Wisdom of Ecclesiastes • Wisdom Ep. 3
In this episode, Tim and Jon begin their discussion on the book of Ecclesiastes. This is an interesting book in Scripture, and the author is relentlessly trying to get the reader to rethink their black and white mindset. It can be a bit depressing to read, and it doesn’t quite give you the same type of feel-good wisdom that the book of Proverbs does. The guys will try to get at what this book is trying to teach us and what the author thinks it means to live a good and godly life.
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Can’t stress how much I’ve lived the early parts out ❤. Much needed study and I wish churches would focus on these things sometimes. Seems like most avoid these books.
Salomon maight have repended in old age. The Ecclesiastes indicate that – both tradition and the most logical answer is that Salomon wrote the book.
Thanks for all yall do
may we know Lord that even if wisdom fails us that you never will and that it is all part of your plan!
The reference to Song of Songs regarding authorship is good. I tend to say the title could be any one of four: A song consisting of songs about Solomon; A song consisting of songs by Solomon; The best song about Solomon; The best song by Solomon. Then I plump for 'Solomon! The Musical', which equates to the first of my four options. It gets people's attention.
There's a tendency to think of Solomon starting well but going bad. Read carefully, the text shows disapproval pretty much from the start
I’m not sure I’ve ever heard anyone lump in Elihu with the other 3 friends. It wasn’t a bet either. It was a test, but more of a recorded example for the rest of us.
“Behold, we count them happy which endure. Ye have heard of the patience of Job, and have seen the end of the Lord; that the Lord is very pitiful, and of tender mercy.”
James 5:11
The reference to smoke, vanity, etc are talking about ‘fixed definitions’. The wisdom books are talking about establishing context rather than simply applying formulas or fixed definitions. Human experiences are like smoke, the appearance can be one thing but the internal meaning can be multiple things.
Myst. For « Hevel », maybe a translation to the word « myst » would be fitting, also as in « mystery » . So, capturing both meanings of « smoke » and « absurd ». What do you think?
I love how these concepts have been incorporated into other works but strange how people don't notice or value them for anything other than the superficial.
Actually one of my favorite scripts. It’s very relative to today.
I love this wisdom series. So much ❤. However I do think that the teacher does sometimes mean life is meaningless because, an example being Ecc 4:1-3 ‘I saw the tears of the oppressed—
and they have no comforter;
power was on the side of their oppressors—
and they have no comforter.
2 And I declared that the dead,
who had already died,
are happier than the living,
who are still alive.
3 But better than both
is the one who has never been born,
who has not seen the evil
that is done under the sun.’
So we’re saying God is a liar or inconsistent or incompetent deity?
Thank you so much for elaborating on this book, which was always a mystery to me 😄🙌
The Messiah has set me free from that malignant hassatan.
Iron wont cleave with a clay footstool.
"Vanity" also means, "in vain" , in present-day English. Aka "for nothing" "for naught".👍
I believe "vanity" is related to "vain", as in "It was all in vain". It means 'pointless', or 'may as well not have happened'. Also, I think the closest word we have, in English, to the concept of "hevel" is "vapid". It is actually derived from the same source as "vapor" and similarly means 'unsubstantial' or 'offering no substance". I love Ecclesiastes.
So, life sucks, good to know
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I really enjoyed this discussion on Ecclesiastes, thank you.
Here in Thailand…and I gotta say that we serve those in Southeast Asia as we are making disciples and planting churches. These videos are so informative and inspiring.
Wow! Just wow! What a great lesson. Thank you.
It seems like a literal translation would best retain all the allegorical implications of the original word.
"Smoke, smoke, everything is smoke – merely chasing the wind."
Smoke also suggests pollution and occlusion of the solid things underneath. It gets in your eyes and makes it hard to breathe, like the uncomfortable observations of the Teacher. The suffering of the good and the success of the evil are a lot like a nasty cloud of poison smoke in that way.
Smoke. Real but ungraspable (not a word, but it makes sense to me), not possible to grasp. You can grasp (grab hold of) physical things, and you can grasp (understand) concepts.
This was so enriching!
Is it just me or the YouTube ads on these videos are getting too much. It's really breaking the flow for me
This is such a necessary study.
It flips the tables on prosperity gospel and “name it and claim it” culture.
It even runs head long into apologetics defense of the problem of evil.
This is good.
I believe the author is simply saying hevel, hevel, because everything we do as human beings is temporary. From simple survival, all the way up to entertainment and power struggles amongst ourselves, is going to fade away and be replaced by the next person who wants to control "their" world. God has the ultimate say on everything and following his ways is as close as we will ever get to true fulfillment in this flesh.
We shall not worship false idols
Have you an answer to your final question on this podcast?
Compromising bunch who don't think homosexuality is a sin, done with this channel, always believed you to be closet homosexuals, time will prove me on this one.
You should inform your audience this is audio ONLY. Not ALL podcasts are created equal 😉😉😉😇😇😇