5 Responses to Common Christian Objections
If you were having a conversation with a non-believer would you have a quick response to their objections? The intellectual aspect of Christian discipleship is just as important today as it has ever been. As a Christian, I’ve got to do something very similar if I want to be a “Case Making” Christian. I need to help people see the importance of grounding what they believe about Jesus (or the existence of God) in something evidential, rather than on speculation unsupported by the evidence. Many who oppose Christianity believe it is non-evidential, but nothing could be further from the truth. There is a strong cumulative circumstantial case for the Christian worldview.
Check out our website to see our “Rapid Response” series that covers more objections to Christianity and a rapid response to them. In our Rapid Response series, we tackle common concerns about (and objections to) the Christian worldview by providing short, conversational responses. These posts are designed to model what our answers might look like in a one-on-one setting, while talking to a friend or family member.
Website: http://bit.ly/3KePwu5

Great! Thank you!
I’m glad that you’re talking about the impatient information age that we are in. I’m old… 60 years old to be exact. Yet I still find myself wanting quick answers and having a short attention span, because — like you say — we are in an information age.
I went to college for graphic design when I was in my 30s, after being a stay-at-home mom for the first 14 years of my marriage. I think if it weren’t for that I wouldn’t have become computer savvy. But because of that I tried to keep up with the times as the years went on, and found myself behaving much like the young people of this most recent generation… where I want my answers quickly.
For a time I worked as a website “rater” for Google. In that work not only did I have to make sure that people’s questions are answered quickly and well, but I had to do each task quickly myself. So I really appreciate these videos that you have made or the little explanations you put in the midst of one of your presentations about answering things / evangelizing quickly.
I volunteer in a Christian pregnancy center right now and I just have a few moments with each of these young women before I have to turn them back out into the world.
Thank you so much for the work you do. I’m going to try to explore a lot of your videos (right now my neighborhood “sweatpants book society” is reading your book Person of Interest).
If God is an infinite being, no beginning and no end, what was he doing before he created the universe.
What do you think about this argument for the "Who created God" question.
TLDR: It's God's problem, not ours
Long version: Imagine a human conciousness at birth was injected into a video game world. They never knew anything of Earth or the people who created that world. What if they began doubting if this world had a creator? Would then doubts be right? In this case we know that they would be wrong because we created the video game world. Well what if they were to ask, "Well who is the creator's creator?" Would that be evidence that the world didnt have a creator? In this case no. It had a creator even if they couldn't answer that question. So question of "Does a creator exist" is the problem of the people that created that world not the people residing in the world itself.
Does that logic follow?
Thank you brother for all the help, Love could case Christianity keep up the good work
So fascinating. Thank you!
The major problem with the atheist's world view is that the universe being formed randomly, with all of its complexities, goes against all that we know of how things are created in our world today. Paintings don't paint themselves, buildings don't build themselves, cars don't assemble themselves. Every created thing in our world today is designed and formed by a designer–a creator.
The opinion of an agnostic here:
We all gotta admit that there might be something uncaused that was the cause of everything. It's a very interesting mystery and I think I'm gonna write a novel about it 😄.
The thing is that while atheists and agnostics admit they don't know what that is, christians pretend to know (without evidence). And faith really is a choice either you like to hear it or not – but I can't force myself to have blind faith – sorry 😇
(This comment wasn't supposed to offend christians but to bring a little light into the minds of christians about how non-christians may think)
We are in a disinformation age. The delusion is upon us…
Holy Spirit reveals Jesus. Bible says only the Father can reveal to us by His spirit
"I define God as uncreated therefore it is uncreated."
Well, I define the Universe as uncreated, therefore it is uncreated… Haha, checkmate!
This definition game is nothing but unsubstantiated claims. You can believe whatever you like, but don't pretend like that is some kind of argument.
Thanks, Mr. J. Warner Wallace!
Mr Wallace, can you tell me if your new 10th anniversary edition of Cold Case Christianity will be available on Audible? Thank you
Very helpful. Thank you!
Thank you, J. Warner Wallace, for being a light for God's Word! May God bless you and keep you to the end.
Daniel 12:1-4 Daniel speaks about the end of the age.
