Why is the Christian Faith a Forensic Faith?
For more information, read Forensic Faith: A Homicide Detective Makes the Case for a More Reasonable, Evidential Christian Faith (http://amzn.to/2Bvkyv4)
Read: What Does It Mean To Possess A Forensic Faith?
Why are so many Christians unaware of the evidence supporting the Christian faith? How can an evidential understanding of Christianity change the way we communicate it to others? In this interview with Melissa Dougherty (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ooWJh9iqae8&t=255s), J. Warner discusses the evidential nature of Christianity and the role of personal testimony.
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Genuine Christian faith has evidence. Not only from a historical perspective but from the lives of individuals who God changed from the inside out. God, through the new birth enables us to become aware of our sin and our need of a Savior, The Holy Spirit convicts of sin and draws us to the Savior. We then exercise faith and repentance in Christ Jesus and then we begin to experience changes in our lives (2 Corinthians 5:17) Our old desires begin to be replaced by new desires. Our thoughts and thinking is becoming new. The things we now desire is changing. We no longer desire the things which we once thought was important. I could continue with many more changes that take place within the new man in Christ. But the one's I posted should be considered as sufficient evidence for genuine Christian faith. Now that I have touched upon the conversion experience of a new believer which we call our subjective experience, we don't ever want to exclude the object evidence for our faith, which is the fact that the word of God (Bible) finds agreement with our subjective experience. So yes, Christian faith definitely can be proven with quite a bit of evidence.
An evidential (apologetics) approach is what the Western church needs, starting with youth. As JW-W says, many church goers are shocked to learn their belief is 'true' and stacks up far far better than other worldviews / beliefs.
Yes and yes! Love this approach.
Hi J
Actually, I started off with forensic evidence for Christianity, I learned about the various historical, archeological, and even the scientific evidences that support the Bible, the strongest historical evidence being the crucifixion and the ressurection of Christ and it did confirm to me MENTALLY that Christianity was the truth and that the Bible was the true word of God, but it was a surreal, supernatural experience from God that really convinced me beyond the shadow of any doubts on a spiritual and practical level that Jesus Christ is the truth and that we have a God who is not just real but RELEVANT, a God who wants to communicate with us through his Spirit and wants to supernaturally move in our lives, who wants to work within us and our lives, (although that's not my approach when I'm evangelizing non-believers; sharing my experience) but to me the truth of Christianity is like a giant puzzle where we put together all the important pieces of evidences to form the complete picture but there is that one important piece that really completes the whole picture which is our own personal testimony of what God has done in our own lives that is the single most important piece of evidence, it’s the same evidence that the disciples had; thier own surreal and supernatural experiences during Christ's ministry here on earth, including his ressurection appearances, that's what actually convinces people to the truth of Christianity, in the long run.
It used to bother Chuck Missler when people like Sean hannity would say, " you can't prove the bible but…" And then say something good about it, when you can prove it with demonstrable evidential truth, and even Jesus did this, like when John the Baptist sent his disciples to ask Jesus if he was the Messiah or should they look for another. Jesus didn't just say believe in me because I am the one, but gave evidence that he was; Luke 7:22 then Jesus answering said unto them, go your way and tell John what things you have seen and heard; how that the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, to the poor the gospel is preached. 23: and blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me." Seems that the evidence coming first is absolutely biblical. God bless this ministry 🙏
Powerful and encouraging!