Biden’s Crackdown on the Internet Is WORSE Than You Think | Glenn TV | Ep 343
We’re being played: The Left isn’t “saving democracy,” and the internet is NOT free. The Murthy v. Missouri Supreme Court case is just the tip of the iceberg. The pro-speech plaintiffs argue the Biden White House colluded with social media platforms to censor speech they don’t like. Speech on topics like COVID origins, masks, vaccines, lockdowns, the Hunter Biden laptop, climate change, mail-in voting, and election integrity. There is much more of this censorship in our future. Thanks to a FOIA request and eventual lawsuit brought by America First Legal, AFL was able to uncover a report by U.S. Agency for International Development that was intended for internal use only. Glenn digs into this report called the “Dis-information Primer,” which provides a disturbing insider’s view of our government’s strategies for dealing with rampant so-called “information disorder.” And instead of debunking speech it doesn’t like, the government employs a strategy called “pre-bunking.” Wait, what?! We are up against a SPRAWLING network of government agencies, think tanks, and the largest companies in the world, all collaborating in multiple ways with the same end-goal: to censor unapproved speech in media and especially online. And you can bet voices at Blaze Media will be first on the chopping block …
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0:00: Exposing the USAID’s ‘Dis-Information Primer’
16:36: Proof government and Big Tech DO collude
31:13: The weaponization of demonization
42:40 The difference between ‘positive’ and ‘negative’ rights
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#glennbeck #glenntv #theblaze #blazetv #blazemedia #biden #crackdown #internet #worse #freespeech #presidentbiden #democracy #whitehouse #masks #lockdowns #hunterbiden #foia #americafirstlegal #misinformation

Have we forgotten that the original purpose of the media is to expose wrongdoing and misuse of authority by public officials? The purpose of the First Amendment is precisely to preserve this ability. That means especially the right to say things that may be unpopular. It wasn’t so long ago that Nazis with full regalia were allowed to march in a largely Jewish community in Illinois. This outraged that community and much of the country as well, but the Supreme Court ruled that it was their right to march. This is a far cry from the situation today where students and even staff at college level think they can establish only certain areas where “free speech” is “allowed,” or even to prevent speakers from speaking because the content of their speech may not be popular. The purpose of college and university was to be a meeting place of ideas where students could learn of things that differed from their earlier upbringing in order to teach them to think critically and function in the real world. One of the biggest needs today is for Responsible Leadership at all levels. Trump’’24
St Michael …we need u
Why isn't O'Biden in jail or a nursing home yet.. Elderly Abuse at it's very worst.. and Kamala Harris Removed?
Biden is a notorios liar, now he wants coniniously lie everyone , then its ok feed your brain , full bs.
Brain washing , propoganda, under the disguise of free speach.
If they do this biden could not even give a speech. He and soros are the most misinformation spreaders in the system. When are we going to start sending messages to the left that their crimes will not be tolerated any longer . We must bust up the power of the worst administration and the partnership between the government and private sector.
Democracy Glenn Beck??? Really? Why Do You And Your Colleagues Lie??? I'm Tired Of Hearing democracy. Why Don't You And Your Colleagues And Shove The Word democracy
Aloha Snackbar. People have had enough.
More Limbaugh
Programming us????? Sounds like O'Brian in the novel 1984 who was electrocuting Winston just because he wouldn't admit that 2+2=5!!! They manipulated him so much till he finally had to give in….was really sad!!!!!!
This episode. Especially the closing words reminds me
So much of this story about a older Baptist southern woman in church and the preachers says “woe to you who love your drink!” And she says “hallelujah “. And then the preacher says “and woe to you who fornicate!” And she yells “amen!” And he then says “and woe to you who are a slave to your tobacco!” And then elder woman says “now wait a minute preacher !” Thats what will happen with the liberals. If they get elected their way they will finally silence conservatives but at some point they will decide something some liberals post and want to spread information on is not “ok”. A system
Or tactics like Biden’s admin on citizens and business in conjunction with liberal companies /social media is doomed to implode
When I was 14 years old, the year happened to be 1984. Everybody started talking about the book that year, and it was my first instance in life of getting tired of hearing people talk about something I didn't know. So that summer, between 8 and 9th grade, I went to the bookstore and picked up my copy and read it.
That was probably the first serious book I ever read, and it was arguably the most important book I would ever read in my life.
What did you people think, that the government overlords were just going to tell you they were taking your freedom and ask for your permission? Of course not. They're going to look for ways to sell it to you.
"Cognitive infrastructure." Haha…
… This is the thought police.
No, they're not going to tell you in so many words that they just want to control you. They're going to offer you safety, in order to get you to beg them to control you. I understood this at the end of the summer before I entered high school, as a 14-year-old kid, because I read the book at that time.
Way too many people are now grown adults who still don't understand what they're seeing.
🙄 duh KB !!!! Omg
Praying Praying Praying🙏🙏🙏🙏
all the sudden hes about choicezz
We can’t give money because we the people are subsidizing EVERYONE ELSE!
get off the high-horse Glenn. 😩
They can use ai to make people believe they're listening to something, but its really just generated nonsense.
Id rather live outside of it anyway. Nothing valuable to be found "online" anymore anyway.
My 2 youngest children , young adults almost middle aged already well pre bunked from their school years and further brainwashed by the reach of global friends and internet contacts. I despair. I was very surprised that Ohio recently legalized marijuana and late term unfettered abortion but I can see the forces at work that made that possible. People are not even following their own values they are like a bunch of lemmings.
