Three Criteria for Evaluating Worldviews — Stand to Reason University
Robby Lashua provides three criteria for evaluating worldviews in this class from his latest Stand to Reason University course.
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Awesome content folls
why are there no previous episodes of this series on the channel?
Well done, STR!
Thank you!
"The Universe is cooling down" (5:07). No it isn't! How can it be? Where would the heat go?
Pls stop background music so hard of hearing can hear easily! TIA
I didn't hear a clear contradiction with naturalism vs the real world. Those committed to naturalism surely cannot "let a divine foot in the door" and sometimes the explanations for the way things are seem strange but those things do not — by themselves — contradict the real world. Since naturalism is science-base, it is possible that the explanations will improve as research continues. Since naturalism seeks to explain the world using the scientific method, it is — by definition! — committed to literalness. The big bang is not a defeater either, since contemporary views redefine it as a period of rapid inflation. Inflation preceded the big bang, albeit very slowly. Inflation continues today. Many naturalists do not even attempt to explain the origin of the universe, as I understand it — they merely start with the universe as it is and seek to understand it, and do not affirm eternal universe. There is no contradiction there. At best we can say that it is incomplete. Would really love to see a clear contradiction here!
Great stuff!
Wow. I wish I could view your whole comment so I could explain why your “parallels” are misunderstandings. Once I begin a reply, I can only see two lines at a time in YouTube’s app.
If I am a citizen and future resident of France, but I am currently living in Spain, then I am IN Spain but not OF Spain. Does that mean that Spain is illusory? Sorry to be blunt, but all your parallels are really orthogonal.
But I’m glad you’re trying. As you said (I think), don’t assume you understand the biblical worldview. Keep searching and learning.
This class was very helpful…thank you!
Heavily flawed argument about Buddhism [8m 05s]. You can find parallels in Christianity on the topic of "desire." Following Christ instead of the things of this world is only one of many examples. This shows a severe lack of understanding of the SPIRIT of scripture!
Some good logic. The bit about Hinduism [7m 45s] is flawed because it does not define "illusory" and the "purpose" of such a worldview. I find parallels between Hindu "illusory" and the statements of Christ about living in the world but not being of the world. Also, there are parallels with Christ statement that the things born of flesh are flesh and the things born of spirit are spirit. There is also a Big parallel with the very fact that God created this "natural" universe; for He can also un-create it, too! "Illusory!" And even the notion of building a home on sand (nature) versus rock (spirit) also shows us that this entire physical universe is nothing and spirit is everything.
A funny thing happens when anyone becomes certain of their own "worldview" — they STOP looking! Christ admonished us never to stop looking, but to remain perpetually humble. No one knows the Full Mind of God, so there will ALWAYS be more to learn!
I can't hear the speaker for the first minute. The "muzak" is just too loud and drowns him out.