Why We Shouldn’t Grant Illegal Immigrants Amnesty | Lora Ries on VOA Radio
Lora Ries joined Voice of America Radio, Sunday, February 7, to talk about the latest on illegal immigration, why Pres. Biden’s immigration plan is bad for America, and why those who have come to America illegally do not deserve to receive amnesty for breaking the law.
Learn more about this issue here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6d0kDoSkvg&t=8s
Lora Ries is a senior research fellow for homeland security at The Heritage Foundation. She has over 23 years’ experience in the immigration and homeland security arena. Ries twice worked at the Department of Homeland Security on management and immigration policy and operations issues, most recently as the Acting Deputy Chief of Staff.
Check out her work here: https://www.heritage.org/staff/lora-ries
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Every country has rules. Try sneaking into Saudi Arabia
I have been rejected 3 times on bogus bs. I did not decide TO CHEAT my way in. I keep trying, if fate allows I will get in if not that's life.
Why the FUCK would you reward CHEATERS!?
Reagan tried it before and we have this problem again. I don't think amnesty will just delay the problem not fix it.
Actually it should be :We can't legalize illegals because US will need another group of illegals to take over on the jobs that illegals are already doing! If illegals have a chance to get legalized they will take themselves to another higher level .I am not saying this is bad but who is going to do the jobs that they are doing now ? How can you hate them and still hiring them ?
Everything needs to be done in a legal way. Otherwise that is not fair. The law needs to apply to everyone
Absolutely not. No amnesty. Period! It’s incredibly unfair and an absolute slap in the face to the immigrant hopefuls who are still waiting in line so they can finally enter the US legally. If we grant them amnesty, then we might as well grant all the other immigrant hopefuls who are trying to enter the US legally amnesty as well. We can’t just make an exception for people who are from countries that happen to be in close proximity to the US just because they happen to be nearby. If we make an exception for them, then we have to make an exception for everyone else. And what good is the US without secure borders? What’s the point of having an immigration process? I’m not saying that we should never let immigrants in. I’m saying that we have every right to verify who comes to the US before letting them in just like we have every right as individuals to verify who we invite to our own homes before letting them in. The same people who criticize the US for trying to establish secure borders in an attempt to keep illegal immigrants out are the same people who wouldn’t dare let a stranger from off the streets into their own homes without verifying who he/she is first. I’m all for immigrants who want to come to the US in search of a better life, but I’m all for them doing things the right way. If you enter the US legally, then there’s no problem. If you enter the US illegally, then that’s when the problems come. Simple as that!
Their not gonna be enough food their selling farm land to China.
What this is doing and the Globalist know this their breaking America economy so China and Russia can lead no other country in the world takes so many immigrants in.
we should nuke california it would MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.
Have a heart for these human beings,we all are going to die one day ,let them live and dream for short life
Change !llegal. It needs to be changed
to !nvader.
You dare put a foot wrong in their countries and you are slammed up and cannot get out until you pay a blackmail massive fine IN CASH. Even then they rob you blind as you wait.
While I agree with the points made, I had to dislike the video for the K (or X) pronounced in 'et cetera'. Yes, it's a pet peeve and yes I'm petty but ffs, why would anyone read a K (or an X) where there is none?
It is a dumb idea. As a legal immigrant, I had a very hard time coming here. My husband is a US citizen, I had to get a VISA, passport, go through a comprehensive background check, underwent a physical exam to check for tuberculosis of all things! I had to pass an interview and paid the fees. And my husband came ahead of me for months so he has to have a job and a savings account. And then somebody had to execute an Affidavit of Support to make sure that I don't become a burden to taxpayers! Only to find out that there are people who come in droves without anything , really??? Liberal democrats destroy America's greatness by rewarding lawlessness. This should never be tolerated if Americans still want to have a great country.
The left doesn’t care about immigrants or America. They just want to secure their future voter base.
It is a no-brainer. Only idiots and self-servers 'don't get it.'
Where I live in California in 2018 Lake Casitas and Lake Cachuma almost went dry. These two lakes supply much of the water to Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties. Illegal immigration shouldn't be encouraged anymore because the population growth can no longer be sustained without raising water prices to very high levels.
In some cities in California they ran out of water and were forced to go to special centers to shower. 10,000 illegal immigrants turn into 50,000 people in 10 years. This must stop. California has a population of 40 million and can't sustain much more in the south.
Jan 2020 the director of international migration presented the estimate of 2 billion- the preference of the majority is migrating to the US & Canada. He emphasized walls & efforts to manage won't matter. Shortly Hispanic counts will be a minority. Currently birth rates of existing migrants is outpacing counts of native born. Don't expect to no longer own the shirt on your back.
No amnesty ever again. We have more than enough people waiting to come here legally to be rewarding bad behavior. And we had an amnesty 30 years ago, how did that work out for us?
Allowing in mostly uneducated and non English speaking persons costs this nation way too much. An analogy I like to use is that if you were going to have a 'super bowl' party and budgeted for enough pizza and beer to feed 10 people, you wouldn't go and invite 20 people to your party, would you? Our resources are FINITE and STRETCHED. Our social programs were put in place to help CITIZENS that fall on hard times, not for Juan and Juanita to make babies and live the 'American Dream' with.
No they do not !
Dacas destroyed California.
I feel like Mz. Ries is greatly misinformed here, for many reasons.
1. Economists widely agree that even low-skill immigration doesn't raise unemployment.
2. Changing the use of the word 'alien' doesn't "lump these groups [of foreign nationals] together" because under U.S. law, all of these groups are already considered "aliens". Tourists, businessmen, authorized immigrants, and even green-card holders are legally called "aliens". People like Lora Ries are just… strangely selective in which group of people they use this term with.
3. Legalizing the current population of unauthorized immigrants is likely to increase tax revenues, not lower them (because they'll be more likely to be paid above the table, and will be eligible for more worker protections and higher-paying jobs).
NO ! 😠
Illegal is a keyword?