Are Fathers Necessary?
Until recently, the need to explain why fathers are necessary would have been regarded as, well, unnecessary. But that’s not the case anymore. Dennis Prager explains why this isn’t just concerning—it’s dangerous.
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Are fathers necessary?
For all of recorded history, the need to explain why fathers are necessary would have been regarded as, well, unnecessary. It would have been like explaining why water, or air, is necessary.
But we live at a time in which the obvious is routinely denied.
There have been articles in the most prestigious journals denying the importance of fathers:
The Atlantic Magazine, for example, published an article titled: “Are Fathers Necessary? A paternal contribution may not be as essential as we think.”
The New York Times published a discussion among five intellectuals titled, “What Are Fathers For?” One of them, Hanna Rosin, an editor at New York Magazine, opened her response by stating: “I’m not sure whether a child needs a father.”
I could give dozens of such examples. I’ll just give one more.
HuffPost published a piece titled: “Fathers Are Not Needed.”
Fortunately, this dismissal of the importance of fathers is not universal.
In a 2008 Father’s Day speech, a few months before his election as president of the United States, Barack Obama said, fathers are “critical” to the foundation of each family, that “they are teachers and coaches; they are mentors and role models; they are examples of success; and they are the men who constantly push us toward it.”
What makes his comments particularly noteworthy is that Barack Obama grew up without a father.
Both boys and girls need fathers.
We’ll begin with boys. A boy has no built-in understanding about how to be a man — meaning a good and responsible man. Male nature is wild — most obviously regarding sex and violence. If a boy does not have a father who models how a man controls himself, he will most likely not know how to control himself — let alone want to. That’s why most males in prison for violent crimes grew up without a father.
After days of riots in the UK in 2011, quite like the 2020 riots in America, Cristina Odone wrote a column for The London Telegraph whose title says it all: “London riots: Absent fathers have a lot to answer for.” In the column, she wrote, “The majority of rioters are gang members. . . . Like the overwhelming majority of youth offenders behind bars, these gang members have one thing in common: no father at home.”
There is no question that many mothers have done an excellent job raising a boy without their son’s father. But common sense alone suggests that a mother simply cannot model what a boy should be any more than a man can model to a girl what a woman should be.
And, then there is the issue of controlling boys and their wild natures. Again, there are mothers who are able to do this. But if a boy is at all difficult — as so many are — as he gets older, most mothers will find it more and more difficult to control their son: because unruly boys listen to their fathers much more than they listen to their mothers. Which is precisely why most violent criminals grew up in fatherless homes. They obviously did not listen to their mothers.
As regards daughters, the father is the man girls learn to relate to. Without a father to relate to and bond with, there are at least two destructive consequences. First, she will not know how to choose a man wisely. She will not know how a man should treat her, and she may well end up with a man who mistreats her. Second, to fulfill her desire to bond with a man — as primal a yearning in most women as bonding with a woman is in most men — she will go from man to man. Girls without fathers in their lives are far more likely to be sexually promiscuous, and to begin sexual activity at an earlier age, which in turn are reasons many young women are depressed. Few women find sleeping with man after man fulfilling. Most find it ultimately depressing.
Finally, fathers give both sons and daughters the thing children most need: a sense of safety and security. As much as children need love, they need a sense of security even more. And in general, Moms give love and Dads give security.
For the complete script as well as FACTS & SOURCES, visit https://www.prageru.com/video/are-fathers-necessary

im here from that ytp of dennis prager explaining the importance of femboys
And now it's Obama & Mike
This video has been thoroughly debunked and ridiculed by Shaun.
Please, fellow fathers, watch that video instead of this pathetic propaganda.
Fathers are necessary, and important.
Ignore this pathetic video.
Conservatives actually reading their own sources challenge (impossible)
Fathers are just as important as mothers a Mother for son a father for a daughter and both mother and father for both daughter and son
Now we know, who send first animal to space. And that was not a comunist dog! Damn.
I checked what the other comments said and read all 3 of the articles.
Literally none of them say "fathers are bad", the only weird thing about them is their flashy titles.
I'm not sure what strawman Dennis is trying to make here… Does he just expect people to not read any of the sources he provided?
i think father is necessary bcz my father died when i was 11 and i know how it feels like being raised without father
Shaun exposed u guys so hard 😂😂😂
Thank you God for giving me a healthy stable family structure containing a father and a mother which growing up like this is the reason I didn't end up one of these weird gay leftists.
As a conservative Independent, I have listened to Dennis Prager on AM talk radio, and usually find his commentary to be reasoned and devoid of animus toward liberal democrats, but instead holds a combatively militant stance against Marxist ideals that seem to animate the far Left. I said "SEEMS." After viewing Shaun's video, I am disappointed to confess Dennis Prager practices sloppy journalism at least in this video. In my older age, I have to now do the work that talking heads fail to do so I can get to the truth of an issue and toss out the click-bait.
