Israel's Future is a Major End Times Super Sign | Marking the End Times with Dr. Mark Hitchcock
In this week’s episode of Marking the End Times, I dive deeper into Israel’s future. I’ll be discussing 7 key events or mile markers that will help us understand what’s in store for the nation of Israel.
If you’re a paid subscriber, you’ll have access to the full episode where I’ll be answering questions like “Is hell only for Satan and his angels or will people go?” and “What happens to people who never hear about the Gospel?”
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When Israel resurfaced in 1948, they did not return with a repentant heart. In fact, they were atheists and unbelievers in Christ! Til this day, they are unbelievers as a nation! Torah, tells the Jews the only way that they would be regathered was in repentance. That has not happened. My question for you and your subscribers is this; what "age" do you think we are in? The Jews only knew of two ages. The present age and the age to come. All the New testament writers knew they were in the "present age" and were anticipating the age to come. (1 Peter 1:10-12)
Why is it you false prophets worry so much about Jerusalem coming under attack and not America? America will come under attack before Israel. Zechariah 12:3 says the nations should stop talking about Jerusalem. Worry about yourselves. America will be out of the way, and in no position to aid Israel, at all.
The antichrist will have the Babylonian kingdom in his bulls eye, first. He will get rid of America, and on to the Medo-Persian empire. America will be unable to stop the antichrist, once he gets to Jerusalem. Sorry. Zechariah 12:3 says "forget about Israel." worry about America. God will take care of Israel, Not America!. Stop espousing all these holy roller lies of divinity.
US Govt was compromised by BB Netanyahu's Likud party who is more interested in using US tax funds to build Greater Israel Project and the Belt and Road Initiative putting Israel in the center of global power (using mostly our tech.) That's what the Christian Right has been pushing to build based on Bible prophecy that is looking more and more likely to be based on astronomy and rocks than gods. No more $ for Bible wars that get innocent people killed to protect corrupt criminal networks that were involved in 911, Iraq Wars and now global privatization projects.
Thank you Mark for being so faithful to Gods word keeping us watchful and awake! God bless.
There are too many demons so many followers
Your understanding of the Bible and Prophecy is a God given gift that you share with us. Thanks you so much.
great lessons..
The seventy weeks (shabuas) were fulfilled in A.D. 70. 69 weeks or 483 years takes you from the decree of Cyrus to the baptism of Jesus. Then His 3 1/2 year ministry commences fulfilling the first half of the last shabua. The cross or "cutting off but not for Himself" is, as the prophecy states, after the 69th week right in the middle of the 70th week.
The second half of the last shabua does NOT begin immediately after the cross. The 40 years we call the Acts serves multiple purposes before the time of Jacob's trouble begins.
40 is the number of Israel's testing. During this time frame, the Jews are given a "space" to repent and accept the risen Lord as Messiah. The gospel is preached to Jew and Gentile. Paul is given revelation of mysteries not made know before, one being that Jew and Gentile are one new man in Christ. Old and New Covenants coincide in this time before the temple is destroyed. Remember Ishmael and Isaac living in Abraham's house until Ishmael was finally removed and unadopted. Recordings were made of that history and epistles were written to the new Churches.
Then, the 3 1/2 year long siege of Jerusalem began to bring it to desolations completing the prophecy along with Israel's history as the nation of God.
Jesus, "He", CONFIRMS the Abrahamic covenant with "many" as in "father of many nations" and "this is the blood of the NC shed for "many".
"Now I say that Jesus Christ has become a servant to the circumcision for the truth of God, to CONFIRM the promises made to the fathers" Rom 15:8
Abe's promise was merely "confirmed" on the cross. Now it needed to be fulfilled. Fifty days from firstfruits, Jesus' resurrection, was Shavuot or Pentacost. There, the sign of the Abrahamic covenant was fulfilled. The "flesh" was being "cut off" and the Spirit was brought in, making Abraham's promise the fulfilled New Covenant.
Dispensationalism is completely false
Israel consists of 12 Tribes – Judah is only one of them .
To understand Bible prophecy – you must understand who "Israel" is – ALL OF ISRAEL. Gen. 49 KJV – Jacob Blesses his Sons – "… that which shall befall you 'IN THE LAST DAYS.'… or as the 'experts' are doing, ascribe to error.
It's interesting that both the first book and the last books of the Bible say that THEY ARE STILL HERE (Read Gen. 48 & 49) and Revelations also says they are here (The 144,000 sealed of the 12 Tribes of Israel). See Deut. Duet.33:13-17 also.
