8 Steps to SECURE the 2024 Election and 1 RED FLAG | Glenn TV | Ep 350
Will the 2024 presidential election be secure from bad actors? What has your state done to ensure it will be? According to a poll done by ABC, confidence in our election system is at a dangerous low of 20%. Some of that confidence may be low because of what the Biden administration had done by executive order to change the voting process. The Washington Post reported, “New voting laws in swing states could shape the 2024 election.” The laws are designed to make voting in places like Michigan and North Carolina easier, but will it make voting more secure? And what about the “shadow campaign that saved the 2020 election” from Donald Trump as reported by TIME? Glenn reveals we should expect more “fortifying” from a “well-funded cabal of powerful people” in 2024. But don’t lose hope. By the end of this special edition of Glenn TV, Glenn Beck reveals a plan to INCREASE voter confidence in your own county in eight simple steps.
Watch the full episode only at http://BlazeTV.com/Glenn. In the extended, exclusive version, Glenn reports on a blockbuster allegation found in a petition to the Supreme Court. Prior to November 2020, cyber security experts on HBO and PBS warned of potential vulnerabilities in electronic voting systems. Some states listened to the experts and abandoned the technology, but others have doubled down. Glenn interviews software experts who not only claim the vulnerability still exists, they show Glenn HOW it can allegedly be compromised in real time. Use code SECURE2024 to save on your annual subscription at http://BlazeTV.com/Glenn
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0:00: Is the 2024 election more secure than previous elections?
19:31: Joe Biden’s unconstitutional ‘Get out the Vote’ campaign
32:24: 8 simple steps to ensure our elections are secure
42:06 Illegal immigrants can secure a social security number?!
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#glennbeck #glenntv #theblaze #blazetv #blazemedia #secure #2024election #election #electionintegrity #redflag #biden #bidenadministration #electronicvotingmachine #ballots

We are seriously taken over by communists -no doubt
We need it to be legitimate not easier to cheat
They will cheat
Our leaders who are supposed to be setting the example have only been showing us it’s ok to lie, cheat and steal. And oh yea, drugs are ok too.
Allowing illegal immigrants to vote is just another way of stuffing the election boxes.
Unconstitutional Treeasonious Corruption…!
Prohibit all voting machines and drop boxes, mail-in voting must be curbed for all but those who legitimately cannot vote in person.
Organizations and Media warfare on voters over a candidate should be banned now.
Why. the difference in places like Michigan….because it's a swing state? Because A Democrat in office there made the policy? We will not have fair elections again.
No internet should be used to count
Glenn ,talk about soro$$$$$
DR have always ch eat ed. Pe o ple of M a ga know what dr means. I started this nickname along time ago
The '24 election is going to be even more fraudulent than either '20 or '22!
Remember 1776 and Keep Your Powder Dry!
Does Trump know this?
I AGREE 100 %
We ain't fixing this dumpster fire by voting dream on idiots
22 million more votes than registered voters but blob barr couldn't see any fraud well dominion gave him 2million 1 in cash 1 in stock duh the country is finished lock and load
Any comments on the BIBLE and JESUS???????
Everyone should show an ID…… Period!
Glenn, you’ve just brought to light the following:
Biden quote:
“We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics,” Biden said in a clip posted to Instagram Oct. 24.
Pure corruption in blue states.
No drop boxes in any states!!
No illegals are allowed to vote.
Must show id.
No electronic voting!!!
Done with the corruption!!
No, I don't think it's more secure. I live in corrupt Colorado 😢
The Left want dictatorship
Glen nobody is going to harass me because I'm going to vote for I want to vote for. They can harass me all they want. It's not going to change my view on who I'm going to vote for. I can tell you one thing though right now, it is not going to be Joe Biden!
If going to a polling place near your home and pulling out an ID is difficult, has anyone applied for a loan, gone to a doctors office, etc. and filled out all of that paperwork? Anyone who believes it's too hard to vote must wake up every day thinking life is just too hard.
As long as I've voted, its never been 'hard.'. You go, you vote, you leave. Where I now live, we always show our ID. This isn't complicated and has worked for decades. Stop changing the way we vote.
There isn't a need.
I don't want mail in ballots just because people are too lazy or busy to vote at a designated location. We all want secure voting with a voter ID. No illegal aliens are allowed to vote.
15 states in America don't require voters ID. It's just plain insanity and plain cheating!
Glenn needs to wear a shirt that doesn't make noise in the mike when he moves. Good message though.
Biden was getting social security numbers for the illegals so texas would turn BLUE! I heard Biden talking about that!
The Liberals are trying to make Texas a blue state I bet is why has more people wanting to vote in Texas. They should make sure their id are from the state they live in …not another state!
Don’t allow voting machines!
Don’t use drop boxes at all! That’s where lots of illegal voting come from!
One if the problems is Biden gave the illegals voter id’s to the illegals that is coming over and Biden has been flying them in also!
Trump did not cheat! Why do u say that?
Bid en will be cheating this election in #024, he even said he wanted the illegals to-vote so he will win!
I don't care how much they cheat. It will be imposible if Trump gets 100 million votes. For Biden to get more votes, it would be too obvious to everyone.
history will reflect that the liberal/left were the ones that lead us into social slavery of the marxist rule we will see just before some kind of failure in the sates on a federal level… it will be war like and a country of chaos as various groups attempt to gain control as outside countries invade or attempt to invade
I think it's much worse here in Arizona.
Easy voting will balance uninformed Trump voters.
Republicans are afraid because of Trump who said it was rigged even before the election.
No proof of insecure voting. He is damaging voter confidence.
Drop boxes have no proof of being unfair oe insecure – none. The Trump argument is that the election was rigged and unfair. Mail in voting is secure. He is an alarmist.