Bible Prophecy – Happening Now with Charlie Kirk (July 2020) #CharlieKirk #TurningPointUSA
Charlie Kirk and Pastor Jack discuss how America has turned away from its morality and Biblical foundation as a nation and the result has created broken families, a shattered education system, a lack of hope, and a loss of purpose within its citizens.
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listening to this 3 yrs after filming, but this is one of the best I have heard. Such important teaching!
Exactly we all are children of God, he honestly loves ❤ us!
BRILLIANT MIND GIFTED OF GOD ! Can only imagine what it was like to listen to king Solomon in that day.❤❤❤❤❤😇🙏👍
Praise God!!!!
No weapon formed against me shall prosper
. .True..
People suffer because of lack of wisdom, oh Galatians who have you been listening too.
How foolish, can God be stopped by a pandemic? Is not our Christian walk a relationship with a living Christ?
Does this help you know Christ?
Shalom! Love you both so much, my brothers. This world is CRAZIER 2 years later, which we knew there was no more "normal" after crap19😪❤🙏❤
Never send kids to college or university here. Make sure you home school and send your child to private christian school. In the early 70's I had a communist teacher in English my freshman year.
The muslims have paid for our school systems for years. Go figure the infiltration of evil for a long long time.
What about the people who put there faith in the church and got used and abused? god exists inside us, not inside a church.
Sound like a bunch of "Bull". ???????
This guy has great things to say,. Just wish Jack could slow him down. He talks too fast 😷
A lot of truth that’s true but im tired of hearing about the sin of slavery in America . No where in the Bible does our Lord condemn slavery as the unforgivable sin of man. Quite the contrary, but whether slave or free to serve your master whole heartily as you as serving the Lord . Also no where in the Bible does God say that all men were created equal. If it does please show me where. I myself do not like slavery or think it’s something we as Americans need today even though i have worked and felt like a slave even though i was being paid . Otherwise there is enough truth in your teaching that i commend your efforts to seek truth and teach of God’s saving grace through Jesus Christ. As The apostle Paul wrote . Keep fighting the good fight of faith in Christ which without…..all is sin . May God bless you , America and to bring peace to Israel.
This is very wishy-washy 😬…sounds so much like pandering to me
666 people dislike this 🤔🤔
At the risk of sounding like a hot-shot, I'll tell you exactly what's going
to happen. We can ALL see, the conservative side is really NOT winn-
ing. Charlie is correct; We're not going to see real Spiritual change
until things get Worse!! The LORD is 'Testing' HIS True church at
this time. The 'Evil one' has been trying for CENTURIES to cause
Laodacea in the church-world, while at the same time, increasing
this hatred for anything that is good and lawful. Scripture itself
declares in the books of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, that, "Wicked-
ness would increase in the Last Days.."
Fasten your seatbelts—Things are gonna' get even WORSE! But
Take heart; Christ has, "Overcome the World," with his Sacrifice.
Do not lose your faith. Some will, "Fall away for fear," because of
the Social insanity that is occuring around them.
Bottom line; The LORD is in the process of raising an Army of
Saints who are ON FIRE with the Word of GOD! We are going to
be required to GO OUT and Preach the End Time message…
So, do not focus on the harsh, rebellious, argumentive narrative
of the Left…Rather, keep your mind and heart on the LORD.
Currently triple 6 thumb downs. So ironic
They want god to become the government, god is the last step to destroy the family and take control.
Trump runs and funds the transedual beauty pqgeant with NBC Universal and thanks his kabbalah teacher in his books, grew up in demolays and is a 33rd honorary freemason. Blind people.
Yalls trump worship is showing
Donald trump is the 6th 8th king Antichrist. Great Reset vs great awakening, trump vs Obama. Wake up church.
Tons of facts and good points these are just a few I put here to look back on for myself
Beginning 1:06:03–1:07:40 end
When your really smart and drink a redbull
Jesus would weep if he could see how you guys butchered his message
Start at 22:32 for a progression on how America was built on the moral battle against slavery. Learned what my teachers never taught me.
How can we start bringing God back into our culture? How can we as a nation turn back to our Biblical foundations? Let us know our thoughts below