Heritage In Focus: Biggest Tax Increase in History
Heritage In Focus: Biggest Tax Increase in History
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Heritage In Focus: Biggest Tax Increase in History
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Clinton never gave us a surplus. It's a myth.
"The idea is to cut government spending so that we can eliminate debt."
Cutting wasteful spending(pork,military,unused bridge) is a great idea, but cutting value added spending (health care, infrastructure, etc) can be a bad idea in many situations.
BTW, Bill Clinton turned a deficit into a surplus and Bush turn the surplus into a deficit , spending and printing dollars into worthlessness. He has steered the Titanic right into an iceberg and will leave office 4 seconds before impact
Who said eliminate all taxes? The idea is to cut government spending so that we can eliminate debt. Who has a better record on that? Therein lies the real debate.
How much inflation do the Republicans cause? Does it cause us to have less money than the tax increases the Democrats impose every time they're in office? Do you have those facts, or are you just running your mouth?
Taxation is slavery. We are taxed 35% of the gross domestic product. We don't need to be taxed any more.
imo the rich spend a smaller portion of their earnings and invest more while the poor spent it all without delay?
So if you lack investment funds tax cut for rich might make sense, but if the economy is not rolling the poor will make any money they get turn much faster in the economy and might stimulate the need for investements. If you have too much funds and not enough spending, what happens? buy-now-pay-later, Speculation bubbles. An illusion all is well before the economy breaks its neck
Higher taxes kill jobs? regardless of the situation? So if you have a swamp zone with less tax there will be a flow of jobs as opposed to a well designed industrial base where some taxes pay for the infrastructure?
How can some European make it just fine with gargantuesque tax rates?
So if China invests in infrastructure and has slave-wages, youre telling me a tax cut will make companies think twice about moving? Or that high tax is what makes the jobs move overseas?
Jobs: How is an employment figure the end all be all number, when you have no measure of how many mcjobs below living wage it includes and dont factor in the monetary raping your getting from the Fed Reserve? (or the quality of life your getting.
A totalitarian regime can claim theres 0% unemployment, jobs galore, when people toil in laborcamps 10 h/d, 7 days a week)
Being a clueless liberal idot I would like someone like you with great economic understanding to share your knowledge
(in the paralell world I lived on, Regans Trickle-down economic was a sad ideological fiasco)
Debt: how will the debt be paid if not with taxes? Do you think the gov can keep borrowing or printing money like theres no tomorrow without conscequences?
While the richest people do benefit most from tax cuts, they pay more of the taxes and tax cuts are actually beneficial to all tax payers and even to the ones that aren't because tax cuts create jobs en masse. Lowering corporate taxes allows businesses to hire more or pay existing workers higher wages. These cuts are also responsible for higher tax revenues than ever before and show that the deficit is being reduced at a much faster rate than expected. Sorry, your argument is flawed.
While the richest people do benefit most from tax cuts, they also pay more in taxes. Tax cuts are actually beneficial to all tax payers and even to the ones that aren't because tax cuts create jobs en masse. Lowering corporate taxes allows businesses to hire more or pay existing workers higher wages. These cuts are also responsible for higher tax revenues than ever before and show that the deficit is being reduced at a much faster rate than expected. Sorry, your argument is flawed.
Here we go. Idiot liberals have no clue how taxes work and what they do. If more libs would take economics instead of Sociology in college, maybe they would understand the damage raising taxes do. While they think it takes money from the rich to distribute to the poor, it actually hurts EVERYBODY. Higher taxes kill jobs, sends employment overseas, and kills savings.
This is ridiculous
a) the biggest tax increase is the trillion dollar spending for war, someone will have to pay. Thats like a person maxing the credit card and putting a 2nd mortage to pay for a trip to vegas and then blaming the person that has to pay the bill for the orgy of spending he had (and saying theres no money for basics).
b) The tax cut benefits the richest few when the debt is incredible
Ron Paul Revolution 2008
youtube Ron Paul
I am sick and tied of these so-called, self-styled Christians claiming that they are helping us, the American people. Giving more money (power) to those who have much at the cost of those who have so much less, thus increasing the income gap, weakens my great Republic! Christ drove the money changers from the Temple, for crying out loud, and preached caring for the ill, imprisoned, and poor. Don't you DARE use His teachings for your evil purposes!
Tax his land,
Tax his bed,
Tax the table
At which he's fed.
Tax his tractor,
Tax his mule,
Teach him taxes
Are the rule.
Tax his cow,
Tax his goat,
Tax his pants,
Tax his coat.
Luxury Taxes
Marriage License Tax
Medicare Tax
Personal Property Tax
Property Tax
Real Estate Tax
Service charge taxes
Social Security Tax
Road usage taxes
Sales Tax
Recreational Vehicle Tax
School Tax
State Income Tax
State Unemployment Tax (SUTA)
Telephone federal excise tax
Telephone federal universal service fee tax
Telephone federal, state and local surcharge
Telephone minimum usage surcharge tax
Telephone recurring and non-recurring charges tax
Telephone state and local tax
Telephone usage charge tax
Utility Taxes
Vehicle License Registration Tax
Vehicle Sales Tax
Watercraft registration Tax
Well Permit Tax
Workers Compensation Tax
Eliminating a tax cut for the top 1% is not a tax increase. "That like $2600 for every household in the US" Yeah and if me and Bill Gates were standing in an elevator our average net worth is $25 billion/person. Republican Goals: Leave no billionaire behind. Charlatans.
Ahahahaha!!! Fair taxes? Bush? Oh… that's just too much! I need to go wipe my eyes…