Would Jesus March in a Pride Parade? | Stand to Reason Podcast with Greg Koukl
Greg responds to an article that says Jesus would have marched in a pride parade, then he answers a question about Christians disagreeing on whether the COVID vaccine is a hill to die on.
0:00 Introduction
9:36 Would Jesus March in a Pride Parade?
45:04 What am I missing about the COVID vaccine that my colleague sees not taking it as a hill to die on?
#StandtoReason #Apologetics #Christianity
“What would Jesus do during Pride?” by Michael Coren: https://www.thestar.com/opinion/contributors/2021/06/21/what-would-jesus-do-during-pride-simple-hed-wave-the-rainbow-flag-and-march-in-the-parade.html
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Pride leads to destruction
Pride in your self, a haughty and arrogant heart, boastful pride of life are from the world. 1 John 2:16, Ps 10:24, Dan 5:23
Those who are lovers of self, lovers of pleasure, committing abominations are on a road to their destruction. Eph 2:1,3, 2 Tim 3:2-4,
Eze 16:49-50
God will destroy you, your wicked ways and haughty spirit. Prov 18:12, Jer 49:16, Ps 73:6,17, Hos 7:10,13
God is opposed to the proud but with humility brings: grace, honor, life and exaltation. Dan 5:20, James 4:6,10, Prov 22:4, 1 Pet 5:5-6
If you humble yourself, show gentleness, kindness, patience He will exalt you. Col 3:12, Eph 4:1,2, Luke 18:14, 2 Chr 7:14
All glory and honor should be given to God, not yourself. We obey God, not what the world says.
But to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8
12:05 You're confusing sex (biological) with gender (mental). If you, a biological man, identify as a man (gender) and your wife, a woman (biological), identifies as a woman (gender) then you are in a heterosexual heterogender marriage.
If you now identify as a woman (gender, mental) then you are NOT in a same-sex marriage because you are still biologically a man. Your sex hasn't changed. You're biologically a man identifying as a woman. You're in a heterosexual homogender marriage.
That seems to me to be the logic of the situation. Nobody can swap every Y chromosome in their body for an X-chromosome or vice versa. Sex is biologically determined and is immutable. Gender is all in the mind.
Go get em tiger!
How could this God create the universe? If our Universe had a maker, where did it get the ability to do so? It's much harder to understand and believe that this God was "just there" in the beginning because of the complexity of the Universe. Science and physics are finding out more all the time. It's impossible for me to believe in a god that has this ability without being nurtured itself. When I read the bible and see all the "miracles" it speaks of, I see primitive iron age people believing in magic. Just like Aaron going to see the Pharoah and throwing his staff down and having it turn into a serpent. Then the bible goes on to say that when the Pharoah saw this, he had his magician's do the same thing but Aaron's serpent was able to kill all of them!
I believe in what is real. If anything in the bible was to make it into a court of law about any subject, it would be laughable. Our Planet Earth is the only place we have for home. No angels or going to heaven and no gods to "make all things new again". We need to fight together to save as much of our Planet that we can. Having faith in a fictional character from a poorly written book of fiction does not cut it.
I'm an atheist because I can read and think. Christians, and I will use them for my comments, although any Abrahamic religion has the same problem of being realistic.
All Abrahamic religions were born in the Middle East with Israel being at it's center. Every animal or anything on Earth was put here to be under us and for our benefit. The bible explains that the Earth is covered by a canopy with water on the outside of it, and the Sun, Moon, and stars are in between with the Sun and Moon being close in size with the stars much smaller. We are the center of everything according to the bible.
Why wouldn't this "God" tell us that the Sun is a star in a Galaxy of some 100 billion Stars and a Universe made up of some 100 billion more Galaxies? If this God wanted to be the "Big Shot" as portrayed in bible, why not show some facts of reality?
If we are the center of everything and this God knows everything and created everything, why not give us the facts on everything? It can't be because this God couldn't explain these things to us back then and have us to believe it! With all the creation bullshit and other "miracles" this God was throwing around, why not educate the people? Was this God so busy having the Isrealites kill their neighbors and plunder the Virgin girls for themselves to educate them?
How about Elisha coming into a town and young kids on the edge of town name calling? Calling him empty head. Elisha was able to call some female bears out of the woods to kill them! God doesn't make a peep about it, and I'm sure if Elisha had that ability to do it, it would have come from God. Isn't that moral? I guess the next time I go to town and a group of kids ice ball my car, I will turn around and run them over! I may be on the international news for a few days, but what heck. Shit happens..
How about God saying that we can own slaves and even pass them down to family when we die? It says that "they are your property". It goes on to say, "If you beat your slave and he doesn't die in a day or two, then you are not held accountable"! Why wouldn't this God say "You can not own another human"?
How about this God drowning everyone on the planet except Noah and then repopulate the Earth? How, by incest? How could the ark even float? Sealed up except for one window. It would be impossible to feed all these animals with the proper feed, Keep the methane from manure from killing everyone, and throwing the poo out of the window.
I've read the bible cover to cover over a dozen times and I studied it intently for 8 or 10 hours a day for about 10 years. The more I read the less I could believe. I've always loved science and especially geology. I study just as intently with this as I studied the bible and for just about as many years. No more gods for me.
Jesus points to the "porneia code" which is clearly defined in Leviticus. "…a man shall not lie with another man."
Jesus wouldn't walk for a Pride parade because he can't advocate for sin. Simple
You can be LGBT and Christian no problem
GK, about the idol conversation…
The verse that says we make an idol of ourselves would kinda fall under someone who is obsessed with an activity or not?
Michael Coren just got ordained as an Anglican "priest".
No he wouldn't or any pride parade because they make it about self weather its their skin color rsce whatever it is not Jesus when our identify is in Jesus Christ
“For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.”1 Corinth 1:18