3-Pronged ATTACK: Globalists’ Plan to END SOVEREIGNTY Reveal…
3-Pronged ATTACK: Globalists’ Plan to END SOVEREIGNTY Revealed|Ep 358
The biggest globalist power grab IN HISTORY is currently underway, thanks to the World Health Organization, the United Nations, and the European Union. It’s all going down as political mayhem rocks Europe: Right-wing factions are beating their globalist counterparts in elections in France, Germany, and Belgium. Justin Haskins, coauthor of “The Great Reset” and “Dark Future,” warns that the Biden administration has already said it supports these globalist plans.
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The biggest globalist power grab IN HISTORY is currently underway, thanks to the World Health Organization, the United Nations, and the European Union. It’s all going down as political mayhem rocks Europe: Right-wing factions are beating their globalist equivalents in elections in France, Germany, and Belgium. Glenn exposes files that show how the brand-new world order currently is taking steps to extend its control beyond the European Union … all before the 2024 presidential election. Justin Haskins, coauthor of “The Great Reset” and “Dark Future,” alerts that the Biden administration has currently stated it supports these globalist plans.