Biden Administration Has Created a Crisis at the Border | Mark Morgan on Fox News
Heritage Visiting Fellow Mark Morgan joined “Fox and Friends” on Fox News, Saturday, February 6, to talk about the latest about illegal immigration, the crisis at our southern border, and why Pres. Biden’s radical immigration agenda is making the situation worse.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfoyRwGDg0w
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Humans need not to apply
Before we talk about how Biden, Harris and The Radical Left Wing Socialist Party Totally Screwed Up and Created a Crisis at our Borders by Ringing the Bell and calling Everybody and Anybody to just walk right into our country in this time of Covid 19 an, Drugs and Terrorists.
Lets make it clear that Biden and Harris took a Sacred Oath to defend America from Enemies Both Foreign and Domestic.
Biden and Harris took a Sacred Oath to defend America from Enemies Both Foreign and Domestic.
By letting thousands of illegal immigrants into America which would include, Drug Dealers,Drug Addicts,Terrorist,Criminals etc.,would not only be a violation of their sacred oath to defend America but if any of these thousands of people attack or commit a crime against America or an American citizen both Biden and Harris should be charged not only in violation of their oath but also as an accessory to the crime and be IMPEACHED.
We all know by now that Biden and Harris could care less about America and it's citizens but what we fail to realize is that they could also care less about the immigrants.
They know by letting the immigrants in they will be grateful and vote for Biden and Harris.
It's all about power and keeping it
What happens if a American citizen goes to Mexico and crosses illegally ? Will I get a covid shot …
Dang I think I will go get a covid shot after crossing illegally..
“The Biden administration is creating a crisis at the border.”
Who you kidding? The Biden administration IS a crisis, plain and simple.
Well if you don't like Joe Biden's presidency bash down the white house with sledgehammers
People votes these dum asses in our government and things like this happens
At some point we’re just gonna have to do what needs to be done. Take charge.
The Bidet Administration is the Crisis. Being "led" by a mental deficient, and a, dumb as a stump, vp.
I don’t think people who voted for Biden are going to learn from their mistakes. It’s easier to fool someone than to convince them that they have been fooled.
We're back to Obama era..
Before I remove you from YouTube, Facebook and every other social media aspect that I have you on, I want to explain why. You’ve decided to bring in Mike Pence. The former vice president to basically, in my eyes, is a traitor. He disregarded the constitution and the American people when he solidified fraud in the election. I am 65 years old and I’ve been a Republican since I was 18 years old. I have participated in local politics all the way up to the presidency of Ronald Reagan my entire life has been devoted to politics and the Republicans. I will never again vote Republican. Nor will I give them any money. You should be ashamed and allowing such a man to be a part of your organization, which I have respected in the past. I am disgusted beyond belief. Mike Pence has been absolutely worthless as a vice president. The fact that he was put in charge of the whole Wuhan China virus thing was about the best thing that he has done. I am just extremely disappointed in your decision. Extremely disappointed. Actually, it makes me sick to my stomach that he has any credibility anywhere with anyone who stands for the constitution. He is not an American. You can’t be an American and allow such fraud to occur in a presidential election. Are you kidding me? I don’t even know if I’m ever going to vote again. What is the point? Your vote will not be counted the way you want it to be counted. Some puppet master will determine who gets into office. From the school board all the way to the presidency. Shame on you, shame on Mike Pence
60 to 100 illegals in 2bd apartments in ca, no lie.
2022 Can't Come Fast Enough
Vote Democrats Out
He stole the election "Absolutel Proof" watch at MichaelJLindell.com
At what stage are we now? "…from apathy to dependency…back to bondage…"
"Again and again after freedom has brought opportunity and some degree of plenty, the competent become selfish, luxury-loving and complacent; the incompetent and the unfortunate grow envious and covetous, and all three groups turn aside from the hard road of freedom to worship the Golden Calf of economic security. The historical cycle seems to be: From bondage to spiritual faith; from spiritual faith to courage; from courage to liberty; from liberty to abundance, from abundance to selfishness; from selfishness to apathy, from apathy to dependency; and from dependency back to bondage once more. At the stage between apathy and dependency, men always turn in fear to economic and political panaceas. New conditions, it is claimed, require new remedies…Compulsory planned economy, for example…" (HENNING W. PRENTIS, Jr; Mid-Year Convocation Speech, University of Pennsylvania, February 1943)
Of course the Bitin' Abomination has created a crisis. That is what it was PUT there to do. Reap what you sew.
zi o nest agenda, full steam ahead.
trumph is no different, was just playing a roll, his top campaign donors were z i o
His story repeats
Same lies and nonsense to divide country. Just fact check this!
Ol' Joe is full of Lies,
of "Friends and Family" Nepotism.
His Sino-Russian Ties,
same ol' Democratic Despotism. (© 2021 Jay Kent)
Strong Borders and strong Fences,
Really do make for the best Neighbors.
Naïve Liberal Princes,
Toss them aside like Scottish Cabers. (© 2021 Jay Kent)
Biden hates America #that he cares more about illegals than American citizens he's a disgrace to our country even as a senator in the vice president he's a disgusting piece of crap
Just yesterday 11 IRANIANS (5 women, 6 men) were caught at Yuma AZ crossing.. they were arrested BUT are they going to be released??!!! Someone follow this!!!
Bus all them to DC and drop them at the steps of THE WHITE HOUSE.
Invasion numbers. Lock down the borders!!!!!!
Future illegal votes.
This policy hurts all involved except the Democrats in DC.
Of those 125,000, how many will be seeds with terrorist intentions? Looks like out security is at risk again … for what gain?
Here in Southern California (Coachella Valley- Riverside County, District 4) Supervisor Perez have allowed "farmworkers" (no-required residential Identity required) to receive Vaccinations
N W O = open borders. We need President Trump. There was no reason to not finish the border walls. Yet Congress wants to be walled in thru out DC. Hypocrites.
How long do you think it will be before Americans put a stop to this BS
Maybe the affected states should bus all the new incoming US residents to D.C.?
Open borders in the middle of a pandemic is PREMEDITATED MURDER!
Use your constitution to save your constitution!!!!
Better stand up or prepare to bow down!!!
Beijing Biden, making America Fake Again!!!
If open borders is illegall then Bidens plan is causing people 2 break the law. He's aiding & anedding. Attest Biden.
Forget about the vaccine, if we're just going to keep letting anybody cross our borders illegally, we'll never be able to control any diseases. We got hundreds of thousands of our own citizens living on the streets with no meaningful shelter and extremely vulnerable to exposure. We need to focus on that solution before we attempt to take on foreigners.
They need to stop the left from doing this. they’re going to destroy The States of America.
They create a crisis what every the touch because they have no common senses! I bet you can not figure out why!
Gee, anybody think Covid levels are gonna go through the roof, your gonna raise my taxes and then get me sick. Hey as long as that check from China don’t bounce , huh joe
Don't know why anybody would be surprised by this. How are they going to meet the "1M vaccinations per day" when they're diverting vaccine to illegals? They can't. Once again, they're peeing down our collars and calling it rain.