(By coincidence…? Does God do coincidence?)
Today, for the most part they are of every race, color, tribe and tongue, not knowing even their ancestry. They were declared – by God – to be gentiles just as were their pagan friends and cast "to the four-winds", not eradicated – actually that's what Satan's trying to do now.
And obviously, I'm not talking about all the racist nonsense that's out there.
Ephraim is absolutely unmistakable in identity today and as prophesied… the greatest nation in the history of man… unless you think man can build better than God. Read Gen 48 & 49 and Duet. 33:13-17 – and pay attention.
"And Jacob called unto his sons, and said, Gather yourselves together, that I may tell you that which shall befall you IN THE LAST DAYS." – Gen. 49:1
"And of Joseph he said, Blessed of the LORD be his land, for the precious things of heaven, for the dew, and for the deep that coucheth beneath,
And for the precious fruits brought forth by the sun, and for the precious things put forth by the moon,
And for the chief things of the ancient mountains, and for the precious things of the lasting hills,
And for the precious things of the earth and fullness thereof, and for the good will of him that dwelt in the bush: let the blessing come upon the head of Joseph, and upon the top of the head of him that was separated from his brethren.
His glory is like the firstling of his bullock, and his horns are like the horns of unicorns: with them he shall push the people together to the ends of the earth: and they are the ten thousands of Ephraim, and they are the thousands of Manasseh." – Duet.33:13-17
So, knowing the vast wealth of territory, natural resources, prosperity, power and general abundance that would come to Ephraim "IN THE LATTER DAYS.." and IF YOU were the enemy do you think you might want to hitch your wagon to Ephraim somewhere in history to get your hands on all of those blessings?
Those are all the resources the 'Sons of Darkness' need to wage the latter day war and conquest – to form a 'ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT."
To 'procure' the enormous resources necessary for Antichrist.
For further evidence of this, just look around… right now in the 'here and now.'
Think of the woman in Revelations 12, "A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head."
Judah the "crown," and Ephraim the only people in history to put the Moon "under her feet." The 'Woman' is Israel – all of Israel.
Ephraim, a multitude of nations (identical to states or peoples) organized as no other 'nation' ever, exactly as prophesied… AND the "Moon beneath her feet…" A miraculous identifier I'd say.
If you believe the Bible, you have to believe all of it and that includes Israel here today and Satan's war on God and us. He is their chief strategist. He's an "ANGEL." He didn't sit back and not plan wisely for this final battle.
Proof of A Pre trib Rapture. Pay Attention to the cloud and Cloud's Jesus appears in and With. Acts chapter 1 verses 9 10 11 Cloud. In Red Luke chapter 21 verses 27 and 28 Jesus is coming in A Cloud the Rapture. In Revelation chapter 1 verse 7 Jesus is coming With the Clouds when he comes back to the MT of Olives the second coming
Is there a reason why the Two Witnesses were missed out? They are an essential part of Israel's story in the first half of the Tribulation. Also… Two Witnesses begins with the letter T!
You cannot punish Israel by teaching a rapture of gentiles , Many evangelicals like the idea of them been taken first, Well' the Bible dont share that interpretation and worst is when the rapture did not happen and you ended up accepting the mark of the beast .
you can seehow they are coming on the rebuilding of the temple on youtube. The Temple Mount Project has had all the implements produced years ago. What I can't believe is the christians in the US condoneing producing a red heifer for sacrifice when Christ was the final sacrifice, do you?
I've heard that essentially the third temple has been built just not "assembled " yet? IDK, but I agree with Mark, he stays to what God's Word says, so it's safe ground to stand on😊
Are you located in New Castle WA??
It is disgusting we must pay money to hear God's Word. The love of money.
Great message! My only concern as a fellow Christian, is that you believe the false doctrine that there are 2 separate comings of Christ. The 7 years is split right in the middle. The first 3.5 years we experience the great tribulation as described in Revelation. We are kept from God's wrath which takes place the second 3.5 years. We are gathered by his angels midway through and we meet Him in the air. If you read the book of Revelation to chapter 11, it starts over and tells the same story in a different way for the next 11 chapters (12-22). Christians have over complicated that book for years and it's clear once you know that. Just like the 4 gospels are different accounts of the same stories. There is only ONE 2nd coming of our Lord Jesus and that is midway through the 7 years. He doesn't come to earth until His Millennial Reign. Matthew 24:29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of heaven shall be shaken. Parallel passage is Revelation 6:13-14. Same event as Mark 13:24-26. Please look into John Nelson Darby. He's the man who popularized the false Pretribulation Rapture doctrine in the 1830s.
