CASEL CARES: Building Resilience to Support Ourselves, Other…
CASEL CARES: Building Resilience to Support Ourselves, Others, and Our Students
CASEL CARES is a brand-new effort that connects the SEL neighborhood with experts to attend to how SEL can be most helpful in reaction to today’s circumstances. The 3rd webinar in this series includes Mark Greenberg, Christa Turksma, and Velma Cobb from CREATE.
Key Takeaways:
The hands-on, experiential session shows educators how to take care of themselves so that they’re better able to look after their students. Amongst the mindfulness-related practices taught are:
– Take 3 deep breathes when feeling distressed or stressed.
– Set a day-to-day objective
– Use everyday thankfulness journals and/or jars to practice generosity and caring
Thank you to the Allstate Foundation for sponsoring this series.