Everything hes describing with the prebunking is how Google/YouTube censors Democrat corruption on WikiLeaks
Glenn this is so depressing and devastating that I must depart from listening. I’m sorry. I believe you but it’s killing me
If WE have people in our Population that BELIEVE OUR GOVERNMENT HAS A RIGHT to CONTROL FREE SPEECH……… Then WE ARE NO LONGER A FREE NATION. We Are a COMMUNIST NATION JUST LIKE CHINA/CCP !! Pitiful that we actually have people That Believe that crap 😡
They ARE Banning Production of Gas Stoves from Manufacturer’s but Claim Not Banning from the Public !! Thus this puts the Blame on the Manufacturers ! SEE HOW THAT WORKS !!??? WAKE UP PEOPLE !!
Biden is corrupt and so are everyone in His cabinet. Our Government NEEDS to Leave US Alone ! We damn sure Don’t need our Govt telling us what’s truth or lies. I can figure that out all by myself. BACK OFF BIDEN!!!
"Justice katangi Brown Jackson listen so my biggest concern concern is that your view has the First Amendment hamstringing the government in significant ways"
That is what the First Amendment is FOR!!! It is suppose to hamstringing the government in significant ways!!!
The First Amendment does not tell us what we can and can not SAY, It TELLS the government that IT CAN NOT RESTRICT OUR SPEECH (WHAT WE CAN SAY) but yet it DOES!!!
"we're in the business of critical infrastructure and the most critical infrastructure is our cognitive infrastructure and so building that resilience to misinformation and disinformation I think is incredibly important and we're going to work with our partners uh in the private sector and and uh throughout the rest of the government and at the department to continue to ensure that the American people have the facts that they need"
It's not the job of the government to restrict or control what we can say or hear, let us say and hear what we want and we will decide what is and what is not misinformation and what is and is not disinformation!!!
How horrible!!
A total infringement on our FREEDOM OF SPEECH!!
Climate Change as described by the WHO, the WEF, SOROS, the OBF, the Lincoln Project, the Globalist Marxist Leftist, and ETC… is being used as a weapon to Control You, Manipulate You, and As A Money Making Machine for all the Aforementioned Organizations !!!!
CLIMATE WARMING "HYSTERIA" is what They, The WHO, The WEF, The United Nations, ect are all pushing. IT NEEDS TO STOP !!!!
*****NATURAL OCCURING CHANGING CLIMATE CYCLES is what it is called, and it is just that👉🏽NATURAL.
Co2 levels in the atmosphere fluctuate between .025 percent and .035 ( that is Three point 5 percent ) since the dawn of man.
Durring the Volcanic Era it was higher. To say that man is a detriment to the planet and the atmosphere, proves they (THE WHO ) don't know what they are talking about and flat out lying to all the people on this planet.
NATURAL OCCURING CHANGING CLIMATE CYCLES is being use BY THEM AGAINST HUMANITY as a weapon to control and generate money for themselves.
I've been studying Natural Changing Climate Cycles for over 50 years…
When Co2 level do rise, THE EARTH has its own BUILT IN Co2 SCRUBBING SYSTEM, its called Plants, Trees, and Foilage. When Co2 levels do go up A FRACTION OF A PERCENT Scientists see thicker canopies in forests, and farmers see a larger increases in crops.
1) Earths Wobble on it axis, which at times will swing parts of the earth closer in direction to the sun
2) Earths TILT on its Axis , where the northern hemisphere will swing closer towards the sun
3) Oval and Elongated Orbit of earth around the sun, where the earth will travel closer in its path relevant to the sun's position
4) the sun's surface solar weather
5) Earths magnetic field fluctuations , which controls how much solar radiation the earth absorbes. Which brings up a key point, "HOW DOES THE EARTH REGULATE EXCESS HEAT" ???? ANSWER: Through Volcanic eruptions !!!!
Glenn, we need to see those highest news disinformation list because that is the news I want to hear. They probably have you on that list.
So much for teaching toddlers to talk with their words instead of their hands!
Glen, your transformation to Ricky from Better off Dead is almost complete. Congratulations!
Have I mentioned recently that "democracy" and "democratic" were murderous Mao Zedong's favorite words in his 'Little Red Book'?
🤨We the People are in serious trouble.! 🤔
Glenn: “Imran Ahmed” is NOT a British name. We’ve lost Great Britain to the Muslims. It’s only a matter of time before it’s declared as an emirate of islam
Primer, not primmer
The Biden admin saying they're free speech is being violated. The constitution declares a set of negative rights, meaning it limits what the government can do, not what the people can do.
I'm not worried. I get all of my news from cartoon frogs.
God bless Glen Beck for sounding the alarm of America's doom and coming destruction.
YouTube puts advertising over key points in a video to redirect the thoughts that does not push a certain agenda forward
FBI showing up at homes for social media posts per Crossroads with Joshua Philips on e
Are misogynists now those who refuse to encourage and accept as women males who are deluded that they are now women?
Oh right, compare “pre-bunking” to a vaccine!!!! It’s already giving me myocarditis! 🤣🤣🤣
Glen, Biden tells everyone that his a good Catholic. Up to this point in his administration and him have ruined everything. Why then should your report be shocking?