Almost Nothing Is Being Done To Stop Non-Citizens From Voting: Hans von Spakovsky
Hans von Spakovsky joined The Chris Salcedo Show on Newsmax TV to weigh-in on the issue of non-citizens voting in our elections.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.heritage.org/election-integrity/commentary/why-safeguarding-our-elections-matters
Hans von Spakovsky is an authority on a wide range of issues – including civil rights, civil justice, the First Amendment, immigration, the rule of law and government reform — as a senior legal fellow in The Heritage Foundation’s Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies. As manager of the think tank’s Election Law Reform Initiative, von Spakovsky also studies and writes about campaign finance restrictions, voter fraud and voter ID, enforcement of federal voting rights laws, administration of elections and voting equipment standards.
Check out his work here: https://www.heritage.org/staff/hans-von-spakovsky
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This is absolutely idiotic. Let me ask, if you were a non citizen and you knew that you could be put in jail and then deported, just to put in one vote for whatever election, would you risk it. This is an idiotic narrative and it has been shown to be very very rare…..about .0003%. I know that anyone that watches this guy will not believe me or Time magazine, but here is an article explaining why this is a false narrative.
It is my experience that our elections have not been safe and secure since the 90s when Bill Clinton created the motor voter law allowing state motor vehicle licensing offices to issue voter registrations when you get your drivers license. I am a retired US Customs officer and I witnessed many legal permanent residents (aka green card holders) who had voters registration cards. When asked how they had obtained them, they replied that when they went to get their drivers license they person asked them if they were registered to vote and they replied "no" they were handed a form and told to fill it out. They then walked out with their new drivers license and a voters ID. Every green card holder is required to have a drivers license and a social security card if they drive a vehicle and work in th US but they are not a US citizen and should not have a voters ID card. The state DMVs never bothered to ask for proof of citizenship (ie a birth certificate or a certificate of naturalization) before issuing the voter card. Some may have lived in an area for a long time and are well known to the people in the DMV office so it is just assumed that they are US citizens. I believe every US citizen has the right to vote and should do so but if you wish to exercise that right, you should register in your county and state and prove your a citizen to get your voter card. Elections are every two and four years and you should be able to find a time prior to an election to go get your voter registration. It is not voter suppression if you can't set aside the time to properly register to vote.
Not impressed with Hans.
It doesn't even sound like justice to the subversive left.
Paulie dee Reporting: "The Standards for Justice in America has dramatically shifted."
Barr: "There is no evidence of voter fraud. Hundreds Signing Affidavits and acting as Witnesses and Testifying is not Evidence."
Amazon's Wash. Post: "There is no Evidence of voter fraud. This is all Anecdotal."
Mugging Victim: "I was standing at the bus stop and this guy comes up to me and points a gun at my head and takes my money.
There are 30 Witnesses that can testify to what happened, and they all saw him rob me. And the Judge said it's not Evidence."
Major league baseball player: "It was the bottom of the ninth, and I hit a home run in the world series. Millions Witnessed it."
Major league Empire: "There is no Evidence that you did that. It's just Anecdotal. We are following the DOJ and FBI guidelines."
Barr: "Witnesses are not Evidence. The DOJ and Bureau follow the same Protocols. The Anachronym we use for it is Bullshit. And we've been Bullshitting the American people for quite some time. And we don't just Confiscate Computers or Laptops or Cell Phones. It's the Hillary Rule, and part of our Bullshitting Program. The Exception is if you work for the Unholy One Trump."
Wray: "For example, if you Lie Once to the FBI and Work for Trump like Flynn did; we Crucify you. Anyone else, no problem. It's part of our Bullshitting Package. And we've been Bullshitting everyone for a long time."
Mob: "We're so glad that Witnesses are no longer considered Evidence to a Crime. We're looking forward to
seeing the Witness Protection Program disbanded."
Paulie dee: I know what the 'B' in the Anachronym Bullshit stands for, It stands for Biden; but what about the 'U' ?"
Durham: "We can't tell you that Paulie. It's part of an ongoing Criminal Investigation. And we can't discuss it. We can't even let you know if it's happening. That's also part of our Bullshitting Package."
Paulie dee: That's understandable. Hopefully you'll finish up this century. And who's this chubby guy with those pinky red cheeks and long white beard. Why are you looking so gloomy at this time of the year? Where is the Christmas spirit."
Santa: "I thought my sleigh was filled-up with toys for the kids, but they're only ballots. Votes for Biden."
Paulie dee: "I know … they're popping up everywhere. But they're not just votes. What they represent is Power; Privilege; and Money. And you'd be Amazed at what Criminals would do for them."
If everything he says is true you might as well kiss this country good-bye.
During these audits… Illegal Immigrants found to have Voted, need deported , loss of all properties in US
Obama, Clinton, Biden, Zucker, Dorsey,Brennan, Hight Treason… NOW!!!!
What President Trump needs to do is prosecute, slapping them on the wrists all these years has caused this and Barr and the FBI are the problems so why haven't they come up with a solution President Trump needs to make it mandatory to be given the test as they do when being hired for employment to be sure you are legal before voting or applying for any benefits, voting, college, everything.
Write, call and email your state's senators and representatives ask them to support Mo Brooks in his fight for electoral integrity.
You must mean illegals stop the PC..
Illegal alien voting has been going on for a long time and each election sees the number grow.
Well, this is depressing. Is do nothing lawyer heading up the election crimes unit this one of those people who cannot be fired?
Go Trump….Hey, was it possible that Pres Trump was influenced enough by Dr Judy Mikovits’s knowledgeable guidance, for him to focus upon, priority-wise, therapeutics? If so, we say, “Good Job, Judy!”
He is a democrats he is not helping trump. They are all in this crime. He should be arrested for not doing his job. Dirty rats.
The DoJ avoiding their duty to investigate voter fraud in federal elections should NOT come as a surprise to anyone who follows politics in America. We have a great legal system, unfortunately we have individuals who have degraded the system to the point it is more window dressing than an active and dynamic system of justice leading to the indictment and trial of miscreants. Most conservatives would be happy just to see accused lawbreakers indicted and tried and then let the evidence and the strength of the evidence determine the guilt or innocence of the defendant. Right now we don't see any alleged election fraud violators indicted, let alone being lined up for trial.