You’ve Been Lied To: America’s True History
The esteemed British statesman and Prime Minister of England, Winston Churchill, wondered, “Is the only lesson of history to be that mankind is unteachable?” This does not have to be the case if man will look to the past, observing the good, bad, and ugly contained within their heritage, and commit to seeking and applying the truth.
In America’s history, her exceptionalism is inseparable from the principles and foundations of the Christian faith and biblical law, as Alex Newman, Liberty Sentinel CEO, explains in a speech to the NFRA Presidential Preference Convention. Any effort to save America must begin with a rekindled understanding of America’s true, unbridled history.
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Looks like he's taken care of Kissinger.
BRAVO Alex Newman ❤
I am hesitant to ask this question because I am really not sure how accurate it is but I heard that George Washington was a freemason (evidenced by the engraving on the Washington monument) and that our country was built with free masonry in mind. Even the obelisk is satanic symbolism. How does this factor in to what is being said here? Lastly, we can't fix anything in America. This is God's plan for the end times. Nothing is happening that is not a part of God's plan. Everything is falling into place.
Welcome to the new Christianity where you can deliberately utter profanity while mentioning glorifying God in the same sentence.
God bless you, sir! I really would like to have your command of the English language and the ability to deliver my thoughts with clarity as you do. Thank you so much.
The first Christians in America were the Spanish Catholics in 1513..
Rev. 14:6-12 KJV
Blessings brother Alex
The enemy was/is Scofieldist Dispensationalism!!!! Which coincidentally none of the funders believed in!!
He won't mention that!!
Morphius was right. The world is pulled over our eyes to blind us from the truth.