Anti-Intellectualism in the Church | Why Apologetics?
Unfortunately, many Christians don’t think very deeply anymore. Tim Barnett of Stand to Reason talks about the value of developing the mind through apologetics as a way of pushing back against anti-intellectualism in the church.
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You’re not supposed to think, you’re supposed to do what they say, like at school and work.
If you want to know the mind of God, you need to be spending time with him every morning. Being well studied and intellectual definitely has its place, but our biggest problem is we haven’t met with our God. A lot of us have to much head knowledge of facts and not enough of a relationship with God
I hate to tell you Tim, but Evangelical Apologetics is not "intellectual." It's merely ideological knowledge. More knowledge and research about something in NOT intellectualism. And… the the quotes you list are MISLEADING and the author's intent was NOT to say evangelical apologetics is the answer. By the way… true intellectualism NEVER misleads, like you did. You quote Noll's opening sentence and PROOF-TEXT it to your ideology. DID YOU READ THE REST OF THE THE BOOK? Evangelical "apologetics" is continuing to ADD to anti-intellectualism of Christianity and you are PROMOTING it.
Dude, what are you doing? Stop asking people to think when we all know this is about feelings. It's about faith, not about science.
People don't need facts to believe; they don't need philosophy, they don't even need an argument. All they need to believe is to feel they are right.
Anti-intellectualism is not only a problem with Evangelical Protestants. In my experience, it is also a problem among Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox and even liberal Protestants as well. Anti-intellectuals are doing the devil's work.
Interesting viewpoint. I would not call myself and intellectual or a great thinker. I do however receive comments about my views that I think too deeply or that I think too much. I am never quite sure how to exactly respond to these kinds of comments except maybe "Duh"?
P.S. However not thinking is not really a viable Option.