Why should a Christian be Involved in Cultural Issues?
Pastor Jack Hibbs discusses the Biblical foundation for believers to be involved in cultural issues. He highlights examples of Old Testament believers exercising influence in civil government as well as current issues worth fighting for in today’s culture.
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There are 350,000 churches in America. Why are there over 250,000 homeless people and families in this country? Sinners see this lack of love and caring for the poor and want no part of Christianity. The big "charities" and government agencies wind up taking the donations and funding to pay themselves big salaries, trips, vacations, parties, etc. and do little for the poor. I know…I worked with some of them. I left because the corruption and greed made me sick! The "churches" could do alot more! Instead of Christmas presents, why don't we make sure our suffering brothers and sisters are taken care of first? Non-believers see the "church" as a bunch of hypocrites. Rev. 3:14-17 Reminds me of the Church at Laodecia in the Book of Revelation. Jesus said, " I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. So then, because you are lukewarm and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth, because you say, "I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing- and do not know that you are wretched miserable poor blind and naked."
Shabbat Shalom!
I was blessed by this message and it answered so many questions of the heart. Praise the Lord
Thank you for sharing
Last Wednesday, we in Brisbane Australia lost our fight against the killing of the babies😭😭😭
Wonderful! I live in Australia and once again a member of the LGBTQ won another seat in government. Also the state of qld just legalized abortion. Iasked my husband to please 🙏 enter politics. At present we are attending the Baptist church and speaking scripture, the very words of Jesus and getting apposed. We are born again holy spirit filled. Righteousness must start in the church and then out to the world or what hope do we have. God bless you for being the warrior you are. 🙂
May Our GOD Almighty Bless And Protect YOU (and your family), Pastor Jack, IN His Mighty Way, today, and every day. Amen.
I pray that Pastors in NY get this message and feel a strong calling to it. Because we are in great peril of losing this battle here as they are in California. If Christians do not get involved actively then satan surely will.
The Lord said, "Come OUT of her my people." Revelation
Prayers Jack for your defense of our Religious Liberty and the Word of Elohim! Keep us posted!
Amen Pastor Jack.
AMEN, GOD Bless you brother Jack
Right on Jack, so good that you are answering these questions for many who don't consider these issues and where we as believers should stand and the part we should play, because it's truly God who is in control and He has put us where we are now, right now! And we need to use everything we can to make His message available and the truth of the Gospel known. Blessings always on what HE has called to be on your heart to build up the body of Christ. Me, a watchman from Washington state.
We love Pastor Jack read Proverbs 29:2 = Vote vote vote
Whoo hoo preach it Jack. So many preachers avoid this topic in fear of offending others. Thank you for these topics you are covering.