Biden’s Open-Borders Agenda Is Anything But Humane | Chad Wolf on Fox Business
Heritage Visiting Fellow Chad Wolf joined Fox Business, Wednesday, June 2, to talk about the border crisis, the Biden administration’s open-borders agenda which has brought us to the crisis, and why we need a common-sense, humane border security agenda.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLlJD12QyvY
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Ones that come from the lower South America have to pay just to travel and cross other borders because of the market demands, so legal and illeagal transportation is an arrangement.
This is all a setup! These young adults are gonna be trained given arms and come after us! This is what Obama wanted a civilian army! Don’t be fools. This is a very coordinated operation!! Everyone is calling them unaccompanied children. How old are these children? Many are late teen males.
Don’t be fooled by the narrative.
Yes their are women and children but the majority are young men
C-SPAN swamp democrat-controlled from top to bottom
Democrats have to get them signed up for the 2022 elections !!!
Ms. B always has an excellent program.
This is nothing short of an invasion. The military should be stepping in right about now.
How long is the DoD going to let this insanity go on? They seem to be a part of transporting migrant children ages 15 to 17 years old to different Red States in the middle of the night without their knowledge. This is unacceptable.
Why is USA being intentionally destroyed?