BIG GOVERNMENT Using Coronavirus Pandemic to Secure More CONTROL
Glenn explains how BIG GOVERNMENT is using the coronavirus pandemic to secure more control over your life and your rights. We cannot lose sight of the erosion of our personal liberty, because we’re at risk of never getting those liberties back. Watch this clip to hear Glenn’s breakdown of what the left hand is doing while the right isn’t looking.
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The Constitution doesn’t protect us from anything. It is a framework for governance and list of rights that We The People need to protect to keep our Republic. We have been failing to protect it, so we will lose it.
The only cowardice is shutting down the economy and sheltering in place. Sometimes we must accept death, just like when we go to war, and realize that failure to do this will result in a loss of freedom. But we are in an age where we want to have the cake and eat it too, if we want to keep the economy open with no deaths or minimal death, we will end up with no economy and multiple deaths in the long term. We live in a world that thinks short term, but fails to realize that we must develop herd immunity today which means more deaths today to save lives tomorrow and preserve a strong economy. If there was a time to sacrifice life it is today.
All I can say is thank you Glenn
All flu viruses are coronavirus. Where are the grieving families? Satan really showed me how easily we are deceived. AOC friends with Pope Francis, who just happens to want the green new deal. Georgia guide stones.
Glenn, you are wrong in your assumptions. I really do not want to believe for second that your motive for making purely "propaganda" assumptions are strictly for entertainment value and making money. What is happening to America [and to the rest of the world] is by divine providence, as was President Trump's election. God is not angry, nor is he punishing anybody, he is curing the world by flushing out evil humans and forcing them into the light. Prior to President Trump, millions upon millions of Americans had an illusion of freedom and an illusion of having rights. Prior to President Trump Americans were definitely never going to be awakened to the illusion nor ever going to get any rights back. President Trump is restoring the power to the people to govern their selves. He is taking power away from the federal government and returning it to the states. The patriot people in the states will then be forced to look at their local governments as to the cause of many of their woes. Remember your train tracks on your famous chalk board? Well, you are way off track and now preaching political and globalist propaganda. In a few short weeks, maybe a month, all Americans will be awoken and experience true power and true freedom, thanks to President Trump and to the American people who elected him.
Like the progressives do not want a crisis to go to waste, I think those who believe in the Constitution as we do, use the crisis to start to 2nd American Revolution. Not just to throw the democrats out, but the Republicans too. At the root, there is not difference between the two other than they rhetoric they employ to destroy this nation.
This whole thing is a manipulation for big government to convert to communism
Its the year 2033, President Longwang issues emergency declaration, his step brother, Mini Longwang, with his diabolical DNA protein printers, has unleashed powerful virus on the globe!
Thanks to Chinese leadership, my race has finally been accepted to serve as President! Sadly my brother is a FF fan, and has developed a virus that targets women under the age of 50 who have a weight body mass index of 13 or less! It also oddly effects gay men! This airborne virus easily attaches to cloths!
Our communist party police, have been specially trained to handle this situation with months of preparation! Road blocks will be erected to issue these targeted women with flip flops, and we will remove the dangerous clothing so they may safely navigate our cities naked!
In order to provide a relaxing atmosphere as the women are decontaminated with slippery suds hand washed by our police specially trained in happy ending massages, they can relax after decontamination in lawn chairs and a 15 minute cucumber facial therapy mask under warm heat lamps!
The gay men effected can decontaminate themselves as being gay is not officially sanctioned by your newly elected communist party! We have called on Dwayne Johnson to make another movie to convince Mini Longwang that his path on the road to true communism is wrong, and we truly wish to show our appreciation with unlimited film budget!
Still want to go with the fake news deep state narrative malaria drugs are not a safety net? DNA printers pretty scary yet?
I've been saying this all along!!! "Never let a good crisis go to waste."
Uhh, didn't politicians just bail out corporations because that's who funds their campaigns?
This is the same guy who marched for illegals not long ago, now he's turned another corner and playing the patriot against Big Brother.
I'm a big government conservative. Print the money, build the roads, give the people their tax dollars back. Beck never complains about defense spending or aid to Israel, of course. He likes big government, just for globalist purposes. How about using that big, shiny, bloated government for ourselves?
The DEMOCRATS THE DEMOCRATS ARE BEHIND THIS!!!!! (Some Republicans too) Those people are crazy!!!! Big Pharma is behind all of this!!!!! People wake up!!!!!! Oh and let’s not forget BILL GATES!!!
Why aren't we taking advantage of it? As Andrew Breitbart said, "War".
"In CHAOS lies opportunity." 💖🕯🇺🇸
Eye opener, this is what president trump want people to see if you are wise. See what the deep state Android left is trying to do with you.
