Christian Environmentalism l Voddie Baucham
Voddie Baucham Sermon
Christian Environmentalism l Voddie Baucham
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Mankind has to care for the earth a lot better than its doing. I'm going to stop using plastic bags. The oceans don't deserve that treatment.
6:35 This is a bad example, and here's why. The issue is not 'CO2 bad' – it's that the amount of CO2 in the air is rising so fast that it's destabilising the climate. CO2 levels can rise due to natural and anthropogenic causes. Humans act as a catalyst by digging up and burning substances that contain a lot of carbon, speeding up the natural carbon cycle far beyond natural rhythms. Yes – CO2 levels were higher in the past, but so was the global temperature, and it took millions (not hundreds) of years to transition to that state, so ecosystems had chance to adapt. Fast shifts in atmospheric composition destabilise ecosystems.
Mars is different to Earth. It has a much lower mass and its magnetic field is weaker, meaning the atmosphere is vulnerable to the solar wind and leaks into space.
But let's not forget about the reasons why men create stuff. Remember the tower of Babel. Is it about glorifying God, or is it about glorifying himself, or is it about him thinking he has the ability to reach as high as God?
Splashing paint on canvas to me is about seeing and using the God created laws of how things flow and mix.
I have benefitted so much from Voddie's sermons and much in this one has been a blessing- but some also is based on his own opinions and likes and dislikes
I also can't see how there is any possibility of there being fly fishing in a world where there will be no more death and dying. Death only came in after the fall. Before that man was meant to live forever. I may be wrong (?) but I thought that killing animals to keep us alive is a foreshadowing of the need for one to die so that we can live forever again as we were supposed to at the beginning.
He says what I wish every other pastor would talk about. Functionalism, Banalism, Postmodernism, Deconstructionism….it's all horrible. Dr. Baucham sees that.
Thx Pastor…well done! Appreciate your wisdom.
Is this Voddie Baucham official page?? 😊❤
Best preacher of his time!
AMEN dr. Voddie
You are my war club,
my weapon for battle—
with you I shatter nations,
with you I destroy kingdoms,
21 with you I shatter horse and rider,
with you I shatter chariot and driver,
22 with you I shatter man and woman,
with you I shatter old man and youth,
with you I shatter young man and young woman,
23 with you I shatter shepherd and flock,
with you I shatter farmer and oxen,
with you I shatter governors and officials.
Conservationism vs. Environmentalism.
Is Pastor Voddie still in Zambia?
He had some good points on environmentalism. It makes me think that the push to go "green" is a political movement to accomplish certain agendas. Agendas like: see seeds of discourse with the younger generation, control our energy sources, and line pockets with money from " green" products. Global warming- if the earth is fading into the ocean, why are people still buying condos on the beach? Why are insurance companies insuring those properties? I mean if I owned an insurance company that believed in this, I would not insure beach front homes…..just saying🤷♀️
A beautiful, hard hitting presentation.
Rev Bauchum delivers perfectly the Word of God.
If only man would exercise restraint in his killing of animals and using resources.
Too late for that. God is so good to His creations. We, on the other hand, are not good; at all.
Thank you, God.
Although it contains some good points, overall this was a disappointing sermon by an otherwise very respectable pastor:
1) He cherry picks scientific findings, by urging us to take a plane (product of science) but casting doubt on the 95% consensus amongst scientists that the current climate change is largely human induced.
2) He did not elaborate on the Fall, and what demetrial consequences this has on man's relationship with nature. He also should have elaborated on the Tower of Babel when he mentioned that he likes big buildings.
3) He should have mentioned that because of climate change, many humans (God's image bearers!) will suffer from hunger, thirst and eventually will die. This is something we as Christians cannot ignore.
(For the record: I am neither left wing nor an environmentalist, just a Christian outside the US)
I love the outdoors; kayaking, gardening, campfires, fishing, baseball, ice hockey, cross country skiing , snow shoeing, bird watching…We as Christians most certainly are expected to care for the earth (Genesis 1:28, Genesis 2:15, Jeremiah 2:7) but BIBLICALLY. Not to the point where we worship the created more than the Creator; which is what Wiccans and pantheistic religions do.
God makes the new earth for the sheep to inherit——to enjoy what was intended for Adam and Eve and their descendants—-only the 144, 000 become spirits and get to go to Heaven—personally, I'd rather the perfect earth with great wine and great neighbors.
Pagan environmentalism. I know a satanist whose sacrament is abortion, and he says that anyone who doesn't recycle batteries is a bad person. Yep, you're a bad person if you throw batteries away and if you defend unborn children, but if you recycle batteries and support abortion then you're a good person.