Border Crisis Is Getting Worse By the Day | Mark Morgan on Newsmax TV
Heritage Visiting Fellow Mark Morgan joined Newsmax TV, Wednesday, March 24, to talk about the latest on the border crisis, the Biden administration’s role in starting the crisis, and why we need to secure our borders.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u77W2KZ465c
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Time for the corrupt Democrat's and the corrupt Biden's to go: Biden Admin Spent $86.9 Million Housing Migrants in Hotels this is not the Biden's administrations money. it's the American tax payors money and congress has not authorized this expenditure, If the "big guy" is so flush dig into some of that 200 million Hunter received from China. Treason, not in your vocabulary?, how about abuse of power,? How about conflict of interest,?
Republicans are white supremacists! #PunchANazi #NaziCoup #RepublicanCoup
To black and white oppressors¨, Black And White Oppressors — Steel Pulse
There's a big problem at McAllen Texas. The people there are throwing young children into cars and transporting them all over the place. It's nothing but human trafficking. Catholic Charities are there and they have all these kids, young children , in these facilities and then they pile these kids into cars 10 or more and no car seats. These are babies these people are driving around. Alex Jones caught a car load of them. Where are they all going? It's a mess there.
You people don't have any idea what your talking about. There is no surge at the border. After each election this happens. Happened in 2016 with trump. Check your facts. Do your job.
Biden = Sanctuary President
Our President is FACILITATING and ENABLING Human Trafficking. Corrupt Border agents work hand in hand with cartels for BIG CASH BRIBES. Children being sold into SLAVERY. Teen boys hard labor, little girls sex work. Cartels get EXTRA $1000 for virgins 😥 God please help us….this situation is heartbreaking.
All agenda 21
The Biiden administration might as well be working directly with the cartels.
BIDENS BORDER BLUNDER is horrific!! Biden has childrens blood on his hands by allowing these children to be raped, abused and/or murdered. AND HE CALLS HIMSELF A NICE GUY!!! What a disgrace to the US!!!
Biden signed the deal to find the families of the children in the camps, and yet nothing is getting done, dude, why sign a deal to such a commitment if you cant go through with it, Biden and Harris administration is like Nazi party, Putting children in concentration camps
All Good Patriots had better Fight for all that they are Worth;
"Democratic" Communists will take your Arms and rule the Earth.
Joe, Kamala, and Democrats open the Southern Border;
There go the Grand Republic, your Property, Law and Order.
Contra-Constitution, Dem's want to take over Elections;
"Communists" pick their "men", People "must" confirm their Selections.
States' Rights, and Bill of Rights, once Sacred, now are Denigrated;
People yearn for Days of Freedom, more and more Agitated. (© 2021 Jay Kent)
It has always been a sanctuary.
Working as intended. Just one tool in the massive toolbox of the left's meticulous destruction of America.
he didn't; he planned it encouraged it, and wants more
HELLO…this is a communist regime…..they are following their agenda….We the People know it…WHY ARENT YOU TALKING ABOUT IT..
If fascism ever comes to America it will come in the name of Liberalism. – R Reagan.
Biden's only doing what he said he would do. Push the UN Agenda, which means open borders.
My question is and nobody will answer me can an executive order be turned over
Invasion USA. Like the fall of Rome.
R.I.P. America.