Does This PROVE All Religions Are True?
All religions cannot be true.
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Say what you will about Ravi but he was right when he jokingly said “All religions are the same. They only differ on matters of creation, sin, heaven, hell, God, and salvation.”
All truth claims are narrow in that they exclude other options. Christians reject pluralism, in part, because defining elements of different religions contradict each other. The more we discover about core beliefs of various faiths, the more complex the problem of harmonizing becomes. When Christians claim Christ is the only way, we’re expressing a vital detail of our worldview. This is not intolerance, arrogance, or narrow-mindedness. And it’s more than just our opinion. We could be wrong, but only reasoned arguments could reveal that.
Here are some additional resources to help you understand why not all religions are true:
The Trouble with the Elephant
Religious Stew
Four Common (and Unhelpful) Responses to the Exclusivity of Christ
No Other Name—Part 1
No Other Name—Part 2
i love watching atheist tiktoks and play "spot the fallacy"
Interesting discussion – Do you think we limit God if we say he is only for Christians and/or Abrahamic philosophies?
I mean, what about those before Abraham? Or the people from who God protected Cain? Did God not create the entirety of the universe? Is the limitation of God to Abrahamic philosophies an admission of multiple 'gods'?
I think this is a much trickier subject than the video suggests.
"by the definition of most religions, god is an infinite being". He kills his argument with his first point of the argument! His argument is based on this infinite being concept …. but what about the religions that don't have that definition of god? So, if all religions are true, interesting the first step of the argument would ignore some that might debunk the argument. While he says that to limit an infinite being to this or that religion is a theological mistake, so his argument that all religions are the same starts with: most religions have this view, the opposite of the view is "a mistake" (i.e. wrong), so therefore any other religion not with this religion is wrong …. thus …. some religions are NOT TRUE. No, wait, his point is that ALL religions are true, but his first point debunked his own argument!! So, is his argument that only MAJOR religions are true? I'm so confused. His logic just gets worse by saying that since all religions have meditation they all have the same goal.
If all religions are true (and/or same), then we're playing a game, no different than Monopoly, and religion is a waste of time. Might as well binge Game of Thrones, it'll be as productive. Anyone who says all religions are true knows nothing about religions, or … and this is the truth, its not that all religions are the same, but THEIR religion is better, as they have the special insight that all religions are true! While in order to come to that conclusion they have interpretations of others religions those religions don't have … thus THEIR religion has an insight not other religion has, as they're able to interpret other religions in a way nobody else does including that religion! Thus, anyone who says all religions are the same and true, is essentially saying: mine is a big more true and not the same, but better.
The long hair guy should read 2 Timothy 4
There are many religions that teach murder of those who do not submit to their teachings. Are they good?
If Christianity is true Islam can’t be because they claim contradictory things about Jesus. The thing is that Christianity claims things from Jesus by eye witness of him. While Islam claims things by someone who had this revealed in his sleep 700 years after Jesus was on earth.
God is the same yesterday, today and forever!!!
So when people for thousands of years die horrible deaths, children with cancer, muscular dystrophy ect…wars, famines, disease and cruelty… can be rest assured that "God" will allow the suffering to continue…..YEAH!!!!!
I dismantled his arguments too (internally), but the way u do it is so simple, and I love it.
God is One. Anything else is nonsense
Hinduism is literally worship of cows and idols. Even tho Judaism and Islam do worship the same god (but still do have their differences) with Christianity, Hinduism doesn't. They are pagans
Idk man, I think you just argued that we shouldn’t follow any religion. Man tries to control what he thinks is true out of fear for the unknown. God is unknowable in its totality as a living creature. Believe in yourself, and you will walk Gods path.
All paths leads to same destination.
To the Judgement seat of Christ.
I think he took John 10:16 the worng way
Plot twist all religions are vanity, regardless of what you believe, if you don't do the will of God is useless
Technically arsenic will also cure the headache, but not in the right way. 😅
This video is from the channel Red Pen Apologetics.
