Alan Shlemon: Teaching Egyptian Pastors | Stand to Reason Podcast
Greg talks to Alan about his recent experience teaching Egyptian pastors and the unique difficulties they face, then he answers a question about the difference between discernment and intuition.
0:00 Introduction
3:05 Alan Shlemon discusses difficult cultural barriers to sharing the gospel and specific challenges he faced recently when teaching Egyptian pastors.
32:32 What is the difference between discernment and intuition, especially when interpreting the Bible?
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A Change of Affection: A Gay Man’s Incredible Story of Redemption: https://www.amazon.com/Change-Affection-Incredible-Story-Redemption/dp/1400212308/
Reality Student Apologetics Conference: https://rsn.pub/reality
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That was so beautiful thank you very much you have given me hope we value these people's lives more than we do what the government says you are an amazing man continue to push you are not an idolater God bless you
Love the Coptic cross behind him
I would say a person who is pro-abortion are not truly a Christian in their heart
I recognize the room you are sitting in. I was a member of FEFC for 25 years and attended most of your sessions there while we lived in Minocqua.. thank you for STR and your ministry. It's made a big difference in how I respond to people and questions they may have. Enjoy the Northwoods!