Answering Your Questions about the Bible
Many people have lots of questions about the Bible. Questions of how reliable it is, how the Bible came to be and how true the Bible is. In this video, I’ll be explaining these different questions and more that I answered from a live event where people asked me questions on these topics. Hope you enjoy and subscribe for more videos on this topic and leave any comments asking me more questions and I might be able to help.
For more information, read God’s Crime Scene: A Cold-Case Detective Examines the Evidence for a Divinely Created Universe (http://amzn.to/2kAroVD)
READ: Cumulative Evidence and the Case for God’s Existence (Free Bible Insert)
Cumulative Evidence and the Case for God’s Existence (Downloadable Bible Insert)

@9m45s, the TRUE answer to that question is: Because the Catholic Church founded directly by Jesus Christ Himself had the authority (given in Matthew 16 to Peter (the rock)) to decide by which criteria gospels would be included or excluded from the canon of sacred scripture. The Bible is a CATHOLIC book!
and how about this one? the Catholic church has exactly the same NT and OT as the Septuagint (LXX) but Luther threw out 7 books of the OT (along with James and Revelation, though Melancthon had enough sense to put them back in).BY WHAT AUTHORITY? And how do you KNOW, if the Bible is your ONLY authority, that you have all the right books? i know, becuase of my Chruch's authority, that I have an infallible list of Infallible books….
Bottom line is that we all will stand before GOD on judgment day whether you believe in it or not does not matter.
I’m not a fan of the word “apologetics” 😂 i have nothing to apologize for believing in Jesus as my Savior, and the tenets the word of God stands for, but brother, your channel is a great tool to bring people into faith in the one who died for all!! Amen 😎✝️
I agree generally about the passage in John 8. However, I've heard that there are those in church history who referred to the passage, as early as the 4th century.
And for those who get into Greek and tenses and what's going on in the passage, it makes no linguistic sense without it:
In the last verse of John, the Jews are privately talking about Jesus – and then it cuts to "again Jesus said to them…"
It's – it's much like the last 12 verses of Mark (although – as I understand it – that is quoted by the church fathers 100 years before the manuscripts that leave it out)
Also, even if we had manuscripts from within the first century, it really wouldn't mean that much to me,
Because Paul said in Romans 1:18 that they held the truth in unrighteousness, and then in verse 25, that they changed that truth into a lie. (Exchanged the truth for a lie in the modern versions).
Knowing that the word of God is the ultimate truth, I believe it's pretty obvious that the word of God was being perverted even in the first century…
There's more, but alas, I have taken way too much space! God bless you all and God bless Mr Wallace – our Lord returns soon!!
Dear Detective Wallace, A great presentation as usual. You are one of my top three speakers. All other religions (Jews, Muslims, Mormons, JWs, Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Roman Catholics etc.) preach salvation is by good works. Protestant Christianity is the ONLY religion that preaches that salvation is by grace alone (Ephesians 2:8-9). This is another way to prove it true. Because logically good works do not counterbalance breaking God's Law, no more than it works with a police officer. "Sorry, Officer, you caught me breaking the speed limit today, but normally I drive within the speed limit, so I think you should let me off." The bible says if you hate, you have already committed murder in your heart. That makes us ALL serial killers. Walking twenty old ladies across the road, won't balance that out. Therefore you can count Protestant Christianity as true we pass the test that all others fail.
This was excellent Jim, thanks Brother 👏👍
When talking about Mark 16, you should look at the hepatic structure revealed by Ivan Panin, and that it along with Matthew 1 and all through the NEW TESTAMENT, that they could not be written by someone just coming up with it. Because it's perfect in Greek, and can't be done.
Great job Jim.
This was sooo good!! Thank you for all the work you do Mr. Wallace. This just makes me want to dig into Scripture more! Praise The Lord. God bless you Brother.
The last part 😮 👏
Such good points! God Bless you
Sorry detective, love your work but flatly reject the "Critical Text."
Those stories were removed, then made it look like it was added in later.
Excellent apologetics .
Many thanks Mr Warner and God bless you.
Gilly wife of Mark
Good preaching as always!
I treasure these discussions dearly
Thank God for you and your ministry. It is one-of-a-kind and so are you. I can’t tell you how many people I have referred to your fantastic, informative and compelling videos. Your story is remarkable and your approach to explaining and justifying our faith WORKS! Thank you, Jesus.
Where in the bible is the evidence that says The seventh day of the week was changed from Saturday to Sunday ? There isnt any Why because the Catholic Church by their own admission says by their own ecclesastic power which is above the bible they alone changed it from Saturday to Sunday Ref : Catholic Record of London Ontario, September 1st 1923 ,
Man this was fascinatingly helpful and will be most useful, and I don't even care if the most important thing is to buy the book 😉
Greatly appreciate your ministry
The Old Testament greatly matters…
What translation of the Bible is the strongest in your opinion?
(I know that translations happen so that God's word can be spread, and along the way, words are changed because the new language doesn't have a word. Nothing is lost in translation, but sometimes a translation will feel messier, or less impactful due to the translation, I feel.)
Can you explain the trinity in depth?
What is oneness?
Was the council of nicea created to discuss and finalize the beliefs of the Christian faith?
Thank you for this video. Again, very helpful! God bless you.