Apologetics Removes Obstacles to the Gospel | Why Apologetics?
Why apologetics? The culture demands it. In Part 4 of his “Why Apologetics?” series, Tim Barnett of Stand to Reason explains how apologetics does the work of pre-evangelism by removing obstacles to the gospel.
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Anyone else here from Easy Peasy?
The culture is secular , and without it you wouldn't have evangelicalism as it exists today. If there was a formal government backed absolute truth that everyone was forced to adhere to, we would be back in the dark ages and progress would be completely eliminated. We would have authorities in place seeking to refute any fines of progression through the fossil record, we would have scientists actively seeking to prove Noah's ark instead of actually just analyzing what's actually in the dirt and in the ground. The enlightenment is a process that has been going for about 500 years, and there was a 30 years war between Protestants and Christians that laid the foundation of the pushback, that originally was the Catholic Church exercising the absolute authority of the bishop of Rome, and today is evangelical Christians in Australia and the United States who don't know anything about the history of christendom, most of them don't even know that there was a 30 years war between Protestants and Catholics it was going on as many people, particularly pacifists were fleeing to the United states, which is that phony judeo-christian foundation that you hear about. The reality is this land was settled by Savage scoundrels who were bloodthirsty for gold wealth and power. It's the reason that it went from slave owners to more civilized communities. Now the South when it had declared its independence truly wanted to be a completely completely different form of government that had its foundations rooted in the Bible but a particular reading of the Bible that put a heavy emphasis on a certain Old testament passages. And really the idea that when the Bible talked about 12 tribes of israel, they were really talking about the various versions of white people. You can still hear this in many southern baptist churches in mississippi. I've had to tell multiple people that know, my ancestry does not go back to one of the tribes of Israel, there are white supremacist types who like to think that the Lost ten tribes are the European countries, but this was a revisionist history that had to do with justifying the slave trade through verses in the Old testament that had certain rules for enslaving certain people, and what you'll see is that the system in the American South viewed White laborers in the same way that the Bible viewed how to enslave your fellow Israelite, where is the slaves you get from foreign countries, which in this context would have been the black slaves, then there was a separate set of rules for them. Then that route in the 1920s became the fundamentalist Christian movement which led to a new great schism that created this division between all of the real Protestant denominations, now newly labeled liberal denominations in favor of the so-called conservative Protestant denominational movement, which was really sort of a Catholic revival movement. And one of the primary keys of Catholicism is the idea of a strong centralized dictator, who takes orders directly from the God in heaven, and then enforces that on the entire population and sets the culture up to be reflected of that particular religious tradition, which traditionally in Europe was Roman Catholicism, whereas the Church of England and various other Protestant sections were founded on the concept of liberty, and that's how you can associate the word Liberty with Christianity. When you ignore all of the Roman Catholic stuff that's the real origins of all of it, and you start adopting things from the Catholic church that the Protestants specifically saw it to get away from, that's where you end up with someone criticizing the culture as being pluralist because people have religious liberty. No we don't have an absolute moral dictator in the United States of people are allowed to believe whatever they want. That doesn't mean that morality is relativistic, in the sense that you're describing pluralism and relativism, the opposite of that would be collectivism which is an open call for fascism
Thank you 😅😅😅 "gobstickle" 🤣🤣🤣
Jesus in Matthew 23 called the Jewish religious leaders of his day hypocrites and white washed graves. Would it be OK to view Jesus as a deconstructionist. I hope you value the information you are sharing with others in your videos enough to answer my one question with proofs and supporting arguments. Thanks.