Why Music and Movies Point to God: A Conversation with Gavin Ortlund
Apologists often point to science and history as pointing towards the existence of God. But there are two lines of evidence that often get ignored: the beauty of music and the nature of movies. In this interview, I talk with Gavin Ortlund about these two lines of evidence for the divine.
READ: Why God Makes Sense in a World that Doesn’t (https://amzn.to/3IdYVhF)
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Never thought of this perspective before. I’m now going to be listening to music differently. Thank you for this!
Thanks Sean and Gavin!
Very interesting subject and video!
If you wish to get a deeper understanding of this subject, and the power of music/sound/vibration, than I'd suggest you to check out Cymtics.
Thank you so very much 🙏😊!! Very interessting👍😊!!!
A symbolic representation of philosophical perspective (belief)
0(0)=0, atheist reality is an illusion nihilist position
(Everything)0=0, atheist relativist position
(Lim_ 0->1)0=0 single universe atheist nihilist position
(Lim_0->♾)0=0 multiverse atheist nihilist position
(Everything)1= everything, Buddhist position
Everything (everything)= everything, pan psychics
Z_(n+1)=z^2 +c where c is start, deism evolution
Z_(n+1)=z^2 +c where z iterates from 0, theistic creation
One of favorites which is difficult to explain from
a naturalistic standpoint is Logan.
So I never experienced any gods anywhere…..why does somebody's experience believing in God and Christ ist more valid for apologists then mine with total absence of supernatural things.
In the scholastic movement monks tried to prove god through reason and logic, yet they only accepted things in favor for their desired outcome, anything else was disregarded…..does this behaviour ring a bell?
It is how wrongful convictions are overturned!
It is how scientists lose credit because they are seen as cheaters!
It is not how any scientist made any progress!
Question for the youtube commenters: I heard somewhere that Lucifer was the first worship leader and invented music. Any thoughts? I appreciate any dialog.
How death cult conmen use stupidity, and try to use it for proving their imaginary friend is real.
Standard fails for cults!
Great discussions – thank you Sean!! If there is a way for you to sync audio levels with your guests it would be appreciated.
I’m a composer and I have given this subject a lot of thought during the years. I see it like this: All creativity comes from God and outside of God there is no creativity. He has hard wired that into our souls. We all got it, it’s just a question about how much we perfect it through training. Some people are gifted with a larger dose in certain areas. Mozart was a brilliant composer but was he an equally gifted painter or father? We’ve got this gift whether we follow Jesus or not. What we do with it is our responsibility. Will we use it like Bach or Marylin Manson? Will we give God the glory or not? All creative art has a shortcut to our spirit, soul and emotions, it’s inherent in the very fabric of our creator and therefore in us.
Christians tend to deify their taste in music. They tend to classify music as non-Christian if it doesn't fit their favored style or if it doesn't have "Christian" lyrics. When I listen to music that I like, I glorify God. For most music, the composer probably didn't mean for it to bring glory to God, but for me it does. Creativity comes from God. Satan cannot create music. So, no music is intrinsically evil. But, for music with lyrics, the lyrics can add to or take away from His glory. Also, Christians usually don't rise above the level of their taste. They don't use their ears or minds. They usually don't care to explore anything outside their limited taste. They use tire old phrases like "I know what I like", "That is not my kind of music". I've never met a Christian that is not a composer that has any interest in expanding his musical appreciation.
Sure there may be a god out there but reading the Bible it's clear God is not the Christian deity.
One thing that has recently been coming to my mind which may not relate to this is about the human connection to animals. Specifically how humans desire to have pets as part of their family. Looking at this from a purely survivalist place it doesn't really make sense for humans to provide things for an animal that gives them nothing but company and friendship. When we look at this from a biblical view however it does make sense. When we look at how God created everything in Genisis and then the verses about animals all living in peace with humans in Isaiah. This desire we have of all animals being out friends the way it is in Narnia for example makes sense when we look at how God created the world and what his intended design would be, were it not for sin.
Hearing a piano piece called Redemption, every time I hear this it brings me such joy. There are no words, but as the notes rise and fall you can actually understand when a person has been redeemed.
Thank you for sharing! You are both too intelligent to spend eternity without the love of my God.
Great video. And don't forget about the movie "SIGNS" starring Mel Gibson and directed by M. Night Shyamalan. Probably one of the best movies that illustrate the loss and the regaining of faith and how God is actually working, even when we can't see it.
It is devilish.actually it takes the mind of person and whole environment in the state of euphoria.
I think Lyrics have a role to play as well?? Maybe for that one question.
Personally, I think when God created/creates He may have used music.
I loved this conversation.
Hans Zimmerrrrrrrr 🔥🔥🔥🔥 yes!! The Sounds of Heaven 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 also Max Richter
We are ALL drawn to beauty so much! I read The Evidential Power of Beauty by Thomas Dubay. Awesome book. Thank you Sean. I really like the way Gavin thinks!
Naturalist can definitely understand sacrifice. While we're talking about movies…Tony Stark is implied to be an atheist (or at least not a Christian) in both the movies and the comics. At the end of Endgame he sacrifices his life. Which sacrifice carries more weight? One were the protagonist believes they will be rewarded for their sacrifice with eternal happiness or one where the protagonist believes their existence will cease entirely? For naturalists, the weight of sacrifice is much heavier, which is why they can find the story compelling regardless of whether or not their is a god.
Great conversation and great insights from both men! I appreciate the humble approach of both guys too. Thanks.
Oh my. The argument from "beauty" is a classic. And it goes to show that Christians will ignore anything to try to pretend that their god really really does exist.
There is nothing about music or movies that show "transcendence" e.g. the claim that there is something beyond the physical, or any god. It's even funnier to hear conservative Christians claim this about movies and music since they whine so much about "hollywood" and rock and roll.
I guess ol' god is only in the movies and music they like. The rest? They make up excuses why what they don't like isn't "really" music or not "really" a good movie.
Donald Trump is the directions most Christians gravitate towards. So Christians gravitate to an evil liar…while the majority of musicians and movie makers are athiests…and they gravitate towards beauty. Christianity gravitates towards hate…atheism gravitates towards beauty. So which is actually truer?
Great video!
I feel one could argue that it's the same concept as "The Heavens Are Telling The Glory Of the Lord" from Hayden's (*amazing*) "Creation". 😍
10:14 – Bach’s music
10:30, 11:33 – Peter Kreeft
12:21, 12:33 – intuition?
Love Gavin and his ministry Truth Unites. Have learned a ton from both your channels.
The movie a beautiful mind was a great movie!