Why Welfare for All WILL NOT Revive New York City’s Economy | Joel Griffith on Fox News
Joel Griffith joined Fox News on January 15, 2021 to break down Andrew Yang’s welfare for all plan.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.heritage.org/markets-and-…
Joel Griffith is a research fellow in the Roe Institute at The Heritage Foundation. He is a research fellow for the Institute for Economic Freedom and Opportunity at The Heritage Foundation. Previously, he worked as a researcher for a former member of The Wall Street Journal editorial board. Joel also was Deputy Research Director at the National Association of Counties.
Check out his work here: https://www.heritage.org/staff/joel-g…
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And now, folks, it's time for "Who do you trust!" Hubba, hubba, hubba! Money, money, money! Who do you trust? Me? I'm giving away free money.
Andrew Yang gives away his own money. Good for him. But if I lived in NY then I would not want him to give away my money. Andrew Yangs proposal would be payed for by the tax paying citizens of NY. It is the absolute definition of “transfer of wealth”.
We're not a socialist country
Will it go to the people or somehow go into bailing out NY.
Good news!!! NYC is a hidden HORROR!!!! TERRIBLE
New Yorkers enjoy your elected officials
Why is it still being called “welfare” when it’s been quite obvious it’s exactly the opposite of something that’s good for anybody?
NY always listens to the heritage foundation! Oh wait
No, this is not the way, neither is opening America's borders to all. When the world tears down it's borders, America can too. Any UBI should truly be Universal…Everyone. You will instantly see progress come to a screeching halt. UBI…at least two weeks paid vacation, full medical and dental and a Lear jet in every garage. It was once, "a chicken in every pot."
Does anyone actually believe a word the heritage foundation has to say on welfare? We had plenty of billions for tax cuts for billionaires, corporations, and for contracts in the military-industrial complex.
Paid off by billionaires and corporations to convince the average American they're better off with less.
Personal tax cuts, business tax cuts, cut red tape & pointless rules & regulations is the only way people will have the ability to lift themselves out of poverty. Also it'll ensure that Government has less money to spend on corrupt activities & creating conflicts.
Yang is trying to buy votes. He should be investigated.
isnt it interesting, the only way a Democrat can get elected is by promising tax payer dollars for their ignorant supporters. you're going to get the government you deserve.
Who's going to make the money? Is there a hidden treasure the People of New York city don't know about?
If you sue the Governor and mayor of all their money they've stolen, he just might be able to open up business and jobs. Why would anyone want to be locked up doing nothing. We have a high suicide rate. How brainless is that.
The Free Shit Army wants entitlements from the cradle to the grave
Good. I wait for love from you 💝💖
Great Reset.