BREAKING! Maui Fires & WEF plan for Hawaii | Redacted with Clayton Morris
Now to the fires on Maui… is it one big land grab? Is it part of A WEF plan to turn Maui into a 15 minute island using nothing but renewable energy? We’re going to stick to the facts… using publicly available data from the United States government and multiple publicly available source so you can draw your own conclusions.
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0:00 Countdown
32:01 Welcome
38:24 Maui Fires
1:02:15 Hunter Biden
1:20:50 Fauci Cashed In
1:34:29 Ukrainian Corruption
1:49:21 US/Mexico Border
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If there are all these children missing? Why aren’t we seeing parents at some point begging for their children? None of it makes sense. Is Lahaina people being held hostage? I see a real estate guy on utube that lives there talking about it. But No One seems concerned about missing Children.
Doesn't take a smart person, Zuckerberg an Elite are buying property like crazy. Building 💣 shelters. Ileagal aliens and terrorists can't swim to Hawaii and attack..
This was not by accident, but by design..Hawaii will still vote democrats..
WEF needs military tribunals and Gitmo ? 😊
Seriously ,
It's 3 mo. old!
Please remove the 30min BS. It's not necessary
i need a hug from oprah
I recommend you research who these ppl are that are Ukraine population .
I love your work ❤
The equipment WAS NOT destroyed because when there was a small fire days later, the alarms were then rung
What can we do? Biden administration has made sure we are barely making it. Sad and diabolical
Could it be that the "vegetation fires" in Hawaii have to do with someone not being born in Hawaii trying to erase all traces, all the evidence that could be incriminating?
My LORD, ITS TIME 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾🤝🤝🤝🦵🦵🤺🤺🤺🤺🤺🤺🤺🤺🤺🦵🤺🤺
Dead people don't and can't fight you to keep their land. Is it any wonder that the residents were forced back into the fire by the police who were ordered to barricade them in and send them back???
Where are all the 2000+ missing children and why are 12 school buses missing only to be recently found on a government military base in Hawaii???
Biden is a narcissist. That is why he can go on vacation when all these people have died or gone missing from the fires. Too many verified facts scream that the fires were intentionally set and not a wildfire from climate change.
Florida and New York hmm wonder how many Epstiens live i n those two places
Zelinsky is failure as a leader and now as an actor. Bet his houses around the World are safe from investigation
Wow Garland siad a full tub of s#=t. I have ZERO confidence in anything the govt. Hmm Weiss, sounds problematic
Joshua Green needs to try for crimes against humanity
I'm the Morris family.
The Landmass grab has been ongoing since 1893 and in 1898 McKinley was involved. In 1959 Hawaii was Acquired by the Americans and was Admitted as the 50th State
People need to be Aware that The So called Deep State Can and Are Manipulating the Weather to Suite their needs.( Satellite’s). Maui was Also a ‘Death Ritual’ to Affect The Portal. Watch Elena Dannan for more info.
According to USMC who raided Josh Greens mansion found blue prints, architect drawings, of the new Lahaina 15min smart city. Everything was premeditated especially the censorship.
Direct energy weapons, fact not conspiracy. There blaming utility companies and climate change hoax, in order to usher in the next plandemic. If your a democRAT and believe the climate change hoax then your own people are causing all this
I suppose the fire department was burned first.. in all the videos I have seen, I have yet to see one firetruck or firefighter or even a burned firetruck
Thank you Ann and Michael for advocating for the children 🙏
Hmmm something like the people who have gone off the grid?
Equal criticism? Really? And this helps the critical situation at hand?
Yesterday I saw an interview with a man who monitors the numbers of birds and bats that are killed by the propelers of wind mills. It's in the billions!!! Nobody talks about it.
Like Epstein's death. All the safety equipments conveniently weren't working..
Why are so many comments missing? Look at the number of replies it says are under a comment and tons of them are GONE. News regarding these fires is being censored on social media.
Is anyone wondering why the tiny country of Ukraine is so ready to take on a super power with little to no scruples… it seems laughable.
Redacted making the “sign” controlled opp?