Are You Going to Heaven?
What role does repentance play in you making it into heaven? What about belief? Can we be saved and go to heaven simply by our belief in Jesus and what He did for us at the cross?
DAZE OF DECEPTION BOOK: https://jackhibbs.com/daze-of-deception/
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Where did John come from? Where did he learn or receive all his knowledge and baptize people? Are there any books out there to read up on his earlier history besides the Bible? I am not an ex-Muslim. I am a Christian born from Christian parents. I have a house church for ex-Muslims in my town.
Absolute certainty.
AMEN , I did pray with you but you don't have to send me a BIBLE we just got one about a year ago.. I am a Disable VET and I have to have my wife read it to me.. I am blind in me left eye and don't see very well in right eye.. I have been Disable from the time I was in Vietnam 1967 / 1967.. GOD BLESSED ME with a GREAT WIFE and also with finding you on my P-C..
I am a very HAPPY MAN..
5 Stars
Other scripture that.backs up the truth of what brother Jack says here is that Satan and the demons " believe in Jesus/ Yeshua" and tremble.james 2:19 Because they know their fate and it's the lake of fire. By Grace are we saved thru FAITH it is a gift of God not of works lest any man should…and we all know as God knows we would boast.
5 stars to you Jack and team.
Could you add the links to the videos mentioned at the end?
Please can any find the scripture or scriptures that says you must repent of your sins ……ill wait
I believe 1st John 1:9 is for the UNBELIEVERS. The whole first chapter is for the unbeliever. I would like to hear why you cannot see the difference chapter 1 vs chapters 2 – 5
I like your message God bless Nanette
God bless you Jack
"They whom love Me keep My Commandments" … God.
God bless you Pastor Jack.
Thank you for your prayer in Congress and your courage to always speak God‘s truth. America’s Pastor.. ❣️
Excellent! Thank you for a True Blue Message from the Lord. God Bless you Pastor Hibbs & your family & your ministry. High Desert, Oregonian : )
I believe in Jesus is not enough. You need to take the ‘in’ out of that statement.
Therefore if any man be in Christ he is a new creature old things passed away and behold All things become new
Now you have totally confused me from your last sermon about backsliding
❤ 🙏
Thank you Pastor Jack for breaking this down. 🙏🏽 God bless you,Lisa,and your family! See you in heaven..come quickly Lord Jesus
That’s why God is our judge, stay in the Word & pray. The simplicity of Christ.
As it says in Like, repentance for the forgiveness of sins. It is a natural thing in God bringing a person to Himself.
Thank you for speaking truth. We have to repent of our sins, believe in Him by faith and have personal relationships with Him. So wonderful to see and hear this 🙏🏻
pride welcomes demons.
salvation status is up to God 💯
those who embrace wickedness are carnal or evil religious — they will experience God’s wrath unless they repent and become “pure in heart” by God’s grace.
a hard arrogant soul that mocks God’s Truth is a fool.
‘For of this you can be sure: No immoral, impure, or greedy person (that is, an idolater), has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.
Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things the wrath of God is coming on the sons of disobedience.’
Eph. 5:5,6
Find one verse out of the 31,102 verses in the KJV that says ANYONE is going to heaven after they die, please just one verse.. You cannot find even one verse because it's NOT TRUE!!!!!!!!! You've been lied to all of your life..
“'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future. '” (Jeremiah 29:11)
Thankyou Clayton! Much appreciated! God bless
This is the most beautiful message I've ever heard a Pastor make. Thank you, Jesus!
Q sent me.
Q didn't SAVE me.
Q SENT me.
Jesus saved me.
I appreciate this brother, but he is missing the heart of the gospel. First, 'backsliding' is an Old Testament concept wholly foreign to the New Testament. Since we are no longer under the law, it would be good to leave this concept alone. I do not think it applies anymore.
Moreover, salvation is to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Jesus said, "Whoever believes in Me shall have rivers of living water bubbling up from inside of him." Do you have that? If not, then you are not saved. Are you seated in the heavenlies with Christ? What will He say when you see Him? Do you know Him or will He say, 'Depart from Me'? The Christian faith is all about knowing God.
Let's talk about backsliding. A dear friend of mine, a recovering heroine addict, died, drinking himself to death. I believe that he had been born again, but only God knows. Another person may be a faithful church-goer, but they have not been born again. Everything looks great, but the person is condemned. Pillars of the church. Evangelists. Crusade leaders. Some, even most, of these won't make it to heaven. Very few do.
Have you had a meeting with God? Do you know what those 'rivers of living water' are? If you expect to go to heaven, you better! If you are not filled with the Holy Spirit, you are condemned. Christ died on a Cross so that we may know Him. Are you friends with the Almighty? Jesus Christ is the light of the world.
Fact is that it’s not ok to keep on sinning. Jesus told the woman at the well “Go and sin no more” God knows your heart
Hoping the Pastor read this comment:
How are backsliding christians any different to lukewarm christians? Revelations say those will be vomited out of God’s mouth. There is a very thin line here between the two and I feel a little dangerous to think that being like this, is actually ok for christians to be raptured. Those are the ones that will make the world see how many christians were left behind after the rapture. Read Luke 21:36. Who is worthy of escape the things to come and stand before the Son of Man if I am a backslider? I’d say christians like that won’t make it. If they do, this would be an easy salvation. If it were this easy, the bible won’t advise us to work for it with fear and trembling.
Thank you for standing strong in your prayer in Washington. I truly love your teachings. Prayers for you and your family and your Church.
AMEN 🙏🏻 Thank you Pastor Jack. You have really helped to clear up some questions that I've had. Tammy Rudquist
God bless pastor Jack❤
What do you know about Joshua from Servus Christi they have 76.5K views ? Hes got stuff on you??
Pastor Jack Hibbs as always I’m inspired by your loving, seasoned no messing around preaching!
I’m praying for you, as I see you, walk-through trials,
and stand grounded in Christ Jesus!
Hebrews 13:17
Everyone has faith
Only the lord knows who’s going to heaven he judges the heart not the actions just look at David
Awesome talk❤
Thank you pastor jack. Faith and repentance is a gift! Praise the Lord!
I’m confused , I thought once you believe in that Jesus died for our sins we are saved and sealed so why do you say you have to wait and see what fruit they bare to see if they are really saved ?! Seems like works salvation which is false as it’s Jesus plus nothing , there’s nothing we can do to add to it , Jesus did it all ❤️
You are teaching a doctrine of works and self righteousness instead of God Grace and Mercy and the atonement of sin through the New Covenant by the Blood of the Lamb.
John 3 16 is the basis of Salvation. If you truly believe it by faith and not by works, you are already sealed by God Holy Spirit. By Grace we are saved through faith and not by works that anyone should boast. Works are religion and self pride. We are cleansed by the Blood of Jesus Christ and cover by His righteousness. For our own righteousness are but a filthy rags in the Heavenly Father sight.
Therefore anyone with true faith on John 3 16 are sealed with the Holy Spirit and ready for the Rapture. Nevertheless, do not practice habitual sin and work iniquity. Jesus will say to those who works iniquity who never truly believed in Him that He never knew them.
He has totally forgotten Paul’s new gospel . First of all you are convicted, which leads to repentance ,turning from sin. No true believer of Christ believes they can continue sinning. Believing in His death, resurrection, rising and He is returning for us. Faith plus nothing…trust in Christ.