Meanwhile there are pagan religions such as Norse myth that basically do not have saints or beneficent deities at all. Their deities are used as examples in parables and frequently show how not to behave at least as frequently as how people should behave. In other words, they're basically human. Thor is a man of strength and conviction, but he is also a rude braggart who cares little for the weak. Loki is a devious schemer and cheat, but he is also abused and ignored by his family.
i with the tiktok guy
I’m with him. I like to read tenants from all religions and I’m Christian but still collect books from Buddhist , Islam, African Spirituality, New Age
There are about 8 billion different religions in the world, with more being born every minute.
If Jesus died and shed his blood for the sin payment for all mankind , since we have all sinned, it would make his sacrificial death unnecessary.
wow just wow!! so well put beautiful
I feel like this channel just tackles the low hanging fruit in an effort to appeal to the beliefs of those who already believe in christianity.
This is that one world religion agenda that’s spoken about in Revelations. There’s only ONE WAY, and He is the Truth, and the Life! Praise YAH🙏🏼
Brilliant video!!!!! Wow thank you for making it👍
No not every religion will work or is equal to, take in account you say all religions are true, it says in the Quran to kill all Jews and Christians show them no mercy, how is this true religion?
Mormon religion is Christianity but how can you be married to more than 1 wife or husband?
Roman Catholic is same IMHO is pagan, cause Roman indoctrination of Roman belief I to Christianity, which the Catholic church worships Mary not Jesus, they also proclaim Pope can forgive sins, but this isn't true. Also Trinity with they say is all as one is same as wiccan who use the triangle as the holy Trinity.
How about Hindu? Last I remember their one of many God's was one called Shiva, destroyer..
Then have others which based of philosophy not actual biblical scripture.
So no this man is a spiritualist, these difference between spiritual and faith. IMHO this man should learn differences between the faiths before judges all are correct because this is just not truth….
Examine yourselves and make sure you are in the faith, look up and lift up your heads cause your redemption draws near.. ..
Well I think motivation and desire for a change of heart and mind also has a lot to do with it. A true change of heart is when who u are is no longer who u were. Your core and essence is no longer the same at all.
I don’t have to watch this to know the answer. All religion is the same and all religions are true to each person who believes in that particular religion.
Christianity is a whole different thing. 👍🏻
I'm pretty sure….GOD is real…and ALL world religions are a misguided, joke!
Religions are all the same in the same way that all people are the same.
In a very broad way all people are the same. And maybe that’s what matters.
The guy is likely Hindu.
When Hindu says that "All religions are the same.".
What he's really saying is all religions are secretly Hindu.
Hindu is a polytheistic world view, so all hes really doing is just saying. Yaweh is just a other God in the pantheon of Hindu.
Misunderstanding the nature of Yahweh. Being the, singular, God.
The first point is complete nonsense if you've taken any moderately advanced math. Take an infinite amount of odd numbers. How many numbers do you have? Infinity. How many of them are even? Zero.
An infinite amount of prime numbers is different than an infinite amount of square numbers so even if I accepted the idea that Vishnu was infinite, that still doesn't mean he's anything like our God.
Love this explanation. I have to deal with the assumption that all religions are true all the time in conversations with people on the streets. Honesty, I used to think that way too, until Jesus gave me a sound mind to understand the contradictions in that philosophy. Thanks for your work bro.
Five things that Muslims cannot and will never answer:
1. The word "al-Masih" (Messiah) means "the anointed," and it always meant "the savior" in Jewish history. If Jesus is al-Masih, whom did Jesus save from what by how?
2. "I challenge you to show me one verse from the Bible that clearly states he was God." Challenge accepted.
Isaiah 44:6 (God says): "Thus says the Lord, the King of Israel and his Redeemer, the Lord of hosts: I am the first and I am the last, and there is no God besides Me."
Revelation 22:13 (Jesus says): "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end."
3. The Quran was not preserved perfectly.
3-1. You do not have the original Quran, which is a compilation of barks, leaves, leathers, and stones that Zayd ibn Thabit collected under the order of Uthman.
3-2. Many people who memorized the Quran died during the war.
3-3. People fought and even killed each other because of different recitations.
3-4. When Zayd compiled the Quran, there were two verses that only one man remembered. But the Quran teaches that you need at least two men for valid testimony.
3-5. Ibn Masud didn't like the Quran that Zayd compiled and even said, "It is deceitful." That's the Quran you have today.
3-6. Besides the 7 Qiraat, there are even more "versions" of the Quran that read and mean differently.
3-7. Aysha reported that there were more than 200 verses in Surah 33, but now you have only 73 verses.
3-8. Zayd and Uthman completed "one" version, but you now have at least "seven" Qiraats.
If the Quran is preserved by recitation, shouldn't Zayd, Ibn Masud, or Uthman remember the whole Quran correctly? Why did they need to collect all remaining materials and ask all reciters? This historical fact shows that even the closest companions of Muhammad didn't memorize the Quran perfectly.
4. Is the Kabaah the house of God? If infinite (limitless) God goes into that limited structure, does he cease to be limitless God? If God enters that building, does God stop being everywhere (omnipresence)? Who is the God inside the building, and who is the God outside the building?
5. If the Bible is corrupt, where in the Quran does it say that? If the Bible is corrupt, why do you find evidence of Muhammad in the corrupt book? If the Bible is corrupt, why does Allah in the Quran give the same authority and order Muhammad to "go to the people of the scripture and ask about what I told you"?
no that is what you call a cult
religion is a tool to get a spiritual experience
just like prayer beads or geo crystals
it's a tool for one goal
so it's the same
if someone tells you to do something, they are a tyrant
all the rules and laws within religions have nothing to do with talking to your dead grandma "spiritualism"
that is a cult like behavior and nothing more
you can also call these people fake believers because they have never felt spiritual
they just fill their head with laws like a nerd and project out on to others
is that spiritual? NO it's not
it's no different than practicing philosophy
have a spiritual goal, and meditate
that is all it is, that is the goal
everything ells is just noise that the cult tells you
that is why the guy on the right says these things
he understands these things and you're just part of the cult bro
blind and deaf
There is one true God. Each of us will stayed before the. THRONE of Judgment. Those whose names are written in the Book of Life will spent eternity in God's love. Those whose name isn't book are going to spend eternity with Satan. You can't weigh your good and bad, you have to repent and serve God.😅😊 Decide God side or Satan.
All have some truth. That's not the same as all religions being true.
Old testament is about El and
Elohim the sumerian annunaki gods. And since Christians and muslims incorporate the old testament…Noah was a sumerian king. The unfortunate thing is most people dont even know their religion has the annunaki all over it. Part of keeping people dumb.
That guy left out the main point to religion, that's the part about being righteous, which is being in right standing with God. The only way to be in right standing with God is to reconcile yourself to God by acknowledging the sacrifice of Christ Jesus to except his spilled blood to pay for all of our sins. These sins are the sins of all men and women since Adam and Eve at the Garden of Eden.
This difference of Christianity is what sets us apart from all other religions.
Accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior is the only way to heaven. Period.
All carry the Hallmarks of scams: claims of exclusivity, urgency (act now before it's too late) offers of rewards, threats of punishment, and of course the importance of faith (trust me bruh! Would I lie?)
They all raise the same red flags that every scam uses to manipulate.
All true no. But all the same yes, in that all make the claim of exclusivity. All claim to be the only path. All draw attention to false prophets, all require faith and hold it as a high virtue.
If you tell a lie long enough, it eventually becomes truth. (religion)
If all religions are true, then Christianity is the only one that isn't true. Because Jesus said that he is the only way.
Absolutely not. Only 1 Faith. It's like taking 2 balls of yarn — if you undo the 1 ball, you can see where it starts and where it ends (the straight and narrow road).
But when you go into a ball of yarn that's tangled up, where do you begin and end (which shows us how complicated it is to believe in so many things).
Choose the straight and narrow road, for the road leading to destruction is broad…