Why do we just accept that this virus is any more dangerous than all the other corona viruses that have come before? "Scientists" use a bunch of long words, throw up some big numbers, and the average person stops thinking and just accepts anything they say. I'm watching infectious disease experts look around in shock at how poorly this whole situation is being handled. We (as a people) don't know anything right now, we do know that the numbers of "infected" has reached the point where quarantine based measures are no longer effective, there are just too many unless you are willing to place everyone in bubbles for the rest of their lives. The Trump administration is already talking about what they are going to be doing next fall. How much longer do we wait until we start saying NO MORE!
Totally agree it’s just a CONTROL TATIC
Guns, check. Food, check. Lockdown, check. Masks, check. Republic……???? This whole thing is a massive failure of the medical community (especially) and government at all levels. Complicated situation and ignorance is a dangerous combination and the chaos is exactly what they wanted.
Buy gold? Bahahahaha – about 99.99% of your listeners can't afford to buy gold nor would know how to, but you're advising people to bear arms. Fascists always end up murdering other people.
Gosh Glenn why wouldn't you want every American citizen to have access to healthcare? So selfish.
Glen I'm not willing to give up 1 ounce of freedom 2 this tyrannical government that's been in hiding for so many years!!
The amount of logical fallacies in this video is insane. You pull up point A then conclude point Y and from that somehow you pull up a brand new, not reinforced claim. Like goddamn there are more straight out lies in this than actual truths ignoring all the nothing saying phrases.
None none" we the people are watching,
Gun confiscation? NO! Two whole months… wow.
This is when they're going to push vaccine mandates. I will never comply!
As I watch things develope daily, I feel like this is the prologue for the Overton Window.
Emergency Mandatory vaccines and bodily fluid in circuit court in Florida ? 2017?.. Right to work states .employers may be asking employees to sign their stimulus cks over to them ? Texas?
It isn't both left and right. It's semantics, I know, but once these RINOs go along with the Dems to support their big government schemes, they have ceased to be on the right. It's all coming from the left, they are nothing but collaborators. It's important to remember that. The letter after their name doesn't mean anything.
How is going selling your stock for you? lol
Locally, I see neighbors posting online BEGGING for more government control right now … they want a mandatory lockdown aka house arrest 🙁
This is my biggest fear! I want all my rights back! I am and will not to continue to live this way! I will have my freedom or I am willing to die! The American people are being lead like sheep to slaughter! We have become complacent and accepting! I am not I refuse to go quietly!
Its time to change that
McAfee has detected a corruption in your government would you like to install McAfee
This is scary… I cannot believe theres a Market Death cult in this country. The fact you genuinely believe the 'market' is more important and bigger threat than the pandemic killing hundreds daily is frieghtning. Wow…. Your monitization over lives is disgusting and vile. You represent every villain through all human potrayal of evil. How can you honestly believe the stock market of pretend numbers and equations computes to anything more credible than a childs imaginary friend? Its amazing how the maggots get unearthed as soon as real problems face society. Please pull your head from your backside till you hear a clear and loud pop… Maybe you see and hear reality around you. And maybe..just maybe participate as a semifunctional human during this real crisis.
Fun fact: if you started counting today and counted 24/7/365 it would take you over 31,000 years to count to a trillion. Merry Christmas.
Who wants control??
Your hypothesis with doom America. The economy was silently going down hill before the pandemic hit). If everyone is dead there will not be a country. The economy is going to tank regardless of whether people are sheltering at home or at work. In the end if we as shelter at home we can rebuild our economy. The most important thing for us to do is to save lives and work to get the economy back on track.
Rev George
the thing that gripes my butt, is gas in Los Angeles unleaded regular is 3.20 a gallon Ok well lets do a reverse cost here at that rate the barrel of oil is 55 gallons so 55 X 3.20 = 176.00 a barrel ha new low was 21.00 a barrel.
The check-mate is coming
I believe there is so much more going on behind this virus. I am following the social distancing. Praying and not living in fear.
Virus destroyed the stock buybacks that was propping up the stock market. Big cities gets the best jobs & sell stuff to small places & rips them off. The rich cant own the whole country so they control the big cities to rip us off. Now the big cities are going to go broke. The bog cities were too tight to have ventilators for the big cities
Glenn, America was dead before this virus ever showed up. Trump is simply the Funeral director, here long enough to let us say our goodbyes. This virus is America being loaded into the hearse. Sorry I don't have any faith in this nation anymore. We are far too divided to stand any longer. My faith lies in God alone to carry me thru this life…or to end my life here and take me home. That's the ONLY thing I can trust without question. Like it or don't, but the America I was raised in is gone. What once made us the greatest nation on Earth is now what has us split right down the middle and dying.