An Overview of Luke • Luke-Acts Ep. 2
Following up on part one of their discussion on the gospel of Luke, Tim and Jon continue to unpack the main themes of Luke’s unique account of Jesus’ life. The book of Luke makes clear that Jesus’ story is the continuation of the hope of the Hebrew Scriptures. Luke wants the reader to see how Jesus’ mission is for the outsiders, the poor, and the marginalized. As Jesus went around preaching about the Kingdom of God, he left behind people who were changed by him, and he called these people to live radically new lives of justice and peace.
Show Music:
Defender Instrumental by Rosasharn Music
Blue Skies by Unwritten Stories
Flooded Meadows by Unwritten Stories
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I listened to the whole thing and didn’t get much out of it. Try focusing more on the teachings and cut the small talk. Just my 2 cents
thank You Lord for turning everything upside down and blowing away all our categories of how the world works!
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What is the song you play at the beginning? I slways love hearing it. It's beautiful!
I hope you guys know how refreshing you are
I love how I was actually interested in the things they were saying even though I didn’t see and cartoon animations!!❤
Edit:great job guys
I love listening to you guys, but I do wish you'd show video of you two talking, etc. during the podcast. The cover pictures are nice, I just do better with video.
There are 2 unavailable videos in this playlist?
This is quite insightful. Last time I learned this much other than going through the Source Material (A.K.A the Bible) is when I went through Edgar Cayce's profound large body of work
Marks gospel definitely was written from Peters stories. Thats why his gospel really isnt in a chronological order. He was writing down what stories Peter was telling him and translating them to Greek and didnt put them in a order later because he didnt know the order of them. Papis, who was a disciple of John, explains this in his writings.
This seemed like a very credulous interpretation of Luke. Lots of heavy lifting on behalf of the gospel, including appeals to John to fill in gaps, when we know John is even later.
Really hate how y'all eliminate Jesus' omniscience.
Thank you so much Bible project's team. You guys are the very best❤
The 70 were the first worship teams bearing the good news
Thank you! God bless!
Aren't Humans technically not animals even thouigh they are classified as animals because GOD Made them differently and made a female differenty?
Could you share with us the link to your digital Bible dictionary, so I can download it!?😇😁🙏
Praise God.
If you guys want to think more about Johanna, the female disciple who was mentioned in Luke, she is featured in The Chosen season 3. It’s cool to see her interpreted by an actress. She’s now who I have in mind when I hear about her.
It was y’all’s voice that made me realize I needed to love the poor & homeless.
Could it also be that some of the differences are because they are different people or places? The sermon on the 'level place' and the sermon 'on the mount' likely Jesus giving the same lesson/sermon in two different places and pointed out by two different people. The soldier at the cross may have been two soldiers and one said 'he was innocent' and one said 'he was the Son of God'. John tells us that the things Jesus did and said could not be contained in all the books (John 21:25).
Question 🙋♂️: I know this isn’t part of today’s message but I wanted to know what is better being wise or being smart
Very educational as usual. Thank you so much guy. What was the parable he was asking if he understands it? Does any one know please? Thank you
I love this episode so much!
Can you explain on luke 23:39-43 about the criminals on the cross, The book of Jhon 19:18 only mention them been crucify. In the book of Matthew 27:41-44 it said that both of the robbers reviled Him. And the book of Mark said ,those who were crucified with Him reviled Him. Did Luke interview the people 50 years after Jesus dead? Do they add up the own opinion?
Some people used Luke 23:43 to justify the way they are living , if I repent at the end like the robber did I will be save.
Really enjoy your videos and content you expand on. I too would like to get more clarity on the parable of the steward.
Thank you for the upload. Insightful and educational as usual. We appreciate you. Please keep up the good work 22:30
That's why we should love the Jew and become like Jesus instead of just talking about him. The Jews will never worship an image because it is commanded. God has no face. We have to see His spirit in each other 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Luke 17:34 NOW says "two MEN in ONE BED!" Luke 17:35 NOW says "two women shall be GRINDING TOGETHER!" And Luke 19:27 NOW says Jesus said to "slay His enemies before Him"!!! Soon Amos 8:12 will be fulfilled when they cut the lights and all you will have is hard copies of the UNholy word of Satan believing it's still God's word!!!!! Either research 'Supernatural Bible Changes' and learn now, or hear Jesus explaining why you should have as you're standing at the Gate crying! Take your pick…
Thank you so much ❤❤
Thank you!
First comment from Ethiopia. A big fun from the begging of TBP
Thank you