Why No One Trusts the Mainstream Media | 5 Minute Video
Trust in the media is at an all-time low. But should it be? Why do fewer and fewer Americans trust the mainstream media. Investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson, author of The Smear, explains.
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Trust in the media is at an all-time low—and for good reason.
We in the business of journalism have exempted ourselves from the normal rules that used to govern us, and so the most egregious kinds of reporting errors are becoming more common.
Formerly well-respected news organizations and experienced national reporters are making the sorts of mistakes that wouldn’t be tolerated in journalism school.
When these mistakes are corrected at all, it’s with seemingly little regret.
And the corrections never get anywhere near as much attention as the original salacious—but incorrect—narrative.
How did we get here?
I discuss that in detail in my book, The Smear.
Here are three factors:
First, firewalls that once strictly separated news from opinion have been replaced by hopelessly blurred lines. Once-forbidden practices, such as editorializing within straight news reports and the inclusion of opinions as if fact, are not only tolerated—they’re encouraged. The result: It’s never been harder for Americans to separate news that’s real from news that’s not.
Example: May 14, 2016, ten days after Donald Trump became the Republican presidential nominee, the New York Times published a blockbuster article titled, “Crossing the Line: How Donald Trump Behaved with Women in Private.” The story’s authors, Michael Barbaro and Megan Twohey, interviewed Rowanne Lane, an ex-girlfriend of Trump’s. Her quotes made Trump sound, at best, like a jerk, and at worst, like a predator.
The reporters went so far as to provide their own quotes for the story, presenting their personal commentary as if it were established fact, writing, “This is the public treatment of some women by Mr. Trump…degrading, impersonal, performed.”
The problem is, the reporting wasn’t true—according to Trump’s supposed victim.
Once the story was published, she publicly accused the Times of misleading her, writing a “hit piece” against Trump and putting a “negative connotation” on what—she said—was “not…a negative experience.”
No matter where you stand, this was a huge development in terms of journalism: the main source behind front-page national news discredited the entire premise of the story.
You’d expect something like that to rock the whole news organization and prompt investigations, a retraction, and re-examination of policies. Yet, I can find no record of any of that. The Times and their reporters never even apologized or printed a correction.
Second, though we may personally like or dislike a politician, as journalists we’re obligated to treat them the same. Too often, that’s not the case.
For example: In May 2008, then-presidential candidate Barack Obama said he had visited 57 states. Since there are only 50 states, everyone knew what he meant. He meant to say was that he had visited 47 states. The remark, nothing more than a verbal gaffe, drew little attention. And it didn’t deserve more. But when Sarah Palin made a comparable gaffe, saying, “We’ve got to stand with our North Korean allies,” she was relentlessly ridiculed and mocked in the media even though everyone knew she meant to say “South Korean allies.”
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/videos/why-no-one-trusts-mainstream-media

Sheryl Atkisson's career was destroyed by the Woke. Because she wanted to report the truth.
This is why I have been saying: "Where is Walter Cronkite now that we REALLY need him!?!" But we do have Tucker Carlson.
24 hours a day news channels, the lack of counter opion requirements and the lack of overall journalistic integrity has degraded our country and our world. Truth and honesty is just that important. It has become worse than Dirty Laundry.
Modern journalism has been redefined to mean: Democrat Party cheerleading.
This was caused by Ronald Reagan. His policies lead to the death of journalism by qay of killing off the fairness doctrine.
Prageru is like an oasis in the middle of desert
the bought and owned activists know what they are doing they are the propaganda machine and willingly lie or manufacture what their owners want to be heard there is no consequences for boldly lying to millions daily none does anybody really believe anything will change if the traitors are never held accountable? me either
And this is 5 years ago..
Is this a franchise of Trump U?
. I believe that Donald Trump is a good guy, fine president.
Bill Clinton getting Blow Jobs in the Oval Office is 👍.
Because the main stream media is merely the propaganda agency for the Democratic National Committee. It has been for decades. Even Walter Cronkite openly lied about Vietnam to support the democrat agenda.
This video was 5 years ago and it's even worse today than it was then. They will never admit there is a problem so it won't get better. Do your own research people the media is garbage.
Rubbish video
Our main stream media is on the level with Pravda. Whatever it is they are saying, I know it's misleading, a distortion, biased in favor of democrats, or just simply a lie.
There is absolutely nothing of interest for me in the media these days.
I dont get how these people even survive in this digital day and age.
They should change the name to why no one should trust the mainstream media cuz some people do trust it unfortunately
Left wing media is the worse offenders. They want communism and it's disgusting.
We need new outlets of journalism. The old ones cannot be saved.
You spelled “lies” wrong. It’s not spelled “mistakes”
Errors are accidents , this is willful neglect and partisan reporting.
Propaganda, all the damn time. At least you guys are lit. You guys are clear with your bias and I agree with you guys
@PragerU you are literally a propaganda channel
Thank you
Problem today that news Organisation is there either left wing or right wing
If you thought that the news couldn’t be trusted when this video first came out then 2020 and 2021 occurred and there untrustworthiness increased tenfold
MSM outlets are not making mistakes. They intentionally construct every single piece of information they broadcast down to the smallest detail. It is that level of minutiae that allows them to be so effectively infectious in their propagandizing. Like a microscopic pathogen, it’s too small to notice and you never see it coming until it’s too late and you are gravely ill. MSM intentionally sickens the minds of the audience and then conveniently claims to provide the cure in the form of more calculated propaganda “solutions“.
After the torrent of lies of the so-called news media over the case of Kyle Rittenhouse, only an utter fool would trust the news media. PragerU should do a series on Kyle Rittenhouse to show what utter liars that they are in that case.
Because they spread communist propaganda and lies.