BRAINWASHED: How Black Lives Matter Hijacked Our Schools Preview (PROMO)
WATCH the full special: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJZNjRBHVNY
Leaked documents reveal exactly how the Left is turning our children’s schools into massive brainwashing centers for radical Marxists. With many classes now going virtual, Glenn highlights how teacher-activists have become concerned that parents will learn the truth about their disturbing lesson plans. Glenn arms parents with the tools to fight back. Plus, Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos speaks to parents frustrated with public school and unions that care more about pushing progressive agendas than educating America’s children.
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The new Hitler Youth with a different idiology.
They are coming for YOU…but I'm standing in THEIR way. Donald J Trump
,this is crazy. Parents pay attention!!!
Teach your children @ 🏡 time to withdraw children from public Education.
Matthew 18:5-9:“Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me, but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea. “Woe to the world for temptations to sin! For it is necessary that temptations come, but woe to the one by whom the temptation comes!
Brainwash innocent children and it will be easy to take over the United States!
It is really terrifying, not only throughout the US, but as if that weren't bad enough, the international schools abroad (including in the conservative Middle East) are teaching the same liberal agenda to kids of every nation. This indoctrination is actually going global.
Hello. Here is the song of two russian inggers about BLM activity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkv5Ks2zEBQ
Back in the 1960's, I was forced to take a high school course called "Contemporary Problems", in order to fulfill my social studies requirements. On the first day of that class, I determined that the teacher was a Marxist (which he later admitted to, in private). To stir up trouble … I am a conservative … I memorized whole passages from Mein Kampf, and at appropriate moments, would quote them, in class. Pretty soon, half of the class would applaud these quotes (not knowing where they came from, of course). One of the best looking girls decided that I was a "bad boy" and we started dating!
What Glenn described above is a sickness in our public schools, paid for by OUR tax money. Folks, make sure that you always vote in school board elections. It's that critical to the future of the nation.
You ask what happened?
The answer my friend has been blowing in the wind. The parents are not, the drop babies and move on. Let the schools raise them. THE PARENTS DISCONNECTED TOTALLY.
Sorry Glenn, but most people won't get the Bob Ross quip.
Thank you Mr. Beck I’ve been trying to get this out there for so long you’re going to do it, thank you so much!!!
Parents need to be involved in their children’s education. If we are not monitoring their education and the lessons they’re being taught than we will lose our children. Save our children and we save our country, our freedom , and our way of life.
Collectivism = end capitalism end private property
This is Beck’s interpretation.
Trump signed an executive order to stop this in the government, but not schools.
Where is the original long video about this?
Just in case there was any doubt that these idiot mayors are not part of this Marxist insurrection bullshit
It's happening everywhere. You think you live in a red county and you're safe? That's what I thought. There is a plan and, I know it sounds crazy, but I think teachers are starting to target these red communities. Pretending to be conservative until they have your kids alone. It's happening with two teachers in our solid red county, two that have been busted, I'm sure there's more.
They are using hitler's playbook
My kindergartener had a book to read around February last school year. The first page was filled with how whites are racists, it was a book about BRUSHING THEIR TEETH! I called her school and raised HELL. My 5yr old child knows nothing of racism. Her boyfriend, u know, who she wanted to marry was black. We are white. (bc apparently that matters). We welcomed him into our home, our lives, etc. It is MT RESPONSIBILITY TO TEACH MY CHILD TO LOVE ALL IF GOD’s children, not her public school!
Does anyone know how I can watch this entire video. Please let me know..
We can fix this but like most things out of control its going to take focas.
What does are Education Secretary Betsy DeVos have to say about this?
Time to homeschool our children
Glenn: I wrote "Confronting the Deception" of which one -third concerns Academia, from K-universities. It's pretty thorough. May I send you a copy? contact me at unsospiro@sbcglobal.net
It is equivalent to CHILD ABUSE.
Using a child to communicate adult topics is robbing them of childhoods.
Anyone who has gone through divorce would know this is unacceptable!
Time for a RICO investigation. I would say start with Soros, and go from there.
We pulled our kids out of school. We are now Home Schooling.
Why are we paying school tax? We should quit paying that tax right now!
I just looked up BLM in schools on YouTube, goes back over 3 years!!!
If you scan the info to me I will go through each page. I have grandchildren in school pre & 2nd grade I will help let me know please
instead of teaching factual information they focus on educating( the discussion of social issues) this is why half of children graduating high school cant multiply!!! the USA education system is not even in the top ten worldwide and the average 6th grader in Japan knows more that our high school seniors-total disgrace!!!!!
They're learning it in school true, but why aren't the parents monitoring what the schools teaching their children? When I was in school both my parents worked but they always kept in close eye on curriculum, the teachers and activities I was involved in. The parents need to get their butts to the schools and see what's going on
Most parents are so asleep or they just don’t care about the kids at the monitor what they’re being taught. The Left through the public school system is simply doing what Obama would have them do and create more “community organizers“ or in reality protesters/writers on demand for violent revolution.
We’ve been asleep for a long time, haven’t we. So caught up in having a bigger house with a nicer car so that both parents have to work instead of being responsible for kids education, especially with so many resources out there online otherwise, Christian or secular.
This is why the schools need to be privatized. All of them.
They are training kids to be ACTIVISTS… and to form mobs that will issue demands, and thereby do an end-run around democratic processes… to hell with the voters and what they want… minority mobs want something else. This is literally intended to make democracy irrelevant.
BLM Burn Loot Murder 🔥
You didn't even begin to discuss the sex Ed that starts at 5 yr old where they begin the sexualization of children and the idea that parents are so out moded that children need to avoid asking them questions and reserve questions for their much more informed teachers. No, I'm not kidding.
I’m a kid I don’t wanna grow up like this is the new normal gonna be communism
The evil Glen Beck. He is pro corporate
The taxes that the schools get from taxpayers, are being wasted on PROPAGANDA, to control these kids. The union, is not working for the kids, they work for themselves first, and then the teachers. This is outrageous, because it's happening before your eyes, and the parents, need to work against, this system or systemic problem. BEGIN TODAY, TO FIGHT BACK , AND AGAINST THESE RADICALS!!!! OUR CHILDREN, MEAN OUR FUTURE. THE RADICAL DEMOCRATIC, MARXISTS PLAN, THAT THEY ARE TEACHING, OUR KIDS IS NOT WHAT THIS COUNTRY, HAS GONE TO WAR FOR. CALL IT THE WAR ,AGAINST THE EDUCATORS!!!! IT'S TIME TO CLEAN, OUR EDUCATION SYSTEM, FROM THE STUDENT UP!!!!! THE UNION DOWN, IS WORKING AGAINST, OUR CHILDREN!!!!
I live in the "reddest state in the Union," Utah. Our disgusting governor, Gary Herbert, along with his giddy sidekick, AG Spender J. Cox, just pulled some kids out of school (where we have a full on mask mandate, in spite of very low death count) to use them to shame their parents for challenging the mask mandate. UTAH. It's sickening.
What the devil meant for evil God turns it around and makes it for good. How? We know now. We can fight back!
We taught our kids how to protest the barbaric practice of abortion.
My then sophomore in high school came home to tell his dad & me that his US History teacher was using #BowlingForColumbine to according to her. “Teach the #2A”! Ya NO! He was removed immediately from classroom & complaint filed with the principal who was very responsive. We found out we were not the only parents with students complaining about this brainwashing tactic.