Winfree: Coronavirus Economic Crisis Isn’t Like 2008, Congress Should Take Note
Paul Winfree joined C-SPAN to on April 9, 2020 to discuss Heritage’s formation of the National Coronavirus Recovery Commission, which will examine the extraordinary public health crisis facing America and the steps needed to move prudently toward recovery.
Learn more about this issue: http://www.coronaviruscommission.com/
Paul Winfree serves as director of the Thomas A. Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies at The Heritage Foundation.
Check out his work here: https://www.heritage.org/staff/paul-winfree
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No other President had driven deficits and stimulus quite like Trump. Why do conservatives keep saying they dont want government in the economy? The governments deficit is the private sectors surplus, and Trump is pumping the private sector by running massive deficits. His next deficit will hit two trillion dollars!!! Thats why they call him, Big Deficit Donny.
We have come a long way from Bill Clintons balanced budgets
How much longer can conservatives go around talking like they want to see the budget deficit shrink? Its getting a bit embarrassing know watching you rationalize these unprecedented budget deficits being pushed my McConnell and Trump
Pay our bills and food Mr Paul
I am not blaming the president because his administration’s reaction to this virus has been generally good, despite the constant lies and ridicule from the Leftist media and corrupt democrats. The problem is the federal and state governments were not prepared for this pandemic so their solution is throw trillions of dollars at it that I rife with waste and corruption. This is “fixing” one problem while it creates another. That’s what BIG GOVERNMENT does.
Trump is trying to minimize the damage the globalists Have set out to do so many years ago. The fact that Trump got the feds to overextend themselves Is an amazing achievement We should see an economic recovery. Hopefully this year. It's just a matter of getting people back to work. But it will be a different world
Get the Pedophiles off the street.