Vs 3-4.. "..And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars forever and ever.
But though, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase…" We are seeing this very thing in our time like never before. According to the Hebrew, the language for knowledge is that which is not necessarily clear, floods if information that people do not understand.
That is the reason that it is so important for us to study and know God's Word, and trust it. Also..
Amos warns us, and this is coming like a flood as well, as so many preachers do not declare the full and simple counsel of the Bible, and fill up and feed their flock.
Amos 8:11 says, "Behold, the days are coming," says the Lord GOD, "that I will send a famine on the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD."
Although our media is filled with preachers, and teachers, and hirelings and book writers, how many are truly calling us to righteousness and preparation for living now and being ambassadors for truth, and being eternally with our Lord Jesus.
Thanks my brother! Excellent! You cause me to think about a lot of things that will help in sharing the Gospel. I want to so badly, and do some, but would love to be better prepared! Thank you!
Super great explanation! In spite of being flooded with information, and people only interested in small bites of it in rapid succession, there are still some thinkers out there truly searching for the answer that only the God of the Bible can satisfy!
1. Being itself must be. It is impossible for being itself to not be, because that would contradict its own nature. But God is the ground of being. So God is a necessarily existent being.
You are so interesting and — right on.
Thank you for your time 🙏 this is so appreciated 👍
On the question of Genesis: I have a few thoughts of my own, which I hope, might give some food for thought to someone else.
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth 🌍
No timeframe, just the facts that the universe had a beginning.
Genesis tells of the earth being in chaos. Again, it states the facts. It doesn't go into great details.
Please note, the earth is already in existence (Gen 1) including all the planets and the sun, although obscured.
Now consider, a meteor had hit the planet and caused the extinction of the dinosaur 🦕 and the earth was in chaos because of it. (Gen 1:2)
I find it interesting to think that dinosaur 🦖🦕 had been the first life on this planet. We humans are not really the first creation. It should give us pause to think. Who brought the dinosaur into existence? Have they evolved into one big happy family from a fish or a bird ? … 😳
All the lifeform we know now, came into existence after the extinction of the dinosaur 🦕
(About 66 million years ago)
This timeframe is hardly long enough for life to have evolved, even if it could, for molecules don't care about life and it takes two of the same sort to re-create the same kind. Even in the case of 🐔🐓
God made the earth suitable for life.
The bible tells us that this happened within six days. He practically removed the chaos within this timeframe, and he 'set in motion' all lifeforms we know today.
This reconstruction of our planet also affirms the seasons and the days of the week.
God established the Sabbath, on the seventh day he rested.
On a side note, people didn't have clocks in those days, when you consider this, it becomes apparent, how important this notion of seasonal and weekly structure must have been in ancient times.
The story carries on with Adam and Eve being placed within a special garden called Eden. Again we don't know how long they have been there, (even if speaking metaphorically) but we do know the timeframe after the fall, after they had to leave that garden, about 6000 years ago or more, when incidentally, consciousness had entered their mind and lives. (While in the garden, although set apart for God's purpose, they were more like big children, not being aware of right or wrong, even that there can be a wrong!!
From that point in time in human history civilization had started and the generations of people have been remembered, and later were written down in the book of Genesis.
The story of Cain reveals that other subjects existed in this world. Gen 4:15-17
The purpose of the book of Genesis reveals the Creator and his interactions with humans, created in his image and with inherent creativity. It is a timeless story and it's message applies to us today.
I find this story much more plausible than to think that everything just evolved from a brainless chemical soup, with the sudden appearance of fish swimming out of this soup, then turning into birds to fly all over the world to evolve into dinosaurs, which we know have been in extinction millions of years ago.
If ever there was nothing then there would always be nothing, therefore there has to be some causal agent for everything that exists. The causal agent has to be infinite in all aspects of existence i.e. creativity, personality, intelligence, powerful and all knowing to have created life and everything that is detectable from that which is undetectable, and know the end from the beginning. Prophecies prove the existance of God. Jesus fulfilled over 150 Prophecies thats the proof He is God. Nobody else only God could do that. Maranatha
I would also like to personally thank J Warner Wallace for his personal testimony video where I wrote his testimony out to give to my brother, who is a retired Sherrif detective, who states that he believes in God, but has never given his life to him because he still wants to live his life his own way.
