Legal Expert EXPOSES the Left’s Lies About Voter Suppression
Hans von Spakovsky takes down the radical left’s claims about voter suppression during his opening statement on election integrity to the Senate’s Committee on the Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution on Sept 22, 2021.
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It's about time I was able to watch this video. I kept being denied access from Google. I've looked for conservative arguments against this attack on America and only found liberal propaganda. This is the first source I have seen of many. And by far the most logical and truthful. God bless America.
Hans is referring to the Supreme Court's decision in the case of Shelby County, Alabama v. Eric H. Holder, Jr. (Shelby v. Holder).
That's right record turn out to get Trump in yet a record effort to completely crash and burn our election system to prevent him from coming in again.
Nothing to see here Biden got in fourth place in Iowa so they shut down Iowa caucuses. they quickly moved to remove the head of the democratic elections committee. He was in fourth place at the time and never would have been able to raise any money for the general. He went on to the election where they shut down five states because Trump was overwhelmingly sweeping the country's election in record numbers that may have made history.
when you speak the truth to democrats it sounds like a foreign language to them
Very well spoken and clear cut information.
lol i love how our politicians just change the entire game how we vote soon since trump, lol they want mail voting, audits and checking for legal votes is voter suppression, we cant disenfranchise voters and all votes should count. like arizona just found 86,000 ballots with no identity match and 400,000 with social securities numbers than didnt match, and the news wont even report except newsmax. pretty sad at this point
When you have dead and illegals voting your voice has been suppressed.
How do you stop fraud? You make all states use the electoral college per county. 39 counties are 39 votes and those that chose Red goes to Red those Blue go to Blue. Voter id and the removal of dead and illegals off the rosters remove mail-in unless on active duty overseas personnel cannot physically attend a voter booth.
The Democrats are just trying to destroy democracy by allowing every third world illegal to vote.
The mail in voting debacle in 2020 shows how slack the rolls are and the need to tightening them up
The real problem is vote fraud by the DemoRATS!!!
… so, is the "record voter turnout" in 2020
A: proof that there's no voter suppression and election reform is unnecessary, because discrimination doesn't exist anymore,
or B: proof that millions of dead people and unregistered immigrants voted illegally and the whole election was a sham?
Because it can't really be all of the above.
Walgreens makes CITIZENS show ID to buy CIGERATTES !!
Wake up you democrats
Voter ID must be mandatory!
You CAN'T get on a plane without a PASSPORT or BIRTH CERTIFICATE (ID). You can't get MEDICAL HELP without a HEALTH CARD(ID). You CAN'T DRIVE without a Driver's License (ID). So WHY is America allowing people to vote who AREN'T American & DEAD to vote? The AMERICAN system of Government needs to CHANGE. The PEOPLE vote for the PRESIDENT not the Electoral. This why LOCAL ELECTIONS are so IMPORTANT. I am GLAD Texas is ENFORCING Voter ID Registeration. If you are a LEGAL and or NATIONAL BORN in America you should have NO PROBLEMS getting Voter ID. The only people upset with this are ones who are cheating the system.
Yeah, but what about people that don’t have access to a Kinkos?
The Blooming idiot is a life long corrupt politician who lies with a straight face
The democrats don’t want election reform it might stop the rigging and cheating . The GOP better draw a line in the sand and force smart honest voter laws that require ID to vote np printing your own ballots and mail them in like California you must show ID to vote period
It's funny this whole situation is ridiculous you have to show a real ID to get on a plane if you're an American citizen to fly around the United States and now you have to show your medical records to fly but you don't have to show anything to vote to prove who you are that's f**** Ludacris.
Heritage foundation is the most racist. By founding if u mean nabbing people to work in the fields I do believe that is what u people did and how you were raised
The Republican Party just is a racist white supremacy organization. I’m certain of this. I’ll be happy to show the insurrection where the proud boys the favorite trump killed are American protectors at the capital. Not American but if u want go to Russia u would fit in perfectly. I support America.
Sorry get a black guy or aoc to say it ok believe it
What isn’t the heritage foundation the most racist organization ever.
All those dead people voted is why Biden won . Clean up the voter registry
its about time soemone exposed the lefts lies
Wow we won one…
Well said. This will surely make you a racist. Crazy, Right ?
Biden could wreck welfare reform—and make poverty worse: https://youtu.be/n1H3_gPk5L4