy America? Think about why they are doing this. Impeach every single member of the D. Party, send them to Venezuela.
How long did it take for the government to malke the decision to send Americans a stimulus? It took less than a month to make a decision to send cash to illegals in other countries NOT TO COME!
Send them all to bidens and harris’s. Homes? Or better yet send them to the Blue States??
Why not just be honest China and Iran want to destroy America and Biden is on his payroll you report like u don’t understand this I freaking hate you dumb ass news reports acting like u don’t know what Biden is doing bull shit I liked fox but this report is stupid it’s not that he don’t believe in illegal immigration but instead is payed by China and is funding isis tell the damn truth Americans deserve better
They need to stop taking our taxpayer money to support people not from this country. Pay to bus 🚌 them back
In other words, biden is sending them travel money.
They are prepping the American people for the international wealth distribution they call a 'universal income', via a single digital currency.
They want Americas borders to be opened.
The first 2 goals of The World Economic Forum, from their website:
"1. You'll own nothing. And you'll be happy.
Whatever you want, you'll rent. And it will be delivered by drone.
2. The U.S. won't be the world's leading superpower.
A handful of countries will dominate"
If they are all being persecuted, then why do they keep having more children? Dems love abortion. Why don't they just build abortion clinics down there? End of story.
Each N.Y. illegal immigrant gets a $15,600.00 COVID Check. Tax paying legal citizens got $1,400.00
The Commie Democrat elitist want to keep the flow of children from SoAm and MX to feed their Pedo and Adrenochrome addicts. The Fentanyl and Meth being humped over the border is also useful to keep Americans in a drug induced stupor so that the elitists can ransack the country.