Muh 'Israel', muh end times. Cringe.
Jesus is Israel.
God will remove his protection of the United States if we make a moral laws if our government makes them. And Minnesota already has if your child goes to Minnesota for sex operation or medication they can keep your child and they don’t have to send them back
The Church will be here for the first 3 1/2 years preaching salvation and repentance and healing people as well. This is what Jesus meant when He said "greater things than these you shall do". We go up at the 7th and last trump of Rev 11 which is the midpoint of Daniel's 70th Week. There is no "trump" at the beginning of the final 7 years and the pre-fib lie is the biggest hoax in the Church today. Show me one verse at the beginning of the seals that talks about a "trump' sounding!!!
Oh good someone else spouting false doctrine. There is no rapture. The only time we are "caught up" to Christ in the clouds is when he returns AFTER the great tribulation. Is there anyone on YouTube who's actually read revelation? Your first clue was when he asked to subscribe. If your goal is to present truth. You don't do it for subscribers, for money, for fame. It's like unto priestcraft to practice and preach the good word of God for money. Which is what so many people do. You want to make a living? Get a job and preach on the side. Jesus worked as a carpenter to make his money and when he began his ministry people had blessed him with all that he needed. Never did he ask for something unless it was a lesson to that person he had asked. The Angels above were help enough to get him to the cross. He didn't need or require from people. Additionally a man who can multiply food doesn't require anything from people.
This preaching for material gain no matter how big or small is a sin
Could the treaty happen before we are raptured ?
We cannot afford to subscribe..God bless you JESUS IS KING. love from Durban South Africa KwaZulu-Natal
“Marking” the end times. I see what you did there lolz😊
The original temple mount is in the old city of David, just below the current "temple mount" The work may already be started.
" For when you begin to see all these things happen, look up, for your redemption draws nigh." 🪔🚪🐑🩸
2 Thessalonians 2:4
“Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.” The Bible never says that he declares to the world that he is God, it says the exact opposite. He does this to show “HIMSELF that he is God”
Whether there is a pre or post tribulation is debatable. I think it would be wise for all Christians to be prepared to weather the abuse and difficulty that lies ahead during tribulation. I think it would be terrible if Christians relied upon the teachings of a pre-tribulation and were not mentally prepared to go through the harsh times that lie ahead. There are good arguments for both but I do think it would be wise for all Christians to be strong enough to handle the extreme difficulties of a post tribulation rapture.
Under our apostle Paul’s ministry, to be SAVED, you must BELIEVE The Gospel of Jesus Christ,1 st Corinthians Chapter 15 verse 1-4.Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins,was buried,and rose again on the third day.Jesus Christ’s Shed Blood is what saves you when you believe this plan of salvation with your heart.
Thank you. This is helpful regarding the timeline.
Some idiots are saying the rapture is post trib and some mid trib. Its obvious they font comprehend or rightly divide Scripture
Jesus was not crucified. I am Muslim and I believe in jesus and his messenger of god. I am believer of moses abram all prophets came with same message that's what Islamic revelation have reveled to us. It's not your eyes that are blind it's your heart that is blind
IPray every Day for the Peace of Jerusalem
Mark,stay healthy,3john2
So in other words, the destruction of russian alliance by God will give way to the anti christ to move in isarael and rule the world, right?
Perfect bible prophesy
there is no rapture. This is false doctrin. It is used to delete the resurection. They want to keep u from being saved. Satan uses all lies.
How many of you think you can't be deceived? How many of you have been taught, and believe the church, wife, bride, Israel (Jews) are not the SAME THING? And are separated into TWO BODIES? If you are a pre-triber you almost certainly do!!! Rm12:4-5 ONE DODY. 1Cor10:17 ONE bread and ONE BODY. 1Cor12:13 By ONE Spirit are we all baptized into ONE BODY, whether Jew or Gentile. Eph2:16 Reconcile BOTH (Jew and Gentile) unto God in ONE BODY by the cross. Col 1:18 He (Christ) is the head of the BODY, THE CHURCH. Will you continue to be deceived? Rev19:7/ 21:9. Yours in Christ
You'll know when it's the end times, when this last sign is coming to pass, Rev 20:9, when the devil has sent his army's into all Christian countries. The breadth of the earth means everywhere. Do you see them coming over your borders, yet?. The tares.
Have your heard !! the God of Heavens Amires lives, I truly believe,this….He can never be killed again.he is our Heavenly host!
Thank you brother. Praying for you and your health. 🙏💙