How? I believe that everyone should have a father “figure” but not an actual father. Most of my family’s fathers were deadbeats who left their wives and beat their kids. So should you force women to marry or stick with deadbeats?
This actually makes a lot of sense. It's also very good dating advice. Never get into a relationship with someone who grew up without a father
Fathers are definitely necessary, but not all men should necessarily be fathers. A lot of men don’t understand what this role truly entails. It’s very crucial for women to be mindful of this before giving some of these incapable, ungrateful men ‘legacies.’
Not fair fathers groups against yoyr worker me former or? Judy begged me to come back. I yelled at Nanette and was embarrassed to come back. I called and left a message for Nanette 9 years later to apologize to Nanette for yelling at her and quitting and moving to california and got the same job there but they are so different they and us here in tulsa cannot work t9gether without my help. I need you both and you both need me but san joaquin county is the fathers rights child protective service and murdering the mothers
Standing in line to get Judy's attention
Does a Jewish employee need to yell and call everyone goddammit ngers to get Judy's attention?
I am not an abusive patent I am judy macintyres former employee and do I need to keep calling her a ggoddsmn nger to get HER ATTWNRION?
Are fathers necessary
Yeah i wouldn't listen to any video by them
I don't see it
I was going to point out that every single article listed turned out to be a very pro-fathers article, but everybody seems to have figured that out for them selves. Instead of just reading the headlines, the author of this video should have actually read the articles.
So instead of making that point, I'll address the fact that: he mentioned "the nation's most prestigious journals", but then he just named a bunch of newspapers, magazines and websites.
There sure are a lot of women who claim fathers (and sometimes men in general) are not necessary.
Wow! Dennis Prager has no shame…. Or intelligence. But, I suppose he makes money off of it, and that is what he is here to do! So…. Mission accomplished! I suppose
There is a better way. Parental custody of children is actually a very simple matter to solve given the true desire of “What is best for the child”.
We need to separate and discard marriage from family law as they no longer seem to be connected.Current family laws need to be replaced with "Equal Parenting Laws"
We can develop protocols that confer (over time) equal parental rights and responsibilities,…..once parentage is proven.
Children’s natural maturation process has 3 essential stages of need.
A.The unconditional love of the mother from birth until about 7 years of age. The mother to have “thefinalsay” and to receive child allowance.
B.The conditional love of the father, who takes his children out into the world, gives security and teaches social boundaries from 7 until about 13 years of age. This will allow the father to do his "thing" at all stages.The father to have “thefinalsay” and to receive child allowance.
C.The friendship and respect of peers from 13 until 18 years of age. The child to have “thefinalsay”.
If these 3 stages are not gone through in order, maturation is unlikely to be satisfactorily achieved and mental resilience reduced. This has now become generational.
Such a regime of equal parenting rights (over time) would bind parents into a co-operative relationship, because (over time) each will hold the power of “thefinalsay” sequentially when they are best favoured to use it.
Such family protocols would be the default position, (allowing love, courtesy and humour to prevail) but could in exceptional cases be varied by the court.
Such a family court must have 3 possible adjudications possible.
1."Guilty" and the accused is punished. 2. "Not Proven" and the case is dismissed. 3. "Innocent" and the accused is punished for bearing false witness
Buckminster Fuller said:-
“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete”.
To alleviate suffering is worthy. To prevent it is divine, but thankless.
Dennis Prager deliberately lied about the Huffington post piece because he knows his audience is gullible enough to believe anything he says.
Great hu$tle you got going here man.
So are human father's more influential than God? I grew up without a human father but I had God and grew up well. I was taught at an early age to see God as my dad and listen to Him. Humans failed me but He didn't.
I’m Dennis Prager, and I don’t read anything past the headlines
Nahhhh they are not… Prove me right…
loool this bro straight up didnt read the texts he's citing. sir you'd not pass if this was a highschool class.
all these articles say nothing about how fathers arent needed? maybe dont rely on nobody reading your citations next time 🙂
Lmao you didn't read any of the articles you mentioned and it's painfully obvious
Will your next video be "Is Reading Your Source Articles Necessary?" – see, had you done so here, you'd have found out that they in fact support fatherhood. The strawman business is booming thanks to people's inability to read text any smaller than the article title. Mr. Prager could also open a veritable gold mine of a side business by bottling intellectual dishonesty. Why bother though – it seems to sell well enough in the video format.
Conservatards trying to read challenge (literally impossible)
Careful folks… Prager misrepresents every article he cites here. Don't fall for the clickbait.