World Angrier at China Than It Has Been in 30 Years: James Carafano to TRT World
James Carafano joined TRT World, Monday, May 4, to talk about the latest from China, the Chinese Communist Party’s coverup of the coronavirus outbreak, and the need for the Trump administration to work with our partners to hold the regime accountable.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvZA1BZME68
James Jay Carafano, a leading expert in national security and foreign policy challenges, is the vice president of Heritage’s Kathryn and Shelby Cullom Davis Institute for National Security and Foreign Policy and the E. W. Richardson Fellow.
Check out his work here: https://www.heritage.org/staff/james-carafano
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Don’t miss the fact that this time, it’s personal for everybody in the world, China’s mistake was to slap the world’s face. Strange conduct for a country that understands the concept of saving face.
fuck china fuck the ccp
No matter how President trump deal with the nation is for the citizens of the nation to decide , the point is why the virus is not contain when a Chinese citizen medical doctor reported the outbreak …. Why make things so complicated ? A citizen who reported the virus to the government ? Fundamental logical questioning which communist can't answer ….. uncooperative to look for the cause by not allowing international communities to investigate??? Utter nonsense
Everyday the CCP perpetrates another crime, another injustice, another threat, another lie. The CCP wants absolute power and all the worlds wealth and they will stop an nothing to attain it. Everyday they are waging war against the world and the world must to do something before their evil ambition comes to fruition.
China must pay!!!
We know CCP lied and WHO covered for them. Stop pointing at the Western hero Trump. This 🇨🇦 is done with China. Taiwan is not part of China
Nostradamus said it "BEWARE OF THE YELLOW PERIL " — Boy !!!! Did he get it right !!!!!
The sooner we ordinarily placid people's, start to accept the reality that the CCP's agenda is world domination through bio/economic warfare then the sooner we can fight back in kind, on the economic front.
The difference in the way we retaliate is that the CCP are willing to sacrifice millions, of their own population to achieve their goals while we in the West are not. Nuff said.
In the name of God, why are we associated and trading with this country for, decouple now?
Always American government when they want war they said same shit like Iraq had nuclear, people of America they don't want war but they need how to get out of this Corona virus pandemic
Red Chinese biological weapon
Ping don't smile ever
This guy is dead wrong. China does want a conflict and they are preparing for it. US are a bunch of naive pussies
If America is going to blame China for Corona virus and leading to war, where did Americans get the information to support that allegation? From a news media which has lied to them? from Politicians who rotate between blaming China, Russia, Korea even when they have nothing specific.
Lincoln indicatesd that if the US were to fall it would be caused from within. That has occurred. But its not split on Republican and Democrat lines.
Imagine you were a large group of people who has done something VERY VERY WRONG. AND you lied and concealed your wrongdoing… EVERYWHERE. Yet, the group is on the cusp of being exposed. That group brings about the release of the virus. China, having heard of the wrongdoing, kicked that group out of their country. (Russia did the same. So, yes, that group has a grudge. And they hold grudges. They act on grudges. They are cruel and without conscience. They are capable of causing the global pandemic and entrenched in every part of the US Government – ready to cover it up as needed.
Now look again at all those who were trying to remove Trump. The first president who was NOT a member of their group since Ronald Reagan. Are they the same as the ones moving towards war or suggesting it is inevitable? I bet it is.
The lawyers have broken the US Constitution. As a group their injustice has been devastating to many. Yet, people accept American Injustice ignored. American Injustice is ignore because of ONE RULE. But that Rule must be klept secret. The rule which must be kept secret, is the Confidenitality Rule enacted by the astate judiciary and adopted federally based on jurisdiction and the Rules in the state. There is no constitutional review of the Rule. Any challenge is prevented from disclosure. (I Know I filed one – with 56 state Attorneys GEneral. Rule 1.6 is the problem. It caused the foreclosure crisis. it caused Black Live Matter. It concealed Kids for Cash. It falsely prosecuted Bill Cosby. It falsely prosecuted Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane. And it tried to take down an American President. That failure was the trigger for a catastrophic or apocalyptic event – Trump remains in office. The Corona Virus began spreading.
The American Bar Association is responsible. They are the Deep State. They did it in retaliation for Watergate and Operation Greylord. They wanted to make sure that corrupt lawyers were never prosecuted again. Thirty years of charging Americans for hours when the Rule prevents them from prevailing in the court. Victims has no rights and no protection of the Law.
I know. You dont want to believe me. It happened to me. www,@t
Democrats don't blame China why ???
The whole world blame CHINA, CHINA HAS TO PAY FOR ALL THIS.
Because China made the world sick …again
Oh, please stop lighting up our aircraft with lasers.
China didn't comply with international health regulations!!!!! What more do you need??? Covid 19, Swine flu, Asian fruit fly, Avian flu. Etc. Please China, no more gifts! We don't eat bats.
Why the Trump administration needs to hold China responsible for covering up the coronavirus outbreak: https://youtu.be/Dmxs3gy0CCE
Choose your poison – https://rairfoundation.com/exposed-erdogans-blueprint-to-reestablish-the-ottoman-empire-the-netherlands-case-study/
Think "Erdogan" – TRT World is a Turkish state international news channel broadcast 24-hours per day in English. The news channel is based in Istanbul. It provides worldwide news and current affairs focusing on Turkey, Europe and Western Asia.[1] In addition to its Istanbul headquarters, TRT World has broadcast centres in Washington D.C., London, and Singapore.
Righteous ANGER !
China kills millions steals property ignores patents invades free societies bribes U.N. officials rampant racism. Then allowed the spead of the CCP virus and millennials back CCP interests and ideals the new world order is CCPs destabling propaganda tool.
The Chinese Communist Party needs to practice social distancing from the United States and the rest of the Civilized Western world.
Screw China!!!
So what he is saying is that China will get away with killing.probably 500.000 people all over the world and the it will be business as usual,no justice in this world for common people,this is so wrong.
Investigate this: The U.S. banned a corona virus project in 2014, deeming it Too Dangerous. What did Fouci do? Gave the Wuhon China laboratory 3.7 million dollars to continue that project. What exactly was this " project"? a bioweapon maybe?