Why We Can Trust the Ancient Oral Transmission of the Gospels
For more information, read Cold-Case Christianity: A Homicide Detective Investigates the Claims of the Gospels (http://amzn.to/2AW8bc5)
Read: Can We Trust The Gospels, Even If They Were Transmitted Orally?
Can We Trust the Gospels, Even If They Were Transmitted Orally?
How can we be sure the information about Jesus was accurately communicated and preserved by the eyewitnesses to his life and ministry? In this interview with Andy Bannister, from the SolasCPC YouTube Channel (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8fm7d_XxOI&t=77s), J. Warner discusses the early authorship and transmission of the Gospel accounts.
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There is something that I noticed awhile back in the English alphabet or words, letter t is a cross. His✝️ory is se[v]en letters 7 letters representing 7 days of creation the center being the cross, letter 4, which points to day 4 of creation where the sun was created and guess what about 4000 years later the Son was given. who is the Sun of righteousness spoken of in malachi 4. thus answers a question for me that always made me carious, why does the antichrist make a covenant for 1 week 7 yrs? well now it is answered, because he will know that at the center he can claim and show himself to be the sun of God, which will be the abomination of desolation. but of course Jesus will come from the east just as the sun rises from the east and He will destroy the antichrist with the brightness of His coming. also if you look to the center of the 7 vials and 7 trumpets you will see that the sun will be affected. it's all very interesting, look at the center of the word God it's a circle like the circle of life, well Jesus is the pi of life, every circle points to the trinity and every portion left over from every circle represents Eternity which never ends and never repeats. pi 3.14 very interesting. look at the center of a CL>O<CK there are 3 arms and at the center of time the center of History there were 3 nails to the ✝️ruth. the CR[O]SS, cal[v]ary was love letter to us but also a dagger in the heart of sa✝️an.
The Scriptures are written by authors inspired by the Spirit of God and the witnesses in the events leading to the Bible.
Great video.