I've never had anyone ask me (yet), 'Who created God,' but most people ask me why should I choose Christianity over other religions in the world, or why should I even have a religion?
I like the answer from Pastor Harry Ironside who said, "There's only two types of religions in the world. There are those who believe they can save themselves and there are those who believe they need a Savior.”
But right after that, I will tell the person that it is absolutely true about what Jesus says will happen to you if you believe and begin to obey his teachings – that Jesus will give you a part of himself, his Holy Spirit, who will dwell in you and guide you in thoughts and actions so that you may live a life that is pleasing to God.
But don't end your conversation there. Offer them an invitation to come to Christ. If they say, 'No,' then offer them your number or email for a continued relationship for their questions.
Friends, when do you believe that one receives the Holy Spirit?
Many people point to Mark 16:16 – “The one who has believed and has been baptized will be saved,” as noting that a person has to be baptized before they receive Salvation, which is true, but it’s not being baptized in water. When you review Luke 23:40-43, one of the two criminals on the cross beside Jesus received salvation without being baptized in water, for how could he, while he was being crucified on the cross. “Don’t you fear God,” he said, “since you are under the same sentence? We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong. Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom. Jesus answered him, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.”
The criminal feared God, believed in Jesus, admitted his sins, stating that he deserved punishment, and asked for salvation, and was baptized by the Holy Spirit, where Jesus told him, “Today you will be with Me in Paradise!”
In Matthew 3:11, John the Baptist was announcing the coming of Jesus, saying, “I baptize you with water for repentance. But after me comes one who is more powerful…….He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.”
Jesus says in John 14:15-17, “If you really love Me, you will keep and OBEY My commandments. And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper to be with you forever— the Spirit of Truth, whom the world cannot receive and take to its heart because it does not see Him or know Him, but you know Him because He, the Holy Spirit, remains with you continually and will be in you.”
Did you notice the first two words, “IF YOU?” If you what? If you are baptized in water? No! If you believe in Jesus? No! “If you LOVE and OBEY Me!” But what if you don’t LOVE and OBEY Jesus? Let’s read this in reverse: “If you DON’T LOVE me and YOU DON’T obey me, I WILL NOT ASK the Father to give you the Spirit of Truth!”
Did you also notice the last 4 words; “WILL BE IN YOU?” The Holy Spirit WILL BE, not is, but WILL BE in you when? When what? When you are baptized in water? No! When you believe in Jesus? No! After you say a prayer to come to Christ? No! When you start by OBEYING and turning your life over to Jesus! Friends, remember Cornelious and his family received the Holy Spirit before they were baptized in water in Acts 10.
If anyone wants to know what it means to be baptized in fire, reply to me here and I will tell you; it's absolutely beautiful!
It’s good to be able to answer questions but Jesus demonstrated that he first asked the person where they were, “what do you say?” ‘Do you want to be healed ?’ etc. We are told to “give an answer for the hope that is within YOU, do so with gentleness and respect”. What persuades YOU? Tell them about that. JWW’s formulation of answers will help us give well expressed and concise answers.
Would you be able to talk about the claim that Judaism, Islam and Christianity all came from Zoroastrianism? I don’t see a lot of Christian’s talking about it.
Great information and video thank you sir
Thank you so much for your videos. I came across one of your presentations last week and Iv been just taking in everything I can find from you! I can’t believe you aren’t much more popular online , I find your approach so helpful and easy to follow as I love crime investigations and what not .
God bless you and please keep bringing the truth to people as long as possible !
This should be listened to by all those, including Christians, who think our faith in Jesus doesn't involve the use of of brains.
Nice job! Your work is one big reason I became a believer. Thank you for all you do! ❤
Great stuff! Thank you Jim!
Thank you 🙏🏽
He demonstrates a very good approach to answering difficult questions. By showing that any proposed problems of theism are also true of other worldviews, it enables him to then make a case that theism, and eventually Christianity, offer superior solutions to those obstacles compared to solutions proposed by those other worldviews.
Jim, great video. Just one thing: you need to change the title from "Objectives" to "Objections"!