Are These Words Really Harmful? — To the Point LIVE with Jon Noyes
Can words be harmful? Should we avoid certain kinds of speech to avoid hurting people’s feelings? Stanford University seems to think so, as evidenced by their attempt to eliminate harmful speech in the context of their IT department vernacular. This week on To the Point, Jon will look at Stanford’s policy, but also the larger issue of free speech, even if it’s harmful.
To the Point is STR’s live video series, which explores culturally relevant issues from a distinctly Christian worldview. The goal is to offer clarity on these topics and to equip Christians to be confidence enough to discuss them. Join us on the second and fourth Wednesday of every month at 12pm PST, and don’t forget to bring your questions for Jon to answer!
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This comment is for brother Greg,
Can you have a chat with Leighton Flowers from Soteriology101 since he pointed out the error of your worldview regarding a question you didn't give a good answer to. Leighton is open for conversation according to his video .God bless your ministry.
What makes this so dangerous is when the government pushes these "new" norms. It is an agenda to separate and distract. We must stand strong in Christ and not waiver. Truth is found in the bible. Standards are found in the bible. Align yourself with God's words and He will prevail and so will we.
The Left pushes and pushes and pushes. It’s tempting to push back. Unfortunately, it will be the fringe that pushes back and causes the conflict to escalate (we saw this on 1-6-22). We must stand against both extremes and guard against joining the fringe. And stand despite the consequences.
Who listens or even pays attention to anything from Stanford unless you attended there. I personally find it hilariously absurd. Although everything is contagious, good and bad. The easiest way to deceive human beings is thru feelings and emotions.
"When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less."
"The question is," said Alice, "whether you can make words mean so many different things."
"The question is," said Humpty Dumpty, "which is to be master—that's all.”