BREAKING! German farmers FIGHT BACK and launch massive protests | Redacted with Clayton Morris
Thousands of German farmers drove their farm equipment into Berlin to protest a government plan to get rid of tax breaks for diesel. This would present a major cost increase for farmers. Why are they doing this? To plug a €17 billion Euro hole in the country’s budget. They’ve gotta take it from somewhere so…to the farmers’ bottom line, right? Germany has pledged to double financial support for Ukraine next year. The government has also allocated €60 billion to “combat climate change and modernize the country.” Joining us to discuss is Ralph Shoelhammer, a political analyst and visiting fellow at the MCC Budapest.
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I am an Irish farmer and agree with the opinion above. You cannot change this menace using the established political parties.
I’m confused. So farmers don’t get tax exemptions on farming equipment now and that’s it?
They arnt dumb, there's a bigger picture, the U.N.F. is at war with the working class,
Not thousands , hundreds of thousands farmers and contractors are fighting back. greetings from Germany…….
Its all about left-green politics. It must be stopped.
Even for the left-oriented Germans there is a thin red line to cross …. who would guess … I thought this would go as far as 1984
the west got arrogant, ignorant and greedy. Now we all reap what was sowed.
Mittlerweile gehen nicht nur die Bauern auf die Strasse. LKW-Fahrer, Handwerker….
Schöllhammer is absolutely right. I am a german leftie, but next time i will vote for the so-called far-right-extremist AfD. Nothing about them is far right – they are just not insane! Things need to change, and the only ones who have not proven to be incompetent/lying about their intentions and doing the opposite of what would be needed are the AfD!
Thanks for the true Information about Germany ❤ Greeting from Shithole Germany outa Black-Forrest 😊
They are also protesting against the whole goverment. The "Ampel" and before "Merkel" were destroying germanys economy for 2 decades now. This politicians need to go (best would yesterday as we germans say) or this countrys industry can't recover from the damage anymore. We are degrowing into a 3rd world country and there isn't much left…
The current German government is ideology driven and that is the main problem. They are detached from reality and act maliciously to create a world based on their unrealistic view of the world. Their destructive path includes the energy sector, the food supply, the producing industry, migration, the supply sector an so on …. Their actions risk the stability and security of the country as it is disabling fundamental sectors that are guaranteeing national security.
This analysis is totally correct.
It's not only the item of the farmers, you must understand that it is a whole revolution of the German people. We want to get rid of our government.
Don't Make The Farmers Angry – You Wouldn't Like Them When They Are Angry!
Its going since 5 days guys.
Give u a hint: Do research at who are the political consultancy groups and where are the liased and you find WEF as the source. Loads of govs in EU are heavily infiltrated by these biased WEF consulting groups.
as long as the farmers do not allow themselves to be instrumentalised by the Nazis…
Only the "German people" will no longer have any interest in the farmers in two weeks' time. Everyone is shouting and cheering now, but in two weeks' time nobody will be interested.
We've already seen that with the hospitals and nurses.
I didn't know Johnny Sins had an accent and knew so much about European politics.
@1:40.The governments darn well understand that we need farmers fir food. They are trying to take away the food production from the farmers snd put in the hands of the state so they can create food shortages so that they can more easily manipuluthe people. This is part of the WEF agenda.
I thing the world dont Even know how fed up the German Population is at the Moment. The Farmers Are only the tip
Thanks Redacted!
We don't need Gates or the Plastic Food.
The German Gouvermant is working for corporation and not for the people.
absolut right if voting didn't work to make changes than the system has to change the german are very paitent but when we be pushed to the edge than there is only one answer REVOLUTION
one farmer said he already need to pay 11k more for diesel out of the blue
Not just in Berlin we are protesting in all over Germany. Dutch and Polish farmers and truckers are joining as well.
Not only in Berlin. That happens in whole Germany. Also not only the farmers. The truckers and serveral other professions protesting with them. Even from Poland 1000 truckers joined the protest.
Not in Berlin! All over Germany!!! And not only the Farmers!!!
bingo, the governments of the world has given the citizens a cold war. time to wake up
everyone else first and germany and their people last. its been like that for like 20 years in germany. highest taxes, highest electricity cost, lowest pension, latest retirement age… thats germany for you
I think the partisan political system throughout the world will collapse. The WEF's has a policy of infiltrating political parties and they especially target the left/labour parties. Then the modus operandi is to crash the economies of each country to create a dependency on a global central government. So yes, this is quite a deliberate strategy of warfare. I have known about this since the 90's this is why it's important to wake people up especially the youth of today! Cheers
Greetings fromm Germany .
Die Ampelregierung ist nach dem internationalen Terror die größte Gefahr für Deutschland (Germany).
Die Ampelregierung Will Nordkorea 2 machen.
Not just in Berlin, the whole of Germany. These are the biggest protests since at least the fall of the wall
We still have democracy????
Who believe in honesty of elections, I think it would be taken from us if we decide anything in elections
Nicht nur für Diesel. Für alles. Die Regierung muss weg. Sind Verbrecher. Es geht um alles
not only in Berlin they are in every city, every town. everywere. its like 1989 again
Steht zusammen.
No farmers, no food = death.
Nice to see a man like Shoellhammer on your show after becomming a channel of Hamas propganda.
Excellent program.