This Glenn Beck Museum Tour Will RED-PILL Your Leftist Friends | Glenn TV | Ep 285
The far Left would love nothing more than for America to forget its own history. But it’s not just the good that needs preserving. We also must remember our darkest mistakes so we NEVER repeat them. Over the past few years, we’ve seen the rise of an “expert class” of elites who insist THEY know best and the rest of us should shut up and OBEY. But we’ve seen this before. On this episode of “Glenn TV,” Glenn exposes that dark history with the artifacts that prove it. It’s all part of the most disturbing section of his traveling museum, “Blueprints of Liberty — The American Journey Experience with Glenn Beck.” Called the “Red Pill Room,” it documents real dangers of progressivism and eugenics. Glenn tells the true stories behind disturbing artifacts — documents signed by Adolf Hitler and Nazi “doctor” Josef Mengele that authorized “mercy” killings, a briefcase of papers from the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court case, which allowed abortion to thrive, postcards referring to lynchings as “barbecues,” and one of the most twisted movies ever made, “The Black Stork.” These evil ideas, Glenn warns, haven’t gone away. They’re just called by a new name. But even in all this darkness, there is still hope, as long as we remember what REAL truth is.
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" Over the past few years, we've seen the rise of an "expert class" of elites who insist THEY know best and the rest of us should shut up and OBEY." Seems like this sentiment has already been displayed in our past and these elites have no desire to change thus this same kind of history will and is repeating itself. We must recognize it to survive it. It is happening still and to see it just look at the WEF, WHO, CIA, EU and all the rest.
Does that painting he did of the hindenburg, depict it flying into fog? or is it depicting smoke?… because the back part is actually what exploded…. I just wanted to understand the painting more. Thanks
Takes one to know one…
Hey Glenn, I'm wondering if you have anything about General Smedley Darlington Butler and "The Businessmen's Plot" to overthrow the US government, in your new museum? I think that's some very important US history, that few people are aware of.





Powerful Glen…

BEST Ending. Yes Father God would have us in dark places with TRUTH, Light and Love. Only Jesus can fill us, Lead us, Use us
When Glenn describes Dr. Yuval Noah Harari as saying the useless eaters will be drugged and kept online to entertain 'ourselves', a chill went down my spine because of what we went through with Wuhan Fauci. 3/4 of America is now in metabolic syndrome from eating too much sugar, wheat, corn, rice and soybean oil. The 5 top commodities the farm bill subsidizes to FOOD INC who uses them as fillers in manufactured/counterfeit grub. They're all inflammatory and for sugar and wheat, addictive because of the opiate peptide.
Dr. Yuval Noah Harari knows Americans are addicted to sugar and grains. He knows the comorbidity markers that target people with metabolic syndrome. That's where Pharmakia, comes in…
Thank you Glenn Beck. This museum is now on my bucket list
The sinking of the Titanic was pre-meditated murder.
There were Men aboard that apposed the creating of the Federal Banking System. With Rockefellers opposition dead the Federal Banking System was born.
Saw a documentary called the good Nazi is about a German Jew who saved people in a apartment complex 1944
It's that east democrats demons Baby killers is simple facts . What they do . Use our money to get rid of bidens competition. They all are being far to quiet . Soros gave up his control to his son . That's when the noise stopped .
I wish I could visit this museum someday.
Glen this musem is incredible you really need to show how progressive society both left and right need to be stopped.
We are so lucky to have you Glenn. Thank you for all you do
Never knew
GBS was a servant of the devil.
I love love love what you have done with this museum
this is incredible. Thank you for all this. Your efforts will teach us of our past in depth. Soo much stuff is being hidden from us..
As an unrepentant Libertarian Socialist I will continue to read Gramsci, Habermas and Baudrillard. Thats to say: no left winger will be "red pilled".
Glenn Beck is a lazy charlatan– what a clown.
He's a huckster and in the end just a crappy salesman.
The one thing he isn't is a historian.
I know he sees himself that way but he's really just shister trying to sell overpriced gold to old people and those who can't afford it.
An 11th grade AP Honors History student could – without poiltics – blow this swill apart.
It's sad actually.
It's sad b/c he ASSUMES his listeners and followers are ignorant.
Whats worse: his little barrel of nonsentient cell clumps or endangering the reproductive health (ie making the woman sterile- NEVER TO HAVE BABIES). and risking the deaths of these women by making them carry completely nonviable fetuses to term?
Whats worse protecting what ammounts to menstrual clots or preventing couples from having children or more children (like my wife and I) b/c the chance of a high risk pregnancy is there but the state government where the woman and her family live (like Fl, where I live) forces her to carry to term regardless of the effects on the woman?
Alex Jones was right about on thing: "Glenn Beck slithers on his little pot belly".
Glenn Beck totally plagiarized Alex's entire Schick.
Glenn Beck is a shameful little swine of a man.
This is AMAZING and I certainly hope the museum comes to a city near me!! Going to be coming to or near Savannah Georgia, Mr Beck??

@Glenn Beck now the Edison Hotel in Sunbury, Pennsylvania makes more sense (since you said Edison was a horrible person). Most of the rooms (at least 10 years ago, anyway) were rented out to registered s#x offenders.
The Edison Hotel was the first electrified building in America, if I'm remembering correctly; no guarantees that I have those details correct in my memory at this point though, as I avoided the place (for obvious reasons)…