BREAKING! They're planning a military COUP against Trump, and they're admitting it | Redacted Live
Is a military coup being orchestrated in case of a Trump victory? A military takeover of the US government. It appears that is the case according to a stunning report from NBC news.
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On Today’s Show:
0:00 Countdown
31:10 Welcome
37:20 Military Coup
1:00:15 Europe Kicks Out Ukrainians
1:15:58 WEF Tells You You’re Fine
1:29:14 Economic Spiral
Monday – Thursday 1PM PST / 3PM CENTRAL / 4PM EST
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M brother s hood might uave already taken Us And probably walked in by corupt J bidding and the globs
They are all afraid theyll be prosecuted for their treasonous crimes!!
Sounds more like overthrow than “undermine”.
Russia Russia Russia has the most healthy and affordable food .
Be careful about pet food. W.HO now want dogs 🐕 exterminated along with 🐄 cows. Purina is known to poison food.
I'm beginning to think that Biden and his party I'm going to try and take over America by four see if they have to it's becoming pretty obvious.
They want the Ukrainian refugees to go and die but they would not want them to return tonUkraine to participate in a democratic election that would bring the war to an end. Europe is in the grip of emergent fascism, only Russia will once again bring it under control.
How's Yemen LNG Business doing
It’s ALMOST as if the media want you to prepare yourself for.
They all lied to get us into war after war
The Vietnam war was a bad joke on us in military , combat wounded and sick of liars in government
60% empty office spaces in our building. Orange County CA
Bush lied to us and this women ordered murders of innocent people
Two cosmic cycles ends, both in Cat+astro+phe! So, nothing can stop this world corrupted " elite" to drag us into nuclear WW3!!! Nothing and no-thing!!!
When the PREPLANNED " END TIMES " arrives , the US will go bankrupt and nuclear WW3 shall take over! This may happend in 2024-2025!
SO! If I buy gold from this company, do I get the gold delivered to me, OR, do I get a useless piece of paper that SAYS I have a certain amount of gold, that THEY are holding for me?! I don’t play that game, the Federal Reserve is already doing that, I don’t need another private company “holding” my gold for me!
Absolute b’sht from the wef
Absolutely unbelievable I agree from the uk
so they think the people in the military will honor the orders of people who made them get vaccinated against somebody who supports their rights as individuals . hmmm lets see how that goes . I say once they move out of the relms of constitutional law they open the door to have that action applied to themselves . Bring it on
Those are just a numbers. In a second could all of it be down to zero. Liars lie endlesly.
I would like to remind those in charge of what happened during the civil war. Thats the direction they are pushing us.
VR is a wolf, Trump needs to keep his distance with that one.
So,these guys are willing to go on the record that they’re planning to commit treason. Already, what they’ve done is conspiring to commit treason.
About their motive…
If they don’t really believe Trump is going to use the military to convict them of their crimes, then why do they want control over the military? Do they not want Trump to pull them out of the wars they’re involved in? What else could be their motives?
By the way, it’s interesting that they’re not worried about trump having control of the DOJ. Why is that?
In any case, a properly functioning government would find that all kinds of the crap these guys have been up to was illegal. They’ve been operating outside the law for along time, just because they’re all crooked, including the DOJ. These guys are worse than if the Mafia was running the DOJ. At least the Mafia gad some rules. These guys just do whatever they want, no matter how heinous it is, it’s fine as far as they’re concerned.
The corrupt entities are afraid that Trump is going to use the military to drain the swamp. That’s what this about. The Deep State actors do not want to wind up in Gitmo for all the crimes they have committed.
NATO is the zero integrity lying war machine of pure evil!
Dem*s know the end is near , they will resort to Rat standards to try to defeat the vote, just like the last election.
why hasnt the cia taken out putin…..
Texas is ready to unleash hell. We got this!
You guys should do an interview with Whitney Webb
All Americans should be thanking the globalist elite because they are bringing the majority of Americans together under a common enemy looks like their old tactics of divide and conquer is starting to break.
we will not comply!!!! we will not comply!!!! we will not comply!!!!
we will not comply!!!! we will not comply!!!! we will not comply!!!!!
We were warned by Washington, Jackson, Lincoln and others against Central Banking. The FED is an extortion racket and is answerable to no one, according to Jewish FED chairman Allen Greenspan. The FED is the third rail. It funds the Military Industrial Complex.
This is certainly a possibility! You can't trust these generals Millie and austin! And they were definitely against Trump when he was president😢😢😢
there not going to make me think that trump is going to do anything to hurt are country he has always been for the people and always will….
The debt clock should be running in the House and Senate. A very large debt clock.
The military itself can go after traitors to the government, yes?
Democrats in congress should have to write the Constitution five times in their notebooks.
Canadian in Xiamen China
That will start a civil war for sure
I've always been against